5. Nov 2021 — 6. Nov 2021
Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
es sind nach wie vor herausfordernde Zeiten für uns alle – in unserem beruflichen wie in unserem privaten Umfeld, geprägt durch Unsicherheiten und Sorgen. Wenn wir auch hoffen, dass sich die Situation durch die Impfkampagnen zum Positiven wendet und
die Pandemie abebbt, ist jegliche langfristige Planung immer mit Unsicherheit verbunden. Dies betrifft auch unseren Deutschen Zahnärztetag am 5./6. November 2021 – Wissenschaftlicher Kongress.
In unserer jüngsten Kongresskomitee-Sitzung haben daher den Beschluss gefasst auch in 2021 diesen Deutschen Zahnärztetag als Online Veranstaltung zu planen, denn eine Entscheidung von einer Präsenz- in eine Online-Variante zu wechseln ist finanziell aufgrund der hohen Stornogebühren des Congress Centers mit einem erheblichen Risiko behaftet. Mit einer erfreulich hohen Resonanz hatten wir im November 2020 den Deutschen Zahnärztetag in einer kompakten Online-Version zum Thema „Orale Medizin und Immunkompetenz“ realisiert, dazu ist im Dezember auch eine umfassende Schwerpunktausgabe der „Quintessenz Zahnmedizin“ erschienen. Der für 2020 geplante Kongress unter dem Motto „Herausforderungen“ wurde auf den diesjährigen Deutschen Zahnärztetag verschoben – und das Motto könnte in dieser Zeit mit dem Themenspektrum nicht passender sein, daher wird der Deutsche Zahnärztetag 2021 diesmal nicht in einer Kompaktversion, sondern online über 2 Tage stattfinden.
Mit der Keynote „Detektivarbeit am Patienten“ von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schäfer vom Zentrum für seltene und unerkannte Erkrankungen der Uni Marburg – auch der „German Dr. House“ genannt, wird der Kongress mit einem breiten und hochaktuellen Themenspektrum der Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde eröffnet und endet mit der schon traditionellen Live-on-tape Session, diesmal zum Thema „Einflügelige vollkeramische Adhäsivbrücken – minimalinvasive Ästhetik – Eine Alternative im Frontzahnbereich“ mit PD Dr. Nicole Passia. Das komplette Kongressprogramm finden Sie in der jeweils aktuellen Fassung auf dieser Website. Im Namen der DGZMK, der BZÄK, der LZK Hessen und des Quintessenz Verlags laden wir Sie für ein erhellendes und spannendes Kongressprogramm herzlich zum Wissenschaftlichen Kongress des Deutschen Zahnärztetags 2021 ein.
Wir wünschen Ihnen, Ihren Mitarbeitenden und Familien alles Gute. Bleiben Sie gesund und präventiv besonnen!
Prof. Dr. Roland Frankenberger, Präsident der DGZMK
Prof. Dr. Christoph Benz, Präsident der BZÄK
Dr. Michael Frank, Präsident der LZKH
In 1989, completed dental studies in Hamburg, received a scholarship from the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation, and completed overseas internships in Boston (Mass. Gen. Hospital, Harvard) and New York (NYU). Worked as a research assistant at the Polyclinic for Dental Preservation and Preventive Dentistry at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf. In 1992, started leading the CMD clinic at the UKE (together with Dr. Jakstat). Conducted experimental research on the prevention of cleft lip and palate during doctoral studies in 1992. Received six conference awards from the German Society for Dental, Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGFDT) between 1996 and 2016. Became a senior physician in 1997. Appointed as the Secretary General of the German Society for Dental, Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGFDT) in 2001. Started teaching responsibilities at the Polyclinic for Dental Preservation and Preventive Dentistry in 2003. Completed habilitation in adhesive technology in 2004 and was appointed as a private lecturer. Founded and directed the CMD Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in 2005. Became an Associate Editor of the Journal of Craniomandibular Function (CMF) in 2008. Received the Alex Motsch Prize for Science from the DGFDT in 2015 and 2016. As of 2017, published over 150 papers and patents, including peer-reviewed articles, 18 guidelines, 2 textbooks in multiple editions, various textbook chapters, developed CMDfact diagnosis software and additional modules with Prof. Jakstat, and presented at numerous continuing education courses and conferences.
Professor Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Bilal Al-Nawas is Chairman of the Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery at the J. Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany. He has been Adjunctive Associate Professor at Kyung Hee University School of Dentistry, Seoul, Korea since 2009. Professor Al-Nawas’ major clinical and scientific focus in dental implantology is on clinical studies and basic research. His clinical field of work is compromised patients with risk factors or local bone deficiency, as well as tumor and cleft reconstructions. He has published over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He sits on the ITI Board of Directors and the ITI Research Committee, is an ITI Fellow and ITI Education Delegate of the ITI Section Germany. He was twice awarded “Best Teacher at the Medical Faculty”. He is Past President of the International Federation of Dental Anesthesiology Societies (IFDAS) and Secretary General of the German Society of Implantology (DGI).
Katrin Bekes is Professor and Chair of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna, Austria. She is currently President of the German Society of Pediatric Dentistry, Vice President of the Austrian Society of Pediatric Dentistry, and is also involved in the European and International Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Prof. Bekes founded the only competence center for patients with MIH in Austria. She has published and lectured widely on molar incisor hypomineralization and related fields.
1987-92: Studied dentistry at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. 1993: Doctorate. 1999: Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. 2000: Habilitation, appointment as Senior Physician. 2001: Miller Award from the German Society of Dental, Oral, and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGZMK). 2008: Walkhoff Prize from the German Society of Dental Sciences (DGZ), Research Prize from the Ceramics Working Group. 2008: Visiting Associate Professor at Nova Southern University, Fort Lauderdale, USA. 2009: Director of the Department of Conservative Dentistry at the Medical Center for Dental, Oral, and Craniomandibular Sciences, Philipps University Marburg. 2009-12: Deputy Chair of the APW. Since 2011: Editor-in-Chief of "Quintessenz Zahnmedizin". 2012-14: President of the DGZ. 2012-15: Managing Director of the Marburg Dental Clinic. 2015: Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 2015: Award for Outstanding Teaching in the Faculty of Medicine. 2016-18: Dean of Studies for Medicine, Dentistry, and Human Biology. 2019: President of the German Society of Dental, Oral, and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGZMK). Author of 250 articles, 35 book contributions, and two books. National and international speaker.
Prof Reinhard Gruber holds a PhD in Biotechnology and has worked at the University Clinic of Dentistry at the Medical University of Vienna since 1999. He was Vice Director of the Curriculum for Dentistry and founded the PhD program “Bone and Joint Regeneration.” Prof Gruber was active as a visiting scientist at the Bone Tissue Engineering Center of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and at the Dental School of the University of Michigan. From 2012 to 2014, he headed the Oral Cell Biology Laboratory at the Dental Clinics of the University of Bern, to which he is still affiliated. In October 2014, Prof Gruber was appointed Professor of Oral Biology at the Medical University of Vienna. He is a trustee of the Osteology Foundation, a member of the ITI Research Committee, and a scientific advisor to the Austrian Society for Bone and Mineral Metabolism. From 2008 to 2015, Prof Gruber was Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Stomatology & Occlusion Medicine and the Journal of Stomatology of the Austrian Society of Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine. He is currently Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants, and serves on several editorial boards, including the Journal of Dental Research, Periodontology 2000, and Clinical Oral Investigations. Prof Gruber and his team have published over 250 original articles and reviews in international journals and numerous book chapters in the field of regenerative dentistry.
Dr Amely Hartmann is an oral surgeon and is a clinical director at Dr Seiler und Kollegen dental practice in Filderstadt-Bernhausen in Germany. In addition to her work in the practice, she is a research associate at the clinic and polyclinic for oral and maxillofacial surgery at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany. She is a speaker and author for various professional magazines.
Prof. Falk Schwendicke is Head of the Department of Oral Diagnostics, Digital Health and Health Services Research at Europe’s largest university hospital, the Charité in Berlin, Germany.
Prof. Schwendicke currently serves as Associate Editor of the Journal of Dental Research, as President of the German Association for AI in Dentistry, as Topic Driver Dental at the ITU/WHO group AI in Health and as Vice President of the German Society for Oral Epidemiology and Health Services Research. Dr. Schwendicke holds a PhD from Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and a Master of Dental Public Health (MDPH) from the University of Manchester. He received numerous awards, among them the IADR Leader Award, IADR Basil Bibby and IADR Lion Award as well as the David Sackett Award for Evidence-Based Medicine.
Bernd Stadlinger studied medicine and dentistry at the universities of Erlangen, Vienna, and Dresden from 1996 to 2006. He trained as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University Hospital Dresden and habilitated in 2011 with the topic “Functional biomaterials to influence maxillofacial bone healing.” In July 2011, he became senior physician in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Clinic for Oral Surgery at the University of Zurich. After his rehabilitation at the University of Zurich, he became a specialist in oral surgery in 2013, and has been Head Physician and Head of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology since December 2015. Bernd Stadlinger is a board member of the Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatology (SSOS) and the Swiss Association for Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Diseases (SAKM). The focus of his scientific work is the interaction between biomaterials and bone, in particular the coating of implants with different organic components to accelerate peri-implant bone healing. His other area of interest is imaging techniques and the implementation of digital treatment methods. In the field of teaching, he is the author of various computer-animated science films and is actively involved in the integration of modern media into university teaching, for which he has received numerous science and teaching awards.
Prof Dr med dent Hendrik Terheyden is head physician at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Helios Hospital in Kassel, Germany. Hendrik Terheyden studied dentistry from 1983 to 1989 at the University of Kiel. In 1989, he was a staff physician for the Navy in Flensburg. From 1989-1992 he studied human medicine at the University of Kiel. In 1993 he became a specialist in oral surgery and in 1997 a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery with the additional title of plastic surgery (1999). In 1999 he completed his PhD (Habilitation) at the University of Kiel. He received the Wassmund Prize of the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG). In 2004, he became an adjunct professor at Kiel University. From 2009 to 2012, he was president of the German Society for Implantology, and from 2017 to 2019, he was Chairman of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Working Group of the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGZMK). Since 2006, Prof Terheyden has been section editor of the International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, and since 2012 he has been editor in chief of the International Journal of Implant Dentistry. Since 2021, he has served on the board of the Working Group of Senior Hospitalists of the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Markus Tröltzsch is a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery. He worked as a senior physician at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Medical Center in Göttingen, Germany, and now runs the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Ansbach together with his brother. He is active in various specialist societies, is chairman of the Academy of Practice and Science (APW) of the DGZMK, and lectures and publishes frequently, particularly in the field of augmentation surgery and at the interface between medicine and dentistry.
Die Webseiten früherer Deutscher Zahnärztetage ab 2010 finden Sie in unserem Archiv:
DTZT 2020
Orale Medizin und Immunkompetenz
DTZT 2019
Meine Praxis- Meine Zukunft
DTZT 2018
Misserfolge - erkennen, beherrschen, vermeiden
DTZT 2017
Praxisalltag und Wissenschaft im Dialog
DTZT 2016
Klinische Behandlungspfade - Ziele, Etappen, Stolpersteine
DTZT 2015
Zahnmedizin interdisziplinär
DTZT 2014
Individualisierte Zahnmedizin interdisziplinär, präventionsorientierte Therapiekonzepte
DTZT 2013
Zahnmedizin interdisziplinär - altergemäße Therapiekonzepte
DTZT 2012
Restauration - Rekonstruktion - Regeneration
DTZT 2011
Zahnmedizin interdisziplinär - Risikoerkennung und Risikomanagement
DTZT 2010
Standespolitik - Praxis - Wissenschaft