27. Jun 2025 — 28. Jun 2025
Das 16. Mastertreffen findet am 27. und 28. Juni 2025 in Berlin statt.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Absolventen/innen und Studierende des postgraduierten Masterstudiengangs "Master of Science in Oral Implantology", sowie alle implantologisch Tätige und interessierte Zahnärztinnen und Zahnärzte.
Die wissenschaftliche Leitung hat Dr. Derk Siebers aus Berlin.
Veranstaltungsort ist das nhow Hotel Berlin.
Freuen Sie sich auf einen spannenden Kongresstag und einen hochkarätigen Workshop, der aktuelle Trends und Techniken in der Implantologie beleuchtet.
Nutzen Sie die Chance zum Austausch und zur Vertiefung Ihres Fachwissens!
Buchen Sie auch die beiden Abendessen dazu, um in entspannter Atmosphäre mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen weiter zu netzwerken.
Luca De Stavola covers the position of Visiting professor of Periodontology and lecturer for the Osseointegrated implantology Master of the University of Padua (Italy). Graduaded in 2001 at the University of Padua (Italy) dental school, Luca De Stavola gets his specialization in Oral Surgeryin 2007 at the “Privatzahnklinik Schloss Schellenstein” (Westfalen-Lippe, Germany) under the guidance of Prof. F. Khoury; in the same year he concludes the Master of Oral Medicine in implantology at the Westfalischen Wilhelms University in Münster (Germany). An internationally renowned speaker for his interdisciplinary approach between periodontology and restorative surgery, Luca De Stavola is author of several research peer reviewed papers, and is an active SIO (Italian Association of Osseointegrated Implantology) and EAO (European Academy of Osseointegration) member, and is widely considered one of the most emerging Italian speakers in bone reconstruction and soft tissue management. His latest publications and courses focus on computer-guided bone surgery and optimal soft tissue management.
Michael Stimmelmayr became a research assistant at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich upon graduation in dentistry from the University of Regensburg. He obtained his doctoral degree in 1992 and his specialization as oral surgeon in 1997, serving as assistant medical director at the Chair for Prosthodontics. In 2000 he opened his own practice in Cham, with a professional focus on oral implantology and specialization in periodontology.
Dr. Jochen Tunkel completed five years of training in periodontology, graduating as a specialist in periodontology (German Fachzahnarzt). He then moved to Professor Khoury's clinic, where he completed his training as an oral surgery specialist (German Fachzahnarzt) and Master of Oral Medicine in Implantology. During his 3-year postgraduate program he learned the shell technique in detail. During this time, his also focused on soft tissue management for large augmentations and implant-augmentative rehabilitation of periodontally severely compromised patients. After opening his own practice in 2007, he focused his work on the further development of the shell technique. To this end, he initially conducted work on augmentative relining with Dr. Luca de Stavola. Since 2018, he has been working intensively on the allogeneic shell techniqueand has helped it to achieve a breakthrough. In particular, he has focused on the basic principles of allogeneic and autologous shell techniques that improve the success of these methods.
Wir danken den folgenden Unternehmen für Ihre Unterstützung und freuen uns sie in der Dentalausstellung zu begrüßen:
CP Gaba