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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Tomaso Vercellotti

Piezoelectric Bone Surgery

A New Paradigm

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 21,6 x 27,9 cm, 384 Seiten, 1418 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie

Artikelnr.: 15871
ISBN 978-0-86715-832-8

258,00 €
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This book from the inventor of Piezosurgery provides the practical information clinicians need to successfully integrate piezoelectric bone surgery into their practices to improve outcomes in oral surgery and dental implantology. The first half of the book introduces basic piezoelectric principles, including the clinical characteristics of piezoelectric cutting, the technology of the ultrasonic device, and the ultra-osseointegration process, and a surgical skills chapter includes practical exercises to prepare readers to use the piezoelectric device. The clinical chapters in the second half of the book guide readers through step-by-step piezoelectric surgical protocols for dental extractions, implantology, sinus augmentation, bone grafting, and ridge expansion, followed by case studies illustrating each technique. This book is an excellent reference for readers looking for a comprehensive introduction to Piezosurgery as well as experienced clinicians interested in perfecting these precise and minimally invasive techniques.

Part 1: Piezoelectric Principles
Chapter 01. A New Paradigm in Bone Surgery
Chapter 02. The Invention of Piezosurgery
Chapter 03. Clinical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Cutting
Chapter 04. The Technology of the Ultrasonic Device
Chapter 05. Piezoelectric Surgical Skills
Chapter 06. The History of Ultrasonic Bone Surgery
Chapter 07. Bone Classification System for Surgical Application
Chapter 08. The Ultra-Osseointegration Process

Part 2: Piezoelectric Surgical Protocols
Chapter 09. Piezoelectric Dental Extractions
Chapter 10. Piezoelectric Implantology
Chapter 11. Piezoelectric Sinus Elevation
Chapter 12. Piezoelectric Bone Grafting
Chapter 13. Piezoelectric Ridge Expansion

Matteo Capelli • Andrea Cardoni • Niccolò Cerisola • Matteo Chiapasco • Gianmario Schierano • Claudio Stacchi • Tonino Traini • Raffaela Vinci

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Cover, Vercellotti: The Piezoelectric Bone Surgery

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