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Die DG PARO-Jahrestagung wird in diesem Jahr eine ganz besondere Tagung! Wir feiern 100 Jahre Parodontologie in Deutschland – 100 Jahre DG PARO!

Vor diesem Hintergrund wollen wir die Parodontologie im Kontext der Allgemeinmedizin und der Zahnmedizin betrachten und damit die „Schnittstellen der Parodontologie“ zum Thema unseres Jubiläums machen.

Dazu laden Sie die Kongresspräsidenten, Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen und Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch, vom 19. bis 21. September 2024 herzlich nach Bonn ein.

Das Programm dieser besonderen Jubiläumstagung hält eine Vielzahl von Überraschungen für Sie bereit. Im Rahmen des Hauptprogramms werden insgesamt 7 Schnittstellen in 7 Sessions präsentiert und diskutiert werden. Hierzu gehören die Schnittstellen zwischen Parodontologie und Allgemeinmedizin, Alter, Regeneration, Endodontologie, Kieferorthopädie, Implantologie sowie zervikalen Läsionen. Diese unterschiedlichen Themen werden von exzellenten, international ausgewiesenen Referentinnen und Referenten für Sie aufbereitet und präsentiert.

Es ist für jeden etwas dabei. Sie können den Teamtag, die Master Clinic, insgesamt 7 Symposien und zahlreiche Workshops sowie Hands-on-Kurse mit einem breiten Spektrum an theoretischem und praktischem Wissen buchen.

Mit der Teilnahme an unserer Jubiläumstagung haben Sie die Chance, mit dem WHO-IS WHO der internationalen Parodontologie direkt in Kontakt zu treten. Erleben Sie Parodontologie hautnah.

Treffen Sie die nationalen und internationalen Größen der Zahnmedizin, erleben Sie ein ausgewogenes und informatives Programm und feiern Sie mit uns eine unvergessliche Geburtstagsparty nach dem Motto „100 YEARS – 100 BEATS“ mit herausragender Live-Musik in der Godesburg über den Dächern von Bonn und Bad Godesberg.

It is once in a lifetime!
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen                   Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch

Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen MS

Bonn, Germany
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch

Berlin, Germany
20. Sep 2024
Session I: Systemische Schnittstellen (Systemic Interfaces) Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlagenhauf
Periodontitis, nutrition and healthy aging Prof. Dr. Maurizio S. Tonetti
Periodontitis and cardiovascular disease Prof. Dr. Bruno Loos
The aim of the presentation is to highlight recent findings on the link between cardiovascular diseases and periodontitis from large cohort studies (big data) and the beginning of the use of artificial intelligence to analyze such data.
Periodontitis and Diabetes Prof. Iain L. C. Chapple
Kaffeepause, Dentalausstellung, Posterausstellung in der DG PARO-Lounge
Session II: Schnittstelle Alter (Interface Age) Prof. Dr. Christof Dörfer
Zahnlos im Alter? Warum? Muss das sein? Prof. Dr. Thomas Kocher
Natürliche Zähne bis ins hohe Alter – ein Risiko für die Gesundheit? Prof. Dr. Frauke Müller
Eine systematische parodontale Erhaltungstherapie wie in jüngeren Alterskohorten sollte auch bei älteren, pflegebedürftigen Menschen angestrebt werden.
Rehabilitation parodontal geschädigter Patienten – einst und jetzt Prof. em. Dr. Dr. Niklaus P. Lang
Mittagspause, Dentalausstellung, Posterausstellung in der DG PARO-Lounge
Session III Schnittstelle Regeneration (Interfaces in Regeneration) Prof. Dr. med. dent. Peter Eickholz
Regenerative Medicine in Periodontology – the future is now Dr. William Giannobile
Non-surgical approaches for regeneration Prof. Dr. Luigi Nibali
Regeneration of hopeless teeth Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini
Hopeless teeth treated with regeneration have high chances of long-term survival within a stringent supportive periodontal care program.
Kaffeepause, Dentalausstellung, Posterausstellung in der DG PARO-Lounge
Session IV Schnittstelle Endodontologie (Endodontic Interfaces)
Acute Periodontal Conditions Prof. Dr. David Herrera
Dentales Trauma – was tun? Dr. Eva Dommisch
Endo-Paro-Läsionen – immer hoffnungslos? Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch


21. Sep 2024
Session V Schnittstelle KFO (Orthodontic Interfaces) Dr. Christina Tietmann
Orthodontics in patients with periodontitis Prof. Dr. Conchita Martín
Recommendations will be provided regarding the most appropriate orthodontic approach, the type of biomechanics, and the type of retention.
Regeneration und KFO-Therapie bei Stadium IV Parodontitis PD Dr. med. dent. Karin Jepsen
EFP S3-Level Clinical Practice Guideline for Stage IV, Type 2 Periodontitis Prof Mariano Sanz
Kaffeepause, Dentalausstellung, Posterausstellung in der DG PARO-Lounge
Session VI Schnittstelle Implantate (Interface: Dental Implants) Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyle D.D.S.
Implants in the periodontally-compromised patient Dr. France Lambert
Periimplantäre Erkrankungen - Was sagen die aktuellen Leitlinien? Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz
Ich stelle aktuelle klinische Verfahren zur Therapie der Periimplantitis dar. Ein Fokus liegt auf chirurgi- schen Techniken und Verfahren, welche insbeson- dere für die ästhetische Zone optimiert wurden.
Intelligente Implantate: Prävention durch Innovation Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch
DG PARO-Preisverleihung
Mittagspause, Dentalausstellung, Posterausstellung in der DG PARO-Lounge
100 JAHRE PARODONTOLOGIE – EIN BLICK ZURÜCK IN DIE ZUKUNFT Diskussionsrunde mit den DG PARO (Ex)- Präsidenten Prof. Dr. Bettina Dannewitz, Prof. Dr. Christof Dörfer, Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch, Prof. Dr. med. dent. Peter Eickholz, Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyle, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlagenhauf
Session VII Schnittstelle Zahnhals (Interface Cervical Lesions) Prof. Dr. Bettina Dannewitz
Zervikale Läsionen – ein sensibles Thema PD Dr. Raluca Cosgarea
Rezessionsdeckung am Zahn - wo sind die Grenzen? Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean
Weichgewebsdefizite am Implantat – Prävention und Therapie Dr. Otto Zuhr
Die genaue Planung von Schnittführung, Lappenprä- paration, Lappenmobilisierung und abschließender Nahttechnik zur Lappenstabilisierung ist unerlässlich, um vorhersagbar erfolgreiche Behandlungsresultate erzielen zu können.
Verabschiedung Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen, Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen MS

Bonn, Germany
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch

Berlin, Germany
19. Sep 2024
Master Clinic: How to cover recessions at dental implants? Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli
Separate Anmeldung erforderlich (Kursgebühr 190€)
Symposium der ARPA-Wissenschaftsstiftung: „Meet the Giants” Prof. Iain L. C. Chapple, Dr. William Giannobile, Prof. Dr. Bruno Loos, Prof Mariano Sanz, Prof. Dr. Maurizio S. Tonetti
Dieses Symposium findet im Universitätsclub Bonn statt (Konviktstraße 9, 53113 Bonn).

Separate Anmeldung erforderlich unter

Periimplantitis – Heilst du schon oder kratzt du noch? PD Dr. Dr. Markus Schlee
Kann man Periimplantitis heilen? Ein elektrolytischer Ansatz zur Reinigung infizierter Implantatoberflächen
Die Inzidenz periimplantärer Infektionen stellt ein zunehmendes Problem im klinischen Alltag dar. Sowohl Evidenz als auch die klinische Erfahrung der Zahnärzte zeigen, dass eine Therapie anspruchsvoll und positive Langzeitergebnisse schwer zu erzielen sind. Defektanatomie, Makro- und Mikrodesign des Implantats erschweren eine ausreichende Dekontamination der Implantatoberfläche und damit den Therapieerfolg. Bisher konnten weder eine vollständige Entfernung des Biofilms noch ein akzeptables Maß an Reosseointegration erreicht werden.
Ein infiziertes Implantat muss dekontaminiert und dauerhaft sauber gehalten werden, um Infektionen zu beseitigen. Das erreicht man am besten durch eine Heilung des Defektes, also durch eine vollständige Reosseointegration.
Der Redner stellt die 4,5-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer neuen Methode der Oberflächenreinigung unter Verwendung eines elektrolytischen Ansatzes und geeigneter Techniken zur Augmentation vor. Eine vollständige Reosseointegration ist möglich, wird jedoch durch die Fähigkeiten des Chirurgen und anatomische Merkmale wie die Defektmorphologie begrenzt. Ein klarer Entscheidungsbaum, Behandlungsstrategien und Operationstechniken werden besprochen und bewertet.

Straumann GmbH


20. Sep 2024
ATG, aber bitte altersgerecht! Mundhygiene und Risikofaktoren in verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten adäquat adressieren Prof. Dr. Johan Peter Wölber, PD Dr. Dr. Anna Greta Barbe
Separate Anmeldung erforderlich

Das Parodontologische Aufklärungs- und Therapiegespräch (ATG) umfasst die Information unserer Patient:innen über verschiedene Aspekte. Hierzu gehören (neben Befund, Diagnose und Erörterung der Therapie) auch die Beratung zu gesundheitsbewusstem Verhalten zur Reduktion exogener und endogener Risikofaktoren (wie Rauchen, Diabetes, Ernährung), Mundhygiene und die Aufklärung über die Wechselwirkung von Parodontitis mit anderen Erkrankungen. Risikofaktoren, Erkrankungen und das notwendige Verhalten zur Sicherung stabiler parodontaler Verhältnisse verändern sich mit zunehmendem Alter. Für eine bedarfs-entsprechende Beratung sollten diese Faktoren erfasst und in die Beratung einbezogen werden.
Überempfindliche Zahnhälse: Updates zu Ursachen und Behandlung PD Dr. Raluca Cosgarea
Frischer Wind in der Parodontologie. Diesmal zu „Schnittstellen in der Parodontologie“ Dr. Sonja H. M. Derman
„Think outside the box“ – die Parodontologie aus Sicht anderer Facharztgruppen und deren interdisziplinärer Ansatz: Diabetologie – Rheumatologie – Parodontologie


21. Sep 2024
Moderne Hyaluronsäure in der Parodontologie und dentalen Chirurgie – Vol. III Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean, Prof. Dr. Anton Friedmann, PD Dr. Kai Fischer
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen MS

Bonn, Germany
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch

Berlin, Germany
19. Sep 2024
Regeneration bis zur Wurzelspitze – wann ist das möglich? PD Dr. Amelie Bäumer-König M.Sc.
American Dental Systems GmbH


20. Sep 2024
Bioregeneration in der Parodontologie (theoretischer Workshop) Dr. Florian Rathe
Anmeldung erforderlich, begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl
Ist die Anwendung von Hyaluronsäure in der Parodontologie der nächste Hype oder lohnt es sich auf diesen Zug aufzuspringen? Das ist vermutlich die Frage, die viele Kollegen im Moment umtreibt. Gefolgt von der Frage, welches Produkt ist für welche Indikation die richtige Wahl, denn Hyaluronsäure ist nicht gleich Hyaluronsäure! Sie ist vor allem durch ihre Anwendung in der plastischen Chirurgie bekannt geworden. Es ist allerdings primär ein körpereignes Produkt, welches von vielen Geweben u.a. dem Parodontium produziert wird und findet im Moment Anwendung ein allen Bereichen der Parodontologie, von der AIT über die regenerative PAR-Chirurgie bis hin zur Rezessionsdeckung. Der theoretische Workshop soll zunächst die der Hyaluronsäure zugeschriebenen Wirkungsweisen aufzeigen und damit den Bogen zu den auf dem Markt zur Verfügung stehenden Produkten und deren Indikation spannen. Zu guter Letzt wird neben einigen Fallbeispielen die Evidenz für den Einsatz von Hyaluronsäure zu den verschiedenen Indikationen aufgezeigt, sodass jeder Teilnehmer am Ende des theoretischen Workshops für sich entscheiden kann, bei welchen Indikationen er auf den „Hyaluronsäurezug“ aufspringt oder noch nicht.

Geistlich Biomaterials
Erfolgreiche(nicht)chirurgischeBehandlung von parodontalen und periimplantären Entzündungen & Knochendefekten Prof. Dr. Anton Friedmann
Die Basis der parodontalen Chirurgie – die chirurgische Kronenverlängerung für Ästhetik und Funktion mit Hands-on Übungen am Schweinekiefer Dr. Raphael Borchard
Philips GmbH


21. Sep 2024
Relevanz von Vitamin D-Bestimmung und Supplementierung für die Mundgesundheit Antiresorptiva-Medikation (Bisphosphonate & Denosumab): Von der Parodontitis bis zu Implantat-Indikation Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut A. Grötz
Straumann GmbH
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Dr. Søren Jepsen MS

Bonn, Germany
Scientific committee

Prof. Dr. Henrik Dommisch

Berlin, Germany
20. Sep 2024
Einführung in die häusliche Mundhygiene – ein Ausblick in die Zukunft des Mundgesundheitstrainings
Curaden AG
Einführung in die häusliche Mundhygiene
Es folgen drei inhaltlich gleiche Trainingskurse:
Praktischer Trainingskurs 1
Praktischer Trainingskurs 2
Praktischer Trainingskurs 3


21. Sep 2024
DG PARO Teamtag
EMS Electro Medical Systems
Begrüßung und Einführung Prof. Dr. Johannes Einwag
Grundlagen moderner Parodontitistherapie – Bewährtes und Neues Die geheimnisvolle Macht der Biofilme – Mikrobiom und Resistenz
Risikopatienten sicher behandeln – von Antibiotikaprophylaxe bis zu Bisphosphonaten Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger
Kaffeepause, Dentalausstellung
Smokeless – entwöhnt bleiben – gesund leben Dr. Paul Weber
Experten für orale Gesundheit DH – ein Beruf mit Zukunft! Prof. Dr. Johannes Einwag
Mittagspause, Dentalausstellung
Prävention ja – aber mit System Dr. Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf
Die Wunderwelt der Pulver
Tipps und Tricks bei der Entfernung von Raucherbelägen
Schmerz lass nach! Wege zum Komfort für Patienten und Behandler
Fazit Prof. Dr. Johannes Einwag
Praktische Trainingsmöglichkeiten

Dr. Raphael Borchard

Germany, Münster

Prof. Iain L. C. Chapple PhD, BDS, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS, CCST (Rest Dent)

United Kingdom, Birmingham

Prof Iain L.C. Chapple, PhD, BDS, FDSRCPS, FDSRCS, CCST (Rest Dent), is Professor of Periodontology and Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, and Head of Research for the Institute of Clinical Sciences, at the University of Birmingham, UK.


Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini MD, DDS

Italy, Florence

Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini received his MD from the University of Florence (Italy) in 1980, and his DDS in 1984 from the University of Siena (Italy). Dr Cortellini is the Secretery of the Accademia Toscana di Ricerca Odontostomatologica, Firenze Italy, and Board Member of the European Research Group in Periodontology, Berne (CH). He is active Member and Past President of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Past President of the European Federation of Periodontology. Promoter of “Project Periodontal Diagnosis” and Coordinator of the 5 “National Educational Projects” from SIdP, he was Scientific Chairman of Europerio 6. He runs a private practice in Florence (Italy), with services limited to periodontics. Dr. Cortellini is involved in clinical research in periodontology since 1982, with special emphasis to periodontal regeneration, aesthetics, and diagnosis. Dr. Cortellini lectures extensively on a national and international level; he is referee of scientific journals in the field of periodontology, and is the author of more than 100 original publications in scientific journals.


Dr. Sonja H. M. Derman

Germany, Cologne

Dr. Eva Dommisch

Germany, Berlin

Prof. Dr. med. dent. Peter Eickholz

Germany, Frankfurt

Peter Eickholz is Director of the Polyclinic for Periodontology at the Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (Carolinum) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, sits on the scientific advisory board of the German Dental Journal, and is Editor-in-chief of the journal PARODONTOLOGIE. He is involved in various specialist societies and has published and lectured widely in the field of periodontology.


Prof. Dr. Johannes Einwag

Germany, Würzburg

PD Dr. Kai Fischer

Germany, Würzburg

2004–2009: Study of Dental Medicine at the Julius-Maximilians-University of Würzburg, Germany 27/11/2009 State examination 2010–2012: Dentist and participant in the postgraduate program in Periodontology of the German Society for Periodontology (DGParo e.V.) at the Department of Periodontology, Würzburg 14/01/2011 Promotion (Dr.med.dent.)
2013: Specialist for Periodontology, German Society for Periodontology (DGParo e.V.)
04/2013–02/2014: Honorary Research Associate & Clinical Teaching Fellow, UCL Eastman Dental Clinic, Unit of Periodontology, London, UK
02/2014–12/2016: Senior Clinical Lecturer, Department for Periodontology, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany Honorary Clinical Lecturer, UCL Eastman Dental Clinic, Unit of Periodontology, London, UK
since 02/2017: Private dental practice, Würzburg External Senior Clinical Lecturer, Department for Periodontology, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany 2017 Specialist for Periodontology, Dental Chamber Westfalen-Lippe (ZÄKWL)
since 08/2018: External Clinical Lecturer, Department for Periodontology, University Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Fischer has published several national and international articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is regularly lecturing on topics in the field of periodontology and implant dentistry. His research is focused on gingival biotype assessment, ridge preservation after tooth extraction and soft tissue augmentation with collagen matrices.


Dr. William Giannobile DDS, MS, DMSc

United States of America, Boston

William Giannobile, DDS, MS, DMSc, is dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and a professor in the Department of Oral Medicine, Infection, and Immunity. He has produced over 300 manuscripts, textbook chapters, and patents focused on periodontology, regenerative medicine, and oral health research and is coeditor of nine books focused on clinical, translational research, periodontology, and regenerative medicine. He is a consultant to the US Food and Drug Administration for dental devices and has received numerous awards, including the American Dental Association Norton Ross Award for Excellence in Clinical Research. In addition to his administrative and teaching responsibilities, he practices periodontics and implant dentistry at the Harvard Dental Center.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Knut A. Grötz

Germany, Wiesbaden

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kocher

Germany, Greifswald

Dr. France Lambert DDS, MSc, PhD

Belgium, Liège

Dr. France Lambert graduated from the University of Liege in Periodontology, where she continued to obtain a PhD in the same subject. She has also completed a fellowship program in oral implantology at the prestigious Harvard School of Dental Medicine as well as the University of Washington. She is currently Head of Clinic in the Periodontology and Oral Surgery Departement at the University of Liege. Her clinical work is focused exclusively on implantology, mucogingival surgery and periodontics. Her scientific research areas target different aspects of the use of biomaterial and dental implants.



Prof. em. Dr. Dr. Niklaus P. Lang

Switzerland, Bern

Professor Niklaus P. Lang is the author of more than 520 publications. He holds four honorary doctorates and honorary membership of more than 10 national and international associations. In 1968 he was awarded the Swiss Dental Association’s renowned Prix Louis Metzger and in 1992, he received the IADR’s Basic Science in Periodontal Disease Award. He is a past president of the ITI and the Swiss Society for Periodontology (SSP) and was Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Oral Implants Research until 2016. He is active in clinical research related to implant dentistry, periodontology, etiology and pathogenesis of peri-implant infections, risk evaluation, wound healing and oral microbiology.


Prof. Dr. Bruno Loos


Bruno Loos is professor emeritus in periodontology at the Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). Until 2020, he was chairman of the Department of Periodontology. In the period 2019-2022, he held the position of Director of Research and Vice Dean at ACTA. He is director of the EFP-accredited postgraduate course in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Loos is involved in research questions in the field of immunobiology of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and investigates the relationship between oral health and general health, a.k.a. periodontal medicine. In 2021, Loos received the Distinguished Scientist Award for Research in Periodontal Disease from the International Association of Dental Research (IADR). Loos is honorary member of the Dutch Society of Periodontology.


Prof. Dr. Conchita Martín DDS, PhD

Spain, Madrid

Dr. Martín is Professor of Orthodontics and Research Methodology at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (UCM) – Faculty of Odontology. She has held the position of Clinical Teacher at the PostGraduate Program of Orthodontics since 1996. Dr. Martín is a specialist in Orthodontics, having completed a 3-year postgraduate program at the University Complutense of Madrid and complementary postrgraduate studies at UCLA. She is a specialist in Statistics and Experimental Design, having completed a Masters’ Degree at the University Autonoma from Barcelona. She is a Doctor in Odontology (Dr Odont), having completed the Doctorate at the Universiity Complutense of Madrid. She is also on the editorial board of the European Journal of Orthodontics.


Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyle D.D.S.

Germany, Biebertal

Prof. Dr. Frauke Müller

Switzerland, Genf

Prof. Dr. Luigi Nibali

United Kingdom, London

Prof. Luigi Nibali graduated from the University of Catania in Italy and was awarded a PhD in Periodontology at University College London in 2006. He previously worked as Lecturer and then Reader in Periodontology at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute and then at Queen Mary University of London. He is currently Professor/Honorary Consultant, Academic Lead and Director of the Postgraduate program in Periodontology at King’s College London, based at Guy’s Hospital. He is also the Co-Lead of the King’s College London Oral Clinical Research Unit. Prof. Nibali has widely published in the medical and dental literature and received several international research prizes in periodontology. His research interests range from periodontal medicine, genetics and microbial aetiopathogenesis and minimally-invasive periodontal treatment of intrabony defects and furcations.


Dr. Florian Rathe

Germany, Forchheim

Prof. Dr. Petra Ratka-Krüger

Germany, Freiburg im Breisgau

Prof Mariano Sanz MD

Spain, Madrid

Mariano Sanz is professor and chair of periodontology at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain) and a professor in the faculty of Odontology at the University of Oslo (Norway). He graduated in medicine in 1981 from the University Complutense of Madrid, from which he received a degree in stomatology in 1983 and where he qualified as a Doctor of Medicine in 1985. He received his speciality in periodontology from the Universtiy of Califormia in Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1987. He has received honorary doctorates from the University of San Sebastian in Santiago (Chile), the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Since 2005, Prof Sanz has been chair of the ETEP research group on the aetiology and therapy of periodontal diseases, whose main lines of research are oral microbiology, bacterial-host interactions, and antimicrobial approaches in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. The research group has conducted clinical trials to measure the efficacy of different approaches to periodontal regeneration surgical protocols using dental implants, and therapeutic approaches to treat peri-implantitis. Prof Sanz has published 230 articles in scientific journals, written 50 book chapters, and has participated as an invited speaker at more than 200 scientific events in the last five years. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Evidence-Based Dental Practice and a member of the editorial boards of various other dental journals. He has been awarded the Jens Waerhaug Research Prize by the Scandinavian Society of Periodontology (1984), the Outstanding Service Award from the International Association for Dental Research (2015) and the IADR Straumann Award in Periodontal Regenerative Medicine (2015). He is a member of the executive committee of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and chair of its workshop committee. He has previously served the EFP both as president (1993-1994) and secretary general (1998–2005). He is president of the Osteology Foundation, president of the International Association for Dental Research’s continental European division, and president-elect of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE).


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlagenhauf

Germany, Würzburg

PD Dr. Dr. Markus Schlee

Germany, Forchheim

Markus Schlee is an accomplished periodontist and implantologist based in Forchheim, Germany since 1990. With specialist qualifications and active involvement in various professional associations, he is a recognized expert in the fields of periodontology, implantology, esthetics and implant health. Markus Schlee also holds an external professorship at Goethe University and delivers lectures at prestigious institutions such as Goethe University (MOI), Steinbeis University (DGI), Dresden International University (DGP), and University of Greifswald (DGÄZ).


Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

Germany, Frankfurt

Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Periodontology 2000, Clinical Oral Implants Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Osseointegration – EAO, Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation, and Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI). He was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.


Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean MSc

Switzerland, Bern

Anton Sculean is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Sculean has authored more than 470 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 35 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings. He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world https://www.expertscape.com/ex/periodontics.His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.



Prof. Dr. Meike Stiesch

Germany, Hannover

Dr. Christina Tietmann

Germany, Aachen

Prof. Dr. Maurizio S. Tonetti

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Maurizio Tonetti graduated in Dentistry from Genoa University and received his masters in periodontology from Harvard University. He is a lecturer in Discipline Odontostomatologiche in Bern, Switzerland and currently a full lecturer and director of the Department of Periodontology and the School of Specialisation in Periodontology at Hong Kong University. He previously performed the same role at University College London and University of Connecticut Health Science Center. Dr Tonetti is also the executive director of the Research Group on Periodontology and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. He is an active member and past president of SIdP and a member of the EFP steering committee. He is the author of more than 150 original scientific publications and has been a speaker at many important national and international conventions.


Dr. Paul Weber

Germany, Leverkusen

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli DDS, PhD

Italy, Bologna

Graduated in 1988 with a degree in dentistry from the University of Bologna, Italy. He was awarded a PhD in medical biotechnology from the same university. Professor of periodontology at the University of Bologna, Italy. Head of the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene at the University of Bologna, Italy. Coordinator of the degree course in Dental Hygiene at the University of Bologna, Italy. Honorary member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). President of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO). Member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, the Journal of Periodontology, and the International Journal of Oral Implantology. Associate editor of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP), the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO), and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Author of more than 130 scientific publications in the field of periodontics and implantology. Winner of various awards in Europe and the United States for scientific research in the field of periodontology. Co-author of two illustrated textbooks on periodontal plastic surgery (Ed. Martina) and of the chapter “Mucogingival Therapy—Periodontal Plastic Surgery” in Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T [eds]; Wiley-Blackwell). Author of the book Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery, published by Quintessence Publishing and translated into 12 languages. Speaker at major Italian and international conferences on the topics of periodontics and implantology.


Dr. Otto Zuhr

Germany, München

Internationally renowned for his achievements in the fields of periodontal and peri-implant diseases as well as esthetic periodontal soft tissue corrections, Dr. Zuhr is one of the world's leading oral surgeons. Together with Prof. Dr. Hürzeler, he wrote a specialist book in 2011 which, according to his colleagues, is "without doubt one of the most important oral surgery publications of recent years and a must-read for every periodontist and implantologist." Dr. Zuhr studied dentistry in Aachen and in the USA. He is a specialist in Periodontology and has been a board member of the German Society of Periodontology since 2007.

Organizer/Event registration

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parodontologie
Neufferstraße 1
93055 Regensburg
Phone: +49 (941) 94 27 99 - 0
Fax: +49 (941) 94 27 99 - 22
Email: kontakt@dgparo.de
Web: https://www.dgparo.de

Our recommendations

Peter Eickholz

Parodontologie von A bis Z

Grundlagen für die Praxis

2nd revised and expanded Edition 2021
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 384 pages, 645 illus
Language: German
Categories: Periodontics, General Dentistry, Student literature

Stock No.: 22540
ISBN 978-3-86867-549-8
QP Deutschland

Peter Eickholz / Ivana Elez / Brigitte Strauß

Parodontologie für Zahnmedizinische Fachassistent*innen

1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 17 x 24 cm, 248 pages, 242 illus
Language: German
Categories: Periodontics, Prophylaxis, Dental Team

Stock No.: 24380
ISBN 978-3-86867-624-2
QP Deutschland

Our recommendations



Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: German

Category: Periodontics

Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr. med. dent. Peter Eickholz, Prof. Dr. Jörg Meyle D.D.S.
Coordinating editor: Claudia Urban
QP Deutschland

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