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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Stefan Wolfart / Volker Weber

Implant-supported removable restorations in the edentulous jaw

100 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Implantologie, Zahntechnik
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2013
Video-Quelle: Dental Video Journal
Reihe: Dental Video Journal


  • Patient presentation, impression, comprehensive jaw relation records
  • Wax-up, Fabrication of the provisional restoration
  • Fabrication of a DVT based planning and drilling template
  • Surgical procedures for inserting four implants in the mandible
  • Suturing and relining of the existing denture as a provisional restoration
  • After 12 weeks: Reentry and insertion of healing abutments
  • Harvesting a free gingiva graft to extend the attached gingiva
  • Verifying implant stability using Periotest
  • Reworking the existing denture to fit on the healing abutments
  • Impressioning with custom tray (pick-up technique)
  • Demonstrating the line finder to transfer face axis
  • Fabricating the three restorations with Locator® attachments, electroplated double crown, precision-milled bar
  • The matrix and retention parts of the Locator® system, transferring the Locator® abutments to the implants
  • Fabricating the electroplated copings, intraoral adhesively connecting the electroplated copings to the cast framework (passive fit), finishing and delivery
  • Removable restoration on a custom-milled bar, clinical and laboratory workflow, delivery
  • Maintaining implant-supported restorations

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