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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

It is our great pleasure to announce details of the EAO’s 32nd annual scientific meeting, which will take place from 18–20 September 2025. This year marks a return to Monaco, where we last gathered in 2009. The congress will be held in partnership with the French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology (SFPIO), and will reflect the two organisations’ combined expertise and commitment to evidence-based practice.

Themed around “The impact of time in implant dentistry”, the congress will provide invaluable insights into the critical role of timing in successful dental implant treatment. This important topic has been selected to provide new insights and perspectives for daily practice. The congress will feature an array of interactive presentations and live video sessions. This year, a new international dimension will be introduced as the second plenary will present the First Global Consensus for Clinical Guidelines in Implant Dentistry, a milestone document set to establish new standards for the field.

Monaco is a gem on the Mediterranean coast and the perfect location for a late summer congress. The meeting will be a unique opportunity to combine continuing professional development with networking, social events and culture.

On behalf of the scientific and congress committees, we extend a warm invitation to join us in Monaco. Don’t miss this opportunity to share best practice in implant dentistry, hear about groundbreaking research, and shape the future of our profession. We look forward to welcoming you for an unforgettable event that promises to inspire, educate and connect.

Warmest regards,
Turker Ornekol (EAO)
Frank Schwarz (EAO)
Caroline Fouque (SFPIO)


Kevimy Agossa


Prof. Dr. Gil Alcoforado DMD, PhD

Portugal, Lissabon

Prof. Gil Alcoforado has dedicated his life to scientific research in period ontology and implant rehabilitation. His career spanning 35 years has been fulfilled with several lecturing positions at some of the most reputable universities in the dental area in Europe and USA. He has also been actively engaged with an intensive social entrepreneurship and volunteering work in oral care, running oral hygiene instruction campaigns to parents and children in countries where help is paramount. In 1985, Dr. Gil Alcoforado became the first periodontist in Portugal. That same year he joined the Philip Dear Foundation and is today the Chairman of the International College of Dentists – European Section. He was also the founder and former president of the Portugese Periodontal Society as well as former President of the European Federation of Periodontology.


Dr. Hadi Antoun

France, Paris

Trained at the university of Lyon, Dr Hadi Antoun, dental surgeon, holds a Speciality Certificate in Oral Biology and Periodontology and a postgraduate degree in Surgical and Prosthetic Implantology from the university of Paris VII. He has taught at the Implantology department of the university of Paris VII as a visiting practitioner. He is regularly invited to conferences and is involved in clinical research principally related to immediate loading and bone grafting. In addition to national and international publications, he is the author of a book on sinus grafts and has co-written a book on bone grafts. Since its creation in 2003, he runs the Training Institute for Advanced Implant Surgery (IFCIA). Besides his research and training activities, he undertakes a private practice limited to Periodontology and Implantology. In addition, he is expert at the Paris Court of Appeal.


Prof. Nitzan Bichacho DDS, DMD

Israel, Tel Aviv

Nitzan Bichacho, D.M.D. holds the post of expert in prosthodontics at the rank of Professor, at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University and Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel, where he graduated in 1984. Prof. Bichacho is Past President and a Life Member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and serves on the editorial boards of leading international dental journals. He developed restorative and prosthetic clinical techniques that have become widely used around the world. Prof. Bichacho publishes and lectures worldwide on dental implant therapy, fixed prosthodontics, interdisciplinary treatments and innovative treatment modalities in esthetic dentistry. The Bichacho Clinic in Tel Aviv focuses on high-end esthetic oriented interdisciplinary treatments, collaborating with world renowned colleagues and dental technicians.


Juan Blanco


Philippe Bousquet


Dr. Daniele Cardaropoli DDS

Italy, Torino

Daniele Cardaropoli, DDS, is adjunct professor in periodontology at the University of Catania, scientific director of ProEd Institute for Professional Education in Dentistry in Torino, Italy, and president of the Giuseppe Cardaropoli Foundation for Research and Care in Periodontology. He is an active member of several organizations and recipient of several awards, including the Henry M. Goldman Award for the Clinical Research. Dr Cardaropoli is the author of more than 30 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals and coeditor of the textbook Soft Tissues and Pink Esthetics in Implant Therapy (Quintessence, 2019). He maintains a private practice in Torino, Italy.


Dr. Tali Chackartchi

Israel, Jerusalem

Tali Chackartchi graduated dentistry in 2002. Completed a post-graduate program in Periodontology at the Department of Periodontology, Hadassah & Hebrew University Faculty of Dental Medicine in 2008, and became a clinical instructor in the department at the same year. EFP accredited specialist since 2009. In 2009 graduated the program of implant reconstructive dentistry   in the G.Niznick Oral Implant Center. Awarded Two years scholarship from the Staub-Family fund for Perio-prosthesis scholars. Performing research in the field of biological and clinical implications of the combined Ortho-Perio treatment and digital and guided implantology. International speaker on digital implantology, bone augmentation, soft tissue management around teeth and implants, and the “Ortho-Perio” interface. Former board member of the Israeli Specialists Forum. Member of the Israeli Post Graduate examination committee. Member of the Experts Council of the Osteology Foundation and past president of the Israeli Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration. Owner of a private clinic located in Tel-Aviv dedicated to periodontology and implant dentistry.


Dr. Stephen Chen

Australia, Melbourne

Stephen graduated BDS (Malaya) in 1983, MDSc (Melbourne) in 1987 and completed a PhD at the University of Melbourne in 2008.  He was awarded Fellowship by examination of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS) in 1988 (KG Sutherland Prize).  He holds the position of Clinical Associate Professor at The School of Dentistry, The University of Melbourne. Stephen’s clinical and scientific interests are in the field of periodontal tissue regeneration, bone grafting and dental implants. He has published over 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals, authored 2 textbooks and contributed chapters to 6 textbooks. Stephen is president-elect of the ITI (International Team for Implantology), an international not-for-profit academic organization in the field of dental implantology with over 15,000 members worldwide in over 100 countries.  He has served as chairman of the ITI Education Committee and is currently a member of the ITI Board of Directors.  In Australia, he has contributed significantly to local academic and professional associations, having previously served as chairman of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists (ANZAP), Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS) and Australian Society of Periodontology (ASP).  He was awarded honorary life membership of the Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS) for services to the organization.


Dr. Stephen J. Chu DMD, MSD, CDT, MDT

United States of America, New York, NY

Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT, MDT, is an adjunct clinical professor at the New York University College of Dentistry in the Departments of Periodontology, Implant Dentistry, and Prosthodontics. He has contributed to over 80 publications, including six textbooks, and has given lectures nationally and internationally on the subjects of esthetic, restorative, and implant dentistry. Dr Chu maintains a private practice limited to fixed prosthodontics, esthetic dentistry, and implant dentistry in New York City.


Dr. Florin Cofar DDS

Romania, Timisoara

Dr. Florin Cofar co-founded Smilecloud, a smile-design and centralized collaboration platform. He specializes in complex esthetic rehabilitation and minimally invasive procedures. He received his education from Victor Babes University in Timisoara with specialization at NYU University of Dentistry and Harvard Business School.


Dr. Luca Cordaro MD, DDS, PhD

Italy, Rome

Dr. Luca Cordaro is chair of the Department of Periodontology and Prosthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital in Rome. He graduated in Medicine at the University of Roma "La Sapienza" where he also got a degree in Dentistry. He holds a Ph.D. degree and is a certified specialist in oral surgery. He also works, together with his brother, in a private practice founded in 1957 by his father. Dr Cordaro is author or co- author of more than 70 papers published in italian or international journals and has lectured in Europe, Asia, North and South America. In 2007 he won the H. Goldman Prize for Clinical Research of the Italian Society of Periodontology. He is author of different book chapters and coauthor of the books "The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry" and ITI Treatment Guide 7 published by Quintessence Publishing. He is active member of the Italian Society of Osseointegration and Fellow of the ITI (International Team for Implantology). In the ITI he serves as member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Study Club Committee and Chairrman for the Italian Section. He has been elected in the EAO Board in 2010 and serves as Chair of the Congress committee and Secretary General. His professional interests are Periodontology, Implantology and Oral surgery with a special interest regarding the reconstructive treament of alveolar atrophies.



Prof Dr Jan Cosyn

Belgium, Gent

Prof Thomas De Bruyckere PhD

Belgium, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw

Dr. Luca De Stavola DMD

Italy, Padova

Luca De Stavola covers the position of Visiting professor of Periodontology and lecturer for the Osseointegrated implantology Master of the University of Padua (Italy). Graduaded in 2001 at the University of Padua (Italy) dental school, Luca De Stavola gets his specialization in Oral Surgeryin 2007 at the “Privatzahnklinik Schloss Schellenstein” (Westfalen-Lippe, Germany) under the guidance of Prof. F. Khoury; in the same year he concludes the Master of Oral Medicine in implantology at the Westfalischen Wilhelms University in Münster (Germany). An internationally renowned speaker for his interdisciplinary approach between periodontology and restorative surgery, Luca De Stavola is author of several research peer reviewed papers, and is an active SIO (Italian Association of Osseointegrated Implantology) and EAO (European Academy of Osseointegration) member, and is widely considered one of the most emerging Italian speakers in bone reconstruction and soft tissue management. His latest publications and courses focus on computer-guided bone surgery and optimal soft tissue management.


Beatriz de Tapia


Master in Periodontology Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2012-2015). PhD Cum Laude. Extraordinary Award Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2020). Associate professor in Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (2015-Currently). Member of the Spanish investigation group “Prevention and treatment of peri-implantitis” (PTPO) Board member of the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA) (2022-Currently). Private practice dedicated to periodontology and implant dentistry International FONSECA Prize 2020 for the best investigation published in 2019.


Wiebe Derksen


Dr. Romain Doliveux


Dr. Romain Doliveux is currently the Education Delegate of the ITI French section. He dedicates his practice exclusively to surgical implant rehabilitations in his two clinics in France and Germany. After earning a Certificate in Biomaterials from Marseille University France (2009), he completed his oral surgery residency at the Schloß Schellenstein Clinic (Prof. F. Khoury) and received his Oral Surgery Specialty from the Münster Dental School Germany (2014). Dr Doliveux was then promoted as a Senior surgeon in the surgical department of the Clinic Schloß Schellenstein (2015) and earned a Master Of Science in Implantology & Dental Surgery from Münster dental School Germany (2015). Dr. Doliveux has published extensively and has presented on national and international lecture circuits on bone grafting procedures combined with digital technologies.


Prof. Nikolaos Donos DDS, MS, FHEA, FDSRC, PhD

United Kingdom, London

Professor Nikos Donos is the Chair of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry, the Director of Clinical Research, the Head of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research and the Lead for the Centre of Oral Immunobiology & Regenerative Medicine at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Prof. Donos is also the Director of the ITI scholarship Centre and the Director of the Osteology Research Scholarship Centre, both at QMUL. In 2009, Professor Donos has been awarded the title of Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry in Hong Kong, in 2012 the title of Adjunct Professor at the Dental School, Griffith University in Australia, in 2015 the title of Honorary Professor at UCL-Eastman Dental Institute and in 2019 the title of Honorary Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Queensland, Australia. In 2011, Professor Donos was awarded the prestigious International Association for Dental Research (IADR)-Periodontology Group Award in Periodontal Regenerative Medicine and in 2019 the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Clinical Research Award for his contribution as co-author for “outstanding published scientific manuscript with direct clinical relevance and application to the practice of periodontics”. In 2004, Professor Donos received the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO)-Basic Science Research Award. Professor Donos was the President of the British Society of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (BSP) (2020) and is a board member at the Osteology Foundation (Switzerland) as well as the Academic Representative at the Committee of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI)(UK). Professor Donos is involved as editorial board member in international peer-reviewed journals in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry where he has published more than 240 scientific publications. Professor Donos is/has been involved in a number of consensus conferences for the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), The International Team for Implantology (ITI) and the Osteology Foundation all of which provide the most up-to-date evidence based information for different clinical situations in the fields of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Prof Donos has significant clinical experience in providing advanced treatment modalities to patients suffering from severe periodontal disease. Those modalities include all steps (non-surgical and surgical) for the treatment of periodontal disease including periodontal and bone tissue regeneration and replacement of missing teeth with dental implants. Furthermore, Professor Donos has significant experience in non-surgical and surgical treatment of peri-implant diseases (peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis). All the above clinical problems and their treatments are topics that Professor Donos regularly covers in his lectures on a national and international level.


Caroline Fouque


Dr. Helena Francisco PhD

Portugal, Lisbon

PhD, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine; Master, University of Lisbon School of Dental Medicine Postgraduate Certificate in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry from New York University College of Dentistry, New York - USA Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Oral Surgery and Implant Dentistry Pos-graduate Program at University of Lisbon, School of Dental Medicine; President of the Dennis Tarnow Alumni Association ITI Fellow (International Team for Implantology) Associate Editor of the International Journal of Prosthodontics amd of the magazine of Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária Author and co-author of several conferences, communications, posters and other national and international publications. Private Pratice - Instituto Implantologia Lisbon, Portugal


Pablo Galindo


Prof. Dr. Howard Gluckman BDS, MChD, PhD

South Africa, Cape Town

Dr Howard Gluckman is a periodontist, lecturer and researcher who specialises in immediate implant placement, soft-tissue aesthetics and periodontal plastic surgery. He has a special interest in autogenous bone augmentation, especially bone harvested from the palate. From bone grafting to immediate implant placement, he uses cutting-edge techniques and covers all treatment needs. Dr Gluckman believes in individual treatment, ensuring each patient receives a treatment that is customised to his or her unique case.


Dr. Ramon Gomez Meda


Dr. Ramon Gómez Meda received his degree in Dentistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He was the recipient of the Thesis Award from the Autonomous Community of Galicia for Academic Excellence. He performed his postgraduate training in Periodontics and Implantology in Madrid, Occlusion and Temporomandibular Dysfunction in Valencia and Orthodontics in Santiago de Compostela. Dr. Gómez Meda is an international speaker on Periodontics, Esthetic Dentistry and Multidisciplinary Treatments. He is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Department of Prosthodontics at LSUHSC School of Dentistry (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA). He is the Founder of MEDA Training Center, in Ponferrada with an additional branch location in La Coruña, Spain.


Prof. Dr. Robert Haas

Austria, Wien

Olivier Huck


Prof. Dr. Marc Hürzeler DMD, PhD

Germany, München

Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is one of the world's leading specialists in complex implant treatments. Surgical methods developed by him are used with great success even in the most difficult cases. Accordingly, Prof. Dr. Hürzeler is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer of dentists. 1984: Doctorate, University of Zurich. 1989: Specialist in Periodontology (SSP). 1991: Specialist in Prosthodontics (DGPro). 1991-93: Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Houston, Texas; Clinical Associate Professor since 1993. 1996: PhD in the Department of Prosthodontics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg; since 1997, Associate Professor in the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology. Founded a private practice for periodontology and implant therapy with Dr. Zuhr. 2002: Professor of Dentistry, Medical Faculty of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg. 2008: Founded the Huerzeler/Zuhr Education Center. President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED). More than 150 scientific publications in the field of implantology, periodontology, and tissue regeneration. National and international speaker on periodontology and implant therapy. 2012: Publication with Dr. Zuhr of the bestselling book entitled Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery – A Microsurgical Approach.


Simon Storgård Jensen DDS


Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Copenhagen University Hospital


Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer W. Kämmerer MA, FEBOMFS

Germany, Mainz

Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer Kämmerer is an oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgeon working at the University of Mainz, Germany as Medical Director of the Department of Oral-, Maxillofacial- and Facial Plastic Surgery. He is certified specialist for oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgery (medical degree), for oral surgery (dental degree), for special pain therapy in the head and neck area (medical), specialist for dental implantology (dental) and specialist for plastic surgery (medical). So far, he has written more than 300 peer-revied scientific articles and reviews covering the topics facial reconstruction, oral cancer, dental implantology including bone augmentation as well as local anesthesia. He is author of several German textbooks covering dental implantology and dental local anesthesia.



Prof. Dr. Björn Klinge

Sweden, Stockholm

Dr. France Lambert DDS, MSc, PhD

Belgium, Liège

Dr. France Lambert graduated from the University of Liege in Periodontology, where she continued to obtain a PhD in the same subject. She has also completed a fellowship program in oral implantology at the prestigious Harvard School of Dental Medicine as well as the University of Washington. She is currently Head of Clinic in the Periodontology and Oral Surgery Departement at the University of Liege. Her clinical work is focused exclusively on implantology, mucogingival surgery and periodontics. Her scientific research areas target different aspects of the use of biomaterial and dental implants.



Christel Larsson


Carlo Maiorana


Leonardo Mancini


Prof. Dr. Henny Meijer

Netherlands, Groningen

Brenda Mertens


Prof. Dr. Iva Milinkovic DDS, PhD

Serbia, Belgrad

Iva Milinkovic is Associate Professor at the Department of Periodontics, Belgrade School of Dental Medicine.  She graduated from the University of Belgrade in 2006.  Dr. Milinkovic received her PhD title at the same institution in 2011 and completed her residency program in Periodontology in 2014. She was awarded ITI Scholarship in 2012, spending one year at the Rome, Italy, under mentorship of Dr. Luca Cordaro. From 2014. to 2020., she was a member of Junior Committee (JC) of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO). Dr. Milinkovic is member of EFP, EAO and ITI. 


Alberto Monje DDS, MS, PhD

Spain, Barcelona

Dr. Alberto Monje obtained the certificate and Masters in Periodontology from the University of Michigan, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine. Since them, he is certified by the American Board of Periodontics. He was the recipient of the ITI Scholarship for 2016-2017 at the University of Bern (Switzerland). Dr. Alberto Monje is PhD in the field of alveolar bone architecture granted by the University of Granada (Spain). He holds a private practice exclusive in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry (CICOM Periodoncia). He is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Periodontics of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain), and Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). Dr. Monje is Visiting Professor at the Department of Periodontology of the University of Bern (Switzerland).



Manfred Müller


PD Dr. med. dent. Nadja Nänni

Switzerland, Zürich

Dr. José M. Navarro DDS MS

Spain, Santa Brigida - Las Palmas de G.C.

Dr. José Manuel Navarro received a Certificate in Periodontology and Implant dentistry after completing a 3-year program at New York University College of Dentistry (Chairman Dennis Tarnow). He was also awarded a Master of Science degree in Biomaterials from NYUCD for his research on high strength ceramics (Chairman Van Thompson). Dr. Navarro has received awards for his research from different societies, including the Academy of Osseointegration (AO) best presentation award in 2007 and the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) Research Award in 2011. He has co- authored several peer- reviewed publications and book chapters and is Co-Editor of the book “High Strength Ceramics”. Dr. Navarro is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Esthetic Dentistry (EJED) the International Journal of Oral Implantology (IJOI) and is editor in Chief of Quintessence International in Spanish. He is past chairman of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO) Junior Committee and is visiting faculty at different universities. He currently maintains a private practice focused on periodontics, prosthodontics and implant dentistry in Spain and London.


Dr. David Nisand DDS

France, Paris

David Nisand, DDS, Specialist in Periodontics He graduated in dentistry at the University of Paris 5, France. He was awarded a 3 years residency in the department of Periodontology and Implantology at the University of Paris 7 along with a 3 year post graduate program in Periodontology and oral Implantology at the University of Paris 7. He currently is lecturer for the Certificate in Periodontology at the University of Paris 7. From 2005 to 2007 he has been instructor at the Department of Periodontology, University of Paris 7, France. Currently President of the SFPIO (French Society of Periodontology and Oral Implantology) and member of the EAO communication committee. Member of the EAO Junior Committee from 2007 to 2011. He is co-editor of the European Academy for Osseointegration journal, Inspyred, and reviewer for the main scientific journals. Author of several international peer reviewed publications and book chapters and International speaker on bone regeneration, short implants, periodontal regeneration, osseointegration and implant protocols. Dr. David Nisand currently performs clinical work limited to periodontics and implant dentistry in Paris, France.


Dr. Türker Örnekol

Turkey, Istanbul

I was born in 1954, in a small village in Aydin province. I have attended Izmir Koleji (a boarding high school) for 7 years and finished  in 1972. After that, studied in Marmara University School of Dentistry and graduated in 1978. Decided to live in Istanbul and have opened my first dental practice in 1979. That year I got married to Yasemin, my wife. In my early years, I was interested in dental implants, and attended my first course on dental implants, in 1984. This was one of the radical choices of my life which, later became my main professional interest and dominated my professional life. Inserted my first dental implant in 1989. Still surviving and in function. In 1991, I was recognized by International Collage of Oral Implantology (ICOI) with the title of “fellow”, and in 1993 qualified with the title “Diplomate”. In 1994, have opened “Cosmodent Centre for Dentistry and Dental implants” as one of the first sample of “group practice” with multiple dental specialties under one roof. In 2001, passionately, I was one of the leading dentists to start a dental implant society (Association of Osseointegration- Turkey ) in my country. I was elected to be the inaugural president of Association of Osseointegration  and served for the first 3 terms. This led me to interact with European Association of Osseointegration (EAO), the biggest and one of the most respected dental implant community of Europe. I became a member in 2001 and then in 2016, was elected to the Board of European Association of Osseointegration (EAO)..I was active in conducting Master Clinician Courses under the umbrella of EAO and nominated for the Chair of EAO London Congress (2024). I am proud to be the part of EAO Board and serving as the General Secretary (EAO) for the term 2021-2022. Still actively practicing dentsistry in Cosmodent with the challenge to promote “dental of excellence” to my patients.


Prof. Dr. Panos N. Papapanou DDS, PhD

United States of America, New York

Dr. Papapanou is Professor of Dental Medicine, Chair of the Section of Oral, Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Sciences, and Director of the Division of Periodontics, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. He is internationally recognized for his research in the epidemiology of periodontal diseases, the assessment of microbial and host-derived risk factors, the pathobiology of periodontitis and its role in as a general health stressor in atherosclerosis and pregnancy complications. His research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, foundations and industry. He is a member of the advisory board of several scientific journals, a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and a Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the International Association of Dental Research.


Dr. João Pitta DDS


Dr. med. dent. Aušra Ramanauskaitė PhD, MSc, DDS

Germany, Frankfurt

Ausra Ramanauskaite completed the dental education (DDS) (2006–2011) and specialization in periodontology (MSc) (2011–2014) at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania. In 2016, she was awarded a one-year Osteology Foundation research scholarship at the Oral Surgery Department, University of Düsseldorf, Germany. She received the PhD degree in 2018 and Dr. med.dent in 2019. Currently, Ausra Ramanauskaite is working at the Oral Surgery and Implantology Department at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Ausra has authored international peer-reviewed publications and is active in the research field of peri-implant pathology, bone and soft tissue regeneration.



Dr. Franck Renouard

France, Paris

Franck Renouard is graduated of the Dental University of Paris V in 1982. He was assistant of Jean-François Tulasne in the Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Team of Paul Tessier from 1983 to 1988 in Paris. He has published several articles and book chapters. He is author of 3 Text Books with Bo Rangert. The first one " Risk Factors in Implant Dentistry: Simplified Clinical Analysis for predictable Treatment" was published in 10 languages. His new book, co-written with a professional pilot, is about Human Factors and medical errors. He lectures intensively on Simplification on Implants Dentistry (including short implants), Complications, Biomechanics and Bone Grafting procedure. Dr. Renouard was elected to the European Association for Osseointegration executive board in Amsterdam in 2000, and is Past President-for the organization (2006-2008). He is in Private Practice in Paris limited of Oral and Implant Surgery. He is visiting Professor at the Medicine Faculty of Lieges, Belgium.


Dr. med. dent. Mario Roccuzzo DMD

Italy, Turin

Dr. Mario Roccuzzo is a Private Practitioner in Turin, Italy. He obtained his DDS Degree with Honors from the Università degli Studi di Torino CIR Dental School and completed his Postgraduate Training in Periodontology at Karolinska Institutet and Università degli Studi di Siena Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia. Dr. Roccuzzo is a Member of the European Association for Osseointegration and the American Academy of Periodontology. He has served as the Past President of the Italy Section of the International Team for Implantology and is on the Editorial Board of Clinical Oral Implants Research and the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He has lectured extensively all over the world and is the author of numerous publications in the field of Mucogingival Surgery, Bone Regeneration and Dental Implants.


Carlo Rovelli


Prof. Dr. Dr. Robert A. Sader

Germany, Frankfurt

Specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery/plastic surgery. Main focus on facial deformity surgery and new procedures in dental implantology, in particular biomaterials. President of the German Society for Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) and the Frankfurt am Main Dental Association of 1863. Secretary General-elect of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED). Since 2014 also Medical Director and Managing Director of the Carolinum Zahnärztliches Universitäts-Institut gGmbH at Goethe University.


Prof. Dr. Irena Sailer

Switzerland, Geneve

Irena Sailer, Prof Dr med dent, is chair of the Division of Fixed Prosthodontics and Biomaterials at the University of Geneva and adjunct associate professor in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. In 2019, she received an Honorary Skou Professorship of digital dental technologies, fixed and implant prosthodontics, and biomaterials at Aarhus University, Denmark. Dr Sailer is editor-in-chief of The International Journal of Prosthodontics and coauthor of over 150 peer-reviewed publications as well as the books Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology (Quintessence, 2021) and Color in Dentistry (2017). She holds several patents on esthetic coatings of dental/medical devices and a digital dental splint.


Dr. Ignacio Sanz Martín DDS, Mac, PhD

Switzerland, Lausanne

Dr. Ignacio Sanz Martín is currently a PhD candidate at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, studying under Prof. Mariano Sanz since 2012. He also holds positions as Assistant Professor in the Department of Periodontology at the same university and as Visiting Faculty at Universidad Internacional de Catalunya and Universidad Europea de Madrid. Additionally, he serves as Associate Periodontist and Implantologist at Centro de Implantología y Periodoncia (CIMPLA) and Director of the ITI Study Club in Castilla y León. Dr. Sanz Martín is involved in continuing education as a coordinator for the Spanish Association of Periodontology. He is a member of the Osteology Expert Council and has an Executive Master from ESADE Business School.


Riccardo Scaini


Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz

Germany, Frankfurt

Frank Schwarz is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Oral Surgery and Implantology at the Centre for Dentistry and Oral Medicine (Carolinum), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany. He serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Editorial Board Member for Periodontology 2000, Clinical Oral Implants Research and Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the European Association for Osseointegration – EAO, Executive Board Member of the Osteology Foundation, and Past President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI). He was awarded the André Schröder Research Prize in 2007, the Miller Research Prize in 2012 and the Jan Lindhe Award in 2017.


Asa Sjoholm


Prof. Dr. Claudio Stacchi

Italy, Trieste

Claudio Stacchi graduated in Dentistry (DDS) and specialized in Oral Surgery (MSc) at the University of Trieste (Italy). Adjunct professor in Oral Implantology since 2007 at the School of Dentistry and at the Master Program in Oral Surgery at the University of Trieste. Since 2022 he achieved the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Full Professor. Active founding member and Past President (2017-2019) of the International Academy of Piezoelectric Surgery (IPA), active member and President Elect of the Italian Society of Oral Surgery (SIdCO) and active member of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO). Authored more than 90 papers on impacted journals, book chapters and, recently, a book on “Minimally invasive treatment of atrophic posterior maxilla”. Winner in 2020 of the “Charles E. English Award”, given annually by the International College of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) for the best clinical article published on its flagship publication “International Journal of Oral Implantology”. Professional practice limited to Periodontology and Implantology at the Dental Clinic of the University of Trieste (Italy) and at his private office in Gorizia (Italy).


Franz Strauss


Dr. Tiziano Testori MD, DDS

Italy, Como

Tiziano Testori received his MD degree (1981), DDS degree (1984). Speciality in Orthodontics (1986) from University of Milan, Italy. Fellowship at the Division of Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami FL (2000). Currently Head of the Section of Implant Dentistry and Oral Rehabilitation Department of Biomedical, Surgical and Dental Science, IRCCS, Galeazzi Institute, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Assistant clinical professor School of Dentistry, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine, The University of Michigan, School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1078 USA. President (2017-2018) of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration. Member of the Editorial Board of IJOMI, EJOI, IJPRD, Quintessence Publishing and WJCC, Baishideng Publishing Group. Author of 112 peer-reviewed publications indexed in Pub Med, and 4 books in Implantology.


Dr. Istvan Urban DMD, MD, PhD

Hungary, Budapest

Istvan Urban, DMD, MD, PhD, teaches implant dentistry in the graduate program at Loma Linda University in California and is also an adjunct clinical associate professor in the Department of Periodontology and Oral Medicine at the University of Michigan. He has published widely on bone regeneration and soft tissue reconstructive surgery around dental implants and is the author of the textbooks Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives (Quintessence, 2017) and Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation (2022). Dr Urban is licensed in the state of California and maintains a private practice in Budapest, Hungary.


Pascal Valentini


Dr. Eric Van Dooren DDS

Belgium, Wilrijk

Dr Van Dooren attended the Katholieke University in Leuven, Belgium, where he received his degree in dentistry in 1982. After graduation, he opened a private practice in periodontics, fixed prosthodontics, and implants in Antwerp, Belgium. He is an active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Dr Van Dooren lectures nationally and internationally mainly on esthetics, implants, and esthetic periodontal surgery.


Dr. Fabio Vignoletti DDS, PhD

Italy, Verona

DDS. 2001, University of Verona, Italia. CAGS in Periodontology, 2006, Complutense University, Madrid. EFP (European federation of  Periodontology) Certificate of advanced Periodontal training, 2006. European PhD (Dr. Odont), Complutense University, Madrid, 2010. Researcher and invited Professor of the post-graduate program of Periodontology of the Complutense University of Madrid. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and Periodoncia & Oseointegracion. Specialist member of the Italian and Spanish Societies of Periodontology and scientific director of Grupo PerioCentrum.


Prof. Dr. Hom-Lay Wang DDS, MS, PhD

United States of America, Ann Arbor

Hom-Lay Wang, DDS., MSD., Ph D, Professor and Director of Graduate Periodontics at the University of Michigan.He has co-editor two textbooks, published more than 50 book chapters/invited reviews and more than 750 peer-reviewed scientific articles. Dr. Wang serves as a Co-Editor-in-Chief for Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, an Associate Editor for The IJOMI and IJOI.Dr. Wang is the recipient of many awards/honors including AAP Outstanding Educator Award (2017), AAP Distinguished Scientist Award (2017),AAP Master Clinician Award (2019), AAP Distinguished Service Award (2021), and AAP Clinical Research Award (2021).


Nicole Winitsky


Cristina Zarauz

Switzerland, Genf

Doctorate in Dentistry. University of Geneva (2021). Head of Clinic and course coordinator in Fixed Prosthesis (Master 2 undergraduate students). University of Geneva (2017-present). Collaborator in the Fixed Prosthesis Division. University of Geneva (2016-present). Member of the “WIN International Core Group” (2016-present). Specialist in Oral Implantology and Prosthesis. University of Amsterdam (ACTA) (2012-2015). Master in Dental Sciences. Complutense University of Madrid (2012). Expert in Periodontal Clinic. Complutense University of Madrid (2012). Degree in Dentistry. European University of Madrid (2009).


Prof. Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli DDS, PhD

Italy, Bologna

Graduated in 1988 with a degree in dentistry from the University of Bologna, Italy. He was awarded a PhD in medical biotechnology from the same university. Professor of periodontology at the University of Bologna, Italy. Head of the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene at the University of Bologna, Italy. Coordinator of the degree course in Dental Hygiene at the University of Bologna, Italy. Honorary member of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). President of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO). Member of the editorial boards of the International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry, the Journal of Periodontology, and the International Journal of Oral Implantology. Associate editor of the International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. Active member of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED), the Italian Society of Periodontology (SIdP), the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (IAO), and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Author of more than 130 scientific publications in the field of periodontics and implantology. Winner of various awards in Europe and the United States for scientific research in the field of periodontology. Co-author of two illustrated textbooks on periodontal plastic surgery (Ed. Martina) and of the chapter “Mucogingival Therapy—Periodontal Plastic Surgery” in Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T [eds]; Wiley-Blackwell). Author of the book Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery, published by Quintessence Publishing and translated into 12 languages. Speaker at major Italian and international conferences on the topics of periodontics and implantology.


Anina Zürcher


Organizer/Event registration

European Association for Osseintegration (EAO)
38 rue Croix des Petits Champs
75001 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 42 36 62 20
Email: info@eao.org
Web: https://eao.org/


Our recommendations

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Language: English
Categories: Implantology, Oral Surgery, Periodontics

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QP Deutschland

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Irena Sailer / Vincent Fehmer / Bjarni E. Pjetursson

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Istvan Urban

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Language: English
Impact factor: 2.1 (2023)

Category: Prosthodontics

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Coordinating editor: Julia Harrison

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