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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Antonio Carrassi / Pierpaolo Cortellini / Leonardo Trombelli (Hrsg.)

Atlas of Periodontology and Implant Therapy

1st Edition 2019
2 Volumes, 21 x 29,7 cm, Hardcover in a slip case, 1356 Seiten, 4900 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Parodontologie

Artikelnr.: 21521
ISBN 978-0-86715-886-1

390,00 € 158,00 €
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Developed under the guidance of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP) and with the collaboration of many of its most esteemed members, this two-volume book provides concrete recommendations to all dentists who want to incorporate the most important new research into clinical practice. As a comprehensive reference for effective patient treatment, this book facilitates the application of correct periodontal, implant, and restorative therapies as well as the prevention of complications.

Chapter 01. Introduction
Chapter 02. Epidemiology, Etiopathogenesis, Anatomical Lesions
Chapter 03. Identifying Periodontal Disease: Periodontal Examination and Diagnostic Procedures
Chapter 04. Classification and Prognosis of Periodontal Diseases
Chapter 05. Causative Treatment: Strategies for the Management of Periodontitis and Control of Risk Factors
Chapter 06. Periodontal Reassessment and Formulating a Final Periodontal Treatment Plan
Chapter 07. Principles of Periodontal Surgery: Critical Elements in Flap Design and Execution
Chapter 08. Instruments for Periodontal Therapy and Implant Treatment
Chapter 09. The Access Flap
Chapter 10. The Apically Positioned Flap and Osseous Resective Surgery
Chapter 11. Periodontal Regeneration in Single-Rooted and Multirooted Teeth without Furcation Involvement
Chapter 12. Treatment of Multirooted Teeth with Furcation Involvement: Surgical, Conservative, and Resective Approaches
Chapter 13. Osseous Resective Surgery in Perio-Prosthetic Patients
Chapter 14. Multirooted Teeth with Furcation Involvement: Regenerative Surgical Approaches
Chapter 15. Root Coverage Techniques for Single Recessions
Chapter 16. Root Coverage Techniques for Multiple Gingival Recessions
Chapter 17. Mucogingival Therapy
Chapter 18. Relationship Between Periodontology and Restorative Dentistry
Chapter 19. Management of Clinical Procedures in Patients with Systemic Diseases Under Pharmacologic Treatment
Chapter 20. Dental Implants and Periodontal therapy: Selection Criteria and Treatment Strategies for Their Use in Daily Practice
Chapter 21. The Foundations of Implant Therapy: The Evolution of Scientific Concepts in Implant Dentistry
Chapter 22. Clinical and Instrumental Evaluation
Chapter 23. Risk Assessment in Implant Therapy
Chapter 24. Implant Surgery in Partially or Fully Edentulous Areas
Chapter 25. Postextraction Alveolar Management
Chapter 26. Postextraction Implants
Chapter 27. Soft Tissue Management and Reconstruction Techniques
Chapter 28. Horizontal Bone Reconstruction Techniques
Chapter 29. Vertical Bone Augmentation by Means of Guided Bone Regeneration
Chapter 30. Sinus Elevation Techniques
Chapter 31. Therapeutic alternatives to bone reconstructions
Chapter 32. Implant Placement in the Esthetic Zone
Chapter 33. Peri-implant diseases
Chapter 34. Treatment of Mucogingival Defects and Esthetic Complcations in Implant Therapy
Chapter 35. Supportive Periodontal Therapy
Chapter 36. Long-Term Outcome for Teeth and Implants in Periodontal Patients

M. Aglietta • G. Agudio • M. Aimetti • L. Albertini • L. Biscaro • F. Cairo • D. Calzavara • D. Carmagnola • G. Carnevale • A. Carrassi • P. Casentini • R. Cavalcanti • S. Chieffi • C. Clauser • M. Clementini • S. Corbella • P. Cortellini • A. Crea • F. D'Avenia • C. Dellavia • M. Del Fabbro • M. de Sanctis • N. Discepoli • G. Di Febo • R. Farina • M. Farneti • F. Ferrarotti • F. Fontana • A. Fonzar • L. Francetti • G. Gagliardi • C. Gatti • F. Graziani • L. Landi • C. Magnani • F. Manfrini • M. Mantovani • G. M. Mariani • G. Mariotti • P. Martegani • E. Maschera • S. Matarasso • C. Mazzotti • M. Mele • M. Merli • L. Minenna • U. Pagliaro • G. Pagni • G. Paolantoni • A. Parenti • S. Parma Benfenati • A. Pilloni • G. Pini Prato • L. Ramagli • G. Rasperini • A. Ricci • G. Ricci • M. Roccuzzo • F. Romano • E. Romeo • M. Roncati • R. Rotundo • N. M. Sforza • M. Silvestri • M. Simion • T. Testori • C. Tinti • C. Tomasi • M. S. Tonetti • L. Trombelli • E. Vaia • F. Vignoletti • R. Weinstein • T. Weinstein • G. Zucchelli • P. F. Zuffetti

Dr. Antonio Carrassi


Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini MD, DDS

Italien, Florence

Dr. Leonardo Trombelli

Italien, Ferrara
Cover, Carrassi/Cortellini/Trombelli: Atlas of Periodontology and Implant Therapy

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