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Liebe Kolleginnen, liebe Kollegen,

wir freuen uns, das 10. Jubiläum des SnowDent Meetings im Suvretta House in St. Moritz im Februar 2024 ankündigen zu können! Nach dem Erfolg der vorherigen Meetings, inklusive des 9. SnowDent Meetings im letzten Jahr, setzen wir auch dieses Mal auf das bewährte Konzept: Topreferenten werden gezielte, klinisch relevante Fragestellungen in ihren Vorträgen behandeln und es wird viel Zeit für Diskussionen geben. Alle Referenten sind während der gesamten Fortbildung anwesend und werden aktiv an verschiedenen Diskussionsrunden teilnehmen.

Natürlich wird es an diesem wunderbaren Ort auch wieder Zeit zum Skifahren oder einfach zum Entspannen geben. Am Donnerstag laden wir zur Welcome Reception mit anschließendem Dinner im Hotel Suvretta House, bei dem Sie die Gelegenheit haben, alle Referenten persönlich zu treffen. Der traditionelle Hüttenabend mit Live-Musik und Tanz am Freitag wird erneut ein Highlight sein, das Sie nicht verpassen sollten.

Neu endet die Veranstaltung am Samstagmittag, sodass den Teilnehmenden genügend Zeit bleibt, um nach Hause zu fahren oder das Wochenende im Engadin fortzusetzen.

Verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit, Teil dieses besonderen Jubiläums zu sein – wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in St. Moritz zu treffen.

Ueli Grunder & Claude Andreoni

Scientific committee

Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD

Zürich, Switzerland
Scientific committee

Dr. Claude Andreoni

6. Feb 2025
Begrüssung Dr. Ueli Grunder, Dr. Claude Andreoni
Donnerstag Nachmittag Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg
Digitale Befundung durch Künstliche Intelligenz Dr. Marcus Engelschalk
Intern oder extern: Resorption verstehen und behandeln PD Dr. Dan-Krister Rechenberg
Diskussion Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg, Dr. Ueli Grunder
Schwierigkeiten und Komplikationen Dr. Christopher Köttgen
Schwierigkeiten und Komplikationen bei Implantat-fällen Dr. Claude Andreoni, Dr. Ueli Grunder
Diskussion Dr. Christopher Köttgen, Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler
Globale medizinische Rega Jet Repatriierungen - Vortrag für alle (inkl. Begleitpersonen) Urs Nagel
Welcome Reception in der Suvretta Hall
Scientific committee

Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD

Zürich, Switzerland
Scientific committee

Dr. Claude Andreoni

7. Feb 2025
Weichgewebe PD Dr. Dr. David Schneider
Weichgewebeaugmentation - Welche Technik führt zum Erfolg ? Dr. Stefan Bienz
Weichgewebetransplantate mit der Tunneltechnik - Indikation und Vorgehensweise Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler
Weichgewebetransplantat - Die Qual der Wahl beim Material Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean
Diskussion PD Dr. Dr. David Schneider, Dr. Ueli Grunder
Moderation Videos zum Vortrag vom Vormittag Dr. Claude Andreoni
Tunneltechnik Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler
Weichgewebeaugmentationstechnik Dr. Stefan Bienz
Weichgewebetransplantat Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean
Diskussion Dr. Claude Andreoni, Dr. Ueli Grunder
Scientific committee

Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD

Zürich, Switzerland
Scientific committee

Dr. Claude Andreoni

8. Feb 2025
Behandlungskonzepte 2025 Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg
Behandlungskonzept 2025 für Zahn-getragene Rekonstruktionen Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer, ZTM Vincent Fehmer
Behandlungskonzept 2025 für Implantat-getragene Suprastrukturen PD Dr. Peter Gehrke, ZT Carsten Fischer
Diskussion Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg, Dr. Ueli Grunder
Fallvorstellung und Behandlungsplanung mit allen Referenten Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD, Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg
Fallvorstellung: D. Schneider, C. Köttgen - Behandlungsplanung mit allen Referierenden
Ende des 10. SnowDent Dr. Ueli Grunder, Dr. Claude Andreoni

Dr. Claude Andreoni


From 1977 to 1982, he studied dentistry at the University of Zurich. After graduation, he served as an assistant in the Department of Cariology, Periodontology, and Preventive Dentistry at the same university from 1982 to 1984. He earned his doctorate in dentistry in 1984 with a dissertation on the bacterial flora in patients with oral implants.

From 1984 to 1988, he worked as an assistant and lecturer in the Department of Crown and Bridge Prosthetics, Partial Prosthetics, and Materials Science. He then entered a joint dental practice with Dr. Beat Guggisberg from 1989 to 1990 and has been in practice with Dr. Thomas Meier since 1991, focusing on implantology and reconstructive dentistry.

He served as an implantology instructor at the dental institutes of the Universities of Zurich and Basel from 1992 to 2000 and has been a lecturer in implantology at the Dental Hygiene School in Zurich since 1993. In 1994, he became a certified specialist in reconstructive dentistry.

He held the position of Secretary of the Swiss Society for Oral Implantology (SGI) from 1994 to 2004 and has been the Vice President of the Dental Society of the Canton of Zurich (ZGZ) and President of their Continuing Education Commission since 1999. He was President of the SGI from 2008 to 2014. In 2011, he received an Advanced Training Certificate in Oral Implantology from the Swiss Dental Association (SSO) and has been a member of the Office for Dental Continuing Education (SSO) since 2013.


Dr. Stefan Bienz

Switzerland, Zürich

Dr. med. dent. Stefan P. Bienz graduated with a Master’s in Dental Medicine at the Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland in 2011. After a 5-year period as a full-time associate in the private practices of Dr. Andreas Grimm and Dres Ueli Grunder and David Schneider, he completed the 3-year postgraduate training at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich (2016-2018). He received a Master’s in Oral Implantology from the University of Zurich and is a specialist in reconstructive dentistry. He is currently a full-time Senior Research and Teaching Assistant at the Clinic of Reconstructive Dentistry, University of Zurich. Stefan Bienz’s clinical work encompasses complex and esthetic cases including all aspects of hard and soft tissue regeneration, dental implants and reconstructive dentistry. His scientific focus lies on soft and hard tissue regeneration.


Dr. Marcus Engelschalk

Germany, München

Dr Marcus Engelschalk is a dentist specialising in implantology, oral surgery and laser dentistry. He owns a dental practice in Munich in Germany called Slow Digital Dentistry. “Treat others the way you want to be treated” is one of Dr Engelschalk’s guiding principles—both professionally and personally. He views his patients as equals, and his interactions with them are characterised by mindfulness, respect and appreciation.


ZTM Vincent Fehmer BDT, MDT

Switzerland, Geneva

Vincent Fehmer, MDT, received his dental technical education and degree in Stuttgart, Germany, before completing fellowships in Great Britain and the United States in Oral Design–certified dental technical laboratories. After working several years in such a laboratory in Berlin, he received his MDT degree and became the chief dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics in Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2015, he has been a dental technician at the Clinic for Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials in Geneva, Switzerland. He also runs his own laboratory in Lausanne. Mr Fehmer is a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology, an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), and a member of the Oral Design group as well as the European Association of Dental Technology (EADT) and the German Society of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ). He is a sought-after international speaker and has received many honors for his work, including the Kenneth Rudd Award from the American Prosthodontic Society. He has published more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals within the field of fixed prosthodontics and digital dental technology, contributed to many books, and recently coauthored the book Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology with Irena Sailer and Bjarni Pjetursson. Mr Fehmer also serves as editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry,  editor-in-chief of Quintessence of Dental Technology, and Section Editor for the International Journal of Prosthodontics.


ZT Carsten Fischer

Germany, Frankfurt

PD Dr. Peter Gehrke

Germany, Ludwigshafen

1986-1991: Studium der Zahnheilkunde an der Freie Universität Berlin; 1991: Approbation; 1991-1995: Zahnärztliche Assistenz- und Weiterbildungszeit in Goslar und Hamburg; 1992: Promotion / Dr. med. dent.; 1995-1996: Postgraduierung New York University College of Dentistry, Restorative and Prosthodontic Sciences Department of Implant Dentistry, USA; 1996-2005: Wissenschaftlicher Referent und Marketingleiter FRIADENT GmbH, Dentsply Sirona Implants, Mannheim; Seit 2005: Niedergelassener Zahnarzt in oralchirurgischer Praxis Prof. Dr. Dhom und Kollegen, MVZ GmbH, Ludwigshafen; Seit 2006: Nebenberufliche Lehrkraft Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin, im Studiengang Master of Science in oraler Implantologie und Parodontaltherapie. Seit 2018: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Zentrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/ Main. 2021: Habilitation und Lehrbefähigung für das Fach Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde an der Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/ Main. Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte: Implantologie (DGI) und Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde (LZÄK Rheinland-Pfalz). Editorial Board Member: Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics. Textbuch: Co-Autor „Fundamentals of Esthetic Implant Dentistry“ (Blackwell Publishing); Veröffentlichungen: >40 Papers in peer-reviewed Journals


Dr. Ueli Grunder DMD

Switzerland, Zürich

Ueli Grunder, DMD, is a past president of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology and the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He has published numerous papers and the book Implants in the Esthetic Zone (Quintessence, 2015), which has been translated into 11 languages. He lectures extensively nationally and internationally on the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant dentistry. Dr Grunder maintains a group private practice in Zollikon-Zürich, Switzerland.


Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler DMD, PhD

Germany, München

Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is one of the world's leading specialists in complex implant treatments. Surgical methods developed by him are used with great success even in the most difficult cases. Accordingly, Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer of dentists. 1984: Doctorate, University of Zurich. 1989: Specialist in Periodontology (SSP). 1991: Specialist in Prosthodontics (DGPro). 1991-93: Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Houston, Texas; Clinical Associate Professor since 1993. 1996: PhD in the Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg; since 1997, Associate Professor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology. Founded a private practice for periodontology and implant therapy with Dr. Zuhr. 2002: Professor of Dentistry, Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg. 2008: Founded the Huerzeler/Zuhr Education Center. President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). More than 150 scientific publications in the field of implantology, periodontology, and tissue regeneration. National and international speaker on periodontology and implant therapy. 2012: Publication with Dr. Zuhr of the bestselling book entitled Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery – A Microsurgical Approach.


Dr. Christopher Köttgen

Germany, Mainz

1993–1998: Study of dentistry at the University of Mainz. 1998–2001: Research associate in the Department of Dental Conservation and Periodontology at the University of Mainz. 2000: Doctorate. 2001–2003: Practice-related studies in business administration at the Business Administration Institute of Prof. Dr. Braunschweig, graduating with a degree in health economics. 2001–2004: Employed dentist at the Center for Dentistry and associate at the Private Institute for Periodontology and Implantology Munich with Dr. W. Bolz, Prof. Dr. H. Wachtel, Prof. Dr. M. Hürzeler and Dr. O. Zuhr. Since 2004: Established in own practice in Mainz with focus on implantology, periodontology, functional diagnostics and restorative dentistry. Since 2015: Joint practice with Dr. Ina Köttgen MSc. specializing in functional diagnostics, periodontology, implantology and restorative dentistry. 2017: Publications in numerous journals on the topics of periodontology, implantology, prophylaxis and esthetics. Multiple lecturing activities on the topics of periodontology, prophylaxis, esthetic dentistry and implantology and implant prosthetics and complex treatment planning. Lecturer of the master course " Master Online Periodontology" of the University of Freiburg. Chairman of the Intensive Continuing Education and Continuum Department of the BZKR. Member of the Representative Assembly of the BZK Rheinhessen. Deputy Chairman of the Representative Assembly of the BZK Rheinhessen. Member of the editorial board of "Der junge Zahnarzt" (Springer Verlag).


Dr. Konrad H. Meyenberg

Switzerland, Zürich

Konrad Meyenberg studierte Zahnmedizin an der Universität Zürich. Anschliessend an 3 Jahre Privatpraxis absolvierte er 1988-1992 ein 4-Jahres-Programm in rekonstruktiver Zahnheilkunde an der Abteilung für Kronen- und Brückenprothetik in Zürich bei Prof. P. Schärer. 

Seine klinischen Schwerpunkte in der Privatpraxis im Zentrum von Zürich 1992-2021 liegen in der aktuellen rekonstruktiven Zahnheilkunde. Zusammen mit den Praxispartnern Christian Ramel und Karin Wolleb (Implantologie, Parodontologie & rekonstruktive Zahnmedizin) sowie Frank Paqué (Endodontie) werden vorallem rekonstruktiv-aesthetisch anspruchsvolle Fälle behandelt. 

Aktiv-Mitglied der European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, der Academy of Osseointegration, der SGI, der SSRD und Spezialist SSRD/SSO und EDA für rekonstruktive Zahnheilkunde. Fellow of the ITI. 

Mitglied der Editorial Boards und als Reviewer tätig für folgende Journals: The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry und International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry.

1990 bis heute mehr als 500 Präsentationen und Kurse im In- und Ausland.

Seit 2022 und der Übergabe seines Praxisteils an Dr. Sven Mühlemann Fokussierung auf internationale Fort- und Weiterbildungskurse in rekonstruktiver Zahnmedizin und Implantologie mit Schwerpunkt Prothetik und Engineering.

Autor des Buches „gap management in the aesthetic zone“ (erschienen 2023 im Quintessenzverlag).



Urs Nagel

Switzerland, Sargans

Urs Nagel wurde von 1981 bis 1984 zum Offizier, Militärpiloten und Fluglehrer auf verschiedenen Kampfflugzeugen der Schweizer Luftwaffe ausgebildet. Zwischen 1985 und 1989 war er Mitglied der «Patrouille Suisse». In den Jahren 1990 bis 2002 operierte er für die Swissair verschiedene Kurz- und Langstreckenflugzeuge und war parallel dazu Fluglehrer an der Schweizerischen Luftverkehrsschule (SLS). 2004 reorganisierte er den «Lufttransportdienst des Bundes» (zuständig für den Transport des Bundesrates sowie hoher Politiker und Militärs) und leitete diesen anschließend bis 2006.
Ab 2007 agierte Urs Nagel als Chefpilot Jet der Schweizerischen Rettungsflugwacht (Rega) und nahm parallel dazu ab 2011 Einsitz in die Geschäftsleitung der Rega. Seit 2023 ist er pensioniert, widmet sich dem Segeln und fliegt Pilatus Flugzeuge zu Abnehmern rund um den Globus.



PD Dr. Dan-Krister Rechenberg

Switzerland, Zürich

Dr. Rechenberg is a senior lecturer at the Division of Endodontology, Clinic for Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology, and Cariology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He graduated in Germany from the University of Göttingen, School of Dental Medicine. After finishing dental school he worked at the University of Göttingen, and then the University of Zurich, where he received his doctoral degree in dentistry (Dr. med. dent.). In 2012 Dan completed the postgraduate endodontic program at the Univeristy of Zurich, became a certified member of the Swiss Society of Endodontology (SSE), and the European Society of Endodontology (ESE). In 2017 he received the venia legendi (private docent title) from the University of Zurich. Dan is on the editorial board of the International Endodontic Journal and acts as a reviewer for other dental journals. Currently he works part-time at the University of Zurich as Co-Head of the postgraduate endodontic program and in research, where his main research focus is on diagnostics for pulpal and periapical disease. In addition, he maintains a private practice limited to endodontics/apical microsurgery in Zurich. Dan has served as an active member of the ESE Membership Committee since 2017 and has participated in the ESE accreditation process for postgraduate speciality training programmes.


Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer

Switzerland, Geneve

Irena Sailer, Prof Dr med dent, is chair of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva and adjunct associate professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. In 2019, she received an Honorary Skou Professorship of digital dental technologies, fixed and implant prosthodontics, and biomaterials at Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr Sailer is editor-in-chief of The International Journal of Prosthodontics and coauthor of over 150 peer-reviewed publications as well as the books Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology (Quintessence, 2021) and Color in Dentistry (2017). She holds several patents on esthetic coatings of dental/medical devices and a digital dental splint.


PD Dr. Dr. David Schneider

Switzerland, Zürich

Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean MSc

Switzerland, Bern

Anton Sculean is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Sculean has authored more than 470 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 35 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings. He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world https://www.expertscape.com/ex/periodontics.His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.


Organizer/Event registration

Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
Ifenpfad 2-4
12107 Berlin
Phone: ++49 (0)30 / 76180-624, -628
Fax: ++49 (0)30 / 76180-621
Email: kongress@quintessenz.de
Web: https://www.quintessence-publishing.com/deu/de/

Cooperation partner

Thommen Medical AG
Neckarsulmstrasse 28
2540 Grenchen
Web: http://www.thommenmedical.com/

Cooperation partner

Geistlich Pharma AG
Division Biomaterials Bahnhofstr. 40
6110 Wolhusen
Phone: +41/41/492 56-23
Fax: +41/41/492 56-39
Email: srenggli@geistlich.ch
Web: http://www.osteology-lucerne.com

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Our recommendations

Ueli Grunder

Implantate in der ästhetischen Zone

Ein Behandlungskonzept step by step

1. Auflage 2015
Hardcover, 848 pages, 4049 illus
Language: German
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Prosthodontics

Stock No.: 13380
ISBN 978-3-86867-244-2
QP Deutschland

Irena Sailer / Vincent Fehmer / Bjarni E. Pjetursson

Festsitzende Restaurationen

A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover, 23,5 x 30,5 cm, 744 pages, 2750 illus
Language: German
Categories: Restorative Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dental Technology, Student literature

Stock No.: 21320
ISBN 978-3-86867-580-1
QP Deutschland

Otto Zuhr / Marc Hürzeler

Entscheidungsfindung im Spannungsfeld von Parodontologie und Implantattherapie

Zeit für personalisierte Oralmedizin

1st Edition 2024
3 Bände im Hardcover im Schuber; 23,5 x 30,5 cm; inkl. 19 Videos mit 34 Minuten Gesamtlaufzeit, 1900 pages, 4900 illus
Language: German
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics

Stock No.: 21070
ISBN 978-3-86867-625-9
QP Deutschland

Konrad H. Meyenberg

Restorative Gap Management in the Esthetic Zone

Orthodontics | Direct Composite Bonding | Veneers | Bonded & All-Ceramic Bridges | Implants

1st Edition 2023
Hardcover; 21 x 28 cm, 176 pages, 525 illus
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Implantology, Orthodontics

Stock No.: 23571
ISBN 978-1-78698-130-1
QP Deutschland

Further events