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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
A. Burak Çankaya / Korkud Demirel

The Art of Dental Suturing

A Clinical Guide

1. Auflage 2021
Hardcover; 21 x 29,7 cm, 112 Seiten, 141 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Oralchirurgie

Artikelnr.: 22991
ISBN 978-1-78698-103-5
QP Deutschland

68,00 €
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Although the field of dental surgery has witnessed significant changes over the past decade, perfect wound closure remains a key aspect for uneventful wound healing. The Art of Dental Suturing is a unique overview of the different aspects of wound closure. Written by two experts in the field, this fully illustrated clinical guide on the management of suturing is intended to impart all the information necessary to achieve successful wound closure.

In line with the current dental literature, and carefully constructed in a concise and simple way, the book is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with general characteristics of wound healing and provides information to dental clinicians and surgeons on the basic principles involved. The second chapter presents the instruments and materials required for all the categories of wound closure in every clinical situation. The third chapter is a complete guide to the various wound closure methods and techniques required in dental surgery. It is constructed in a step-by-step manner for clear understanding and is accompanied by carefully designed, large-format illustrations and photographs to impart the essential knowledge needed to facilitate perfect suturing.

We hope that this book will serve as a reference guide for all those in the profession who are tasked with the crucial role of successful wound closure.


Chapter 1: Wound healing

  • Introduction
  • Phases of wound healing
  • Typical characteristics of oral mucosal wound healing
  • Wound healing and systemic factors
  • Drugs and wound healing
  • Local factors affecting wound healing

Chapter 2: Suture materials and suturing instruments

  • Suture threads and needles
  • Physical properties of suture threads
  • Absorption characteristics of suture threads
  • Absorbable suture threads
  • Non-absorbable suture threads
  • Suture needles
  • Hand instruments
  • Tissue adhesives

Chapter 3: Suturing techniques

  • General principles of suturing
  • Wound closure sutures
  • Displacement sutures for approximating wound margins
  • Sling sutures
  • View-enhancing (tissue retraction) sutures
  • Fixation sutures for biomaterials or grafts
  • Sutures for securing surgical
  • dressings or packings
  • Hemostatic sutures
  • Positioning sutures
  • Sutures to prevent foreign material from traveling into deep tissue
  • Abscess drainage sutures
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Cover, Çankaya/Demirel: The Art of Dental Suturing

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