1st Edition 2024
Softcover; 17 x 24 cm, 248 pages, 242 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Periodontics, Prophylaxis, Dental Team
Stock No.: 24380
ISBN 978-3-86867-624-2
QP Deutschland
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Qualified prophylaxis specialists play a central role in promoting and maintaining the oral health of patients. In the case of both PCR and the PAR treatment, parts of the service content can be delegated to qualified specialists in compliance with professional regulations. This requires dental professionals to have in-depth specialist knowledge of the causal interactions between dental biofilm and the periodontal or peri-implant tissues, the risk factors that can influence these processes, their effects on general health, and a good knowledge of the individual treatment steps.
A renowned team of authors with many years of experience in periodontology has compiled all the important topics in this book, taking into account current classifications, guidelines and directives for the treatment of periodontitis, peri-implant infections, and other periodontal diseases. Supplemented by legal principles and details on billing, this new and comprehensively color-illustrated book is intended to support the qualification of specialist staff.
Chapter 01. Anatomy and physiology of the periodontium and peri-implant tissues
Chapter 02. Etiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal diseases
Chapter 03. Epidemiology of inflammatory periodontal diseases
Chapter 04. Classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions
Chapter 05. Periodontal diagnostics, assessment and treatment planning
Chapter 06. Systematic treatment of periodontitis and other periodontal diseases
Chapter 07. Preparation of instruments for periodontal treatment
Chapter 08. Periodontitis and systemic diseases
Chapter 09. Halitosis
Chapter 10. Contracting and billing
Chapter 11. Legal basis and scope of application of the dental hygienist in systematic periodontal treatment
Peter Eickholz is Director of the Polyclinic for Periodontology at the Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (Carolinum) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. He is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, sits on the scientific advisory board of the German Dental Journal, and is Editor-in-chief of the journal PARODONTOLOGIE. He is involved in various specialist societies and has published and lectured widely in the field of periodontology.
Ivana Elez is a dental hygienist and prevention manager at the Polyclinic for Periodontology at the Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (Carolinum) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. With extensive experience in the field of periodontology and prevention, she is active in teaching and continuing education. She is involved in various scientific societies and professional associations. The German Society of Periodontology (DG PARO) appointed her as the first certified dental hygienist in 2022.
Brigitte Strauß is a dental assistant with further training as a dental assistant. For many years, she worked in the Polyclinic for Periodontology at the Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (Carolinum) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. She is the author of numerous articles on the subject of oral and, in particular, periodontal preventive medicine, a lecturer at the Dental Association of Hesse and the maxQ School for Nursing Care for the Elderly in Frankfurt am Main. She is the third winner of the Roulet Prize for the promotion of individual prophylaxis and prophylaxis personnel for prophylaxis in elderly patients, taking into account physical and mental illnesses (1998).
„‚Parodontologie für Zahnmedizinische Fachassistent*innen' vermittelt die gesamte Bandbreite der Parodontitis- und Periimplantitistherapie – von den umfangreichen theoretischen Grundlagen bis hin zur praktischen Umsetzung der jeweiligen Therapieschritte unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Klassifikationen sowie Leit- und Richtlinien der Parodontaltherapie."
– Sylvia Wagenknecht in Team-Journal 06/2024
„‚Parodontologie für Zahnmedizinische Fachassistent*innen' ist nicht nur Lehrbuch, sondern auch wertvolles Nachschlagewerk, das in keiner Praxis fehlen sollte. Inhalt und Aufmachung rechtfertigen auch den Preis. Das Werk bietet eine hervorragende Grundlage für die Aus- und Weiterbildung von ZMFA und ist geeignet, maßgeblich zur Verbesserung der parodontalen Versorgung in der zahnmedizinischen Praxis beizutragen."
– Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Beikler in DZZ 06/2024