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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Lloyd J. Searson / Martin Gough / Ken Hemmings

Implantology in General Dental Practice

Reihe: QuintEssentials of Dental Practice, Volume 04
1st Edition 2005
Hardcover, 114 Seiten, 126 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Implantologie

Artikelnr.: 31031
ISBN 978-1-85097-054-5
QP United Kingdom

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Increased media attention and research have heightened awareness of dental implants as an option for missing teeth. The general practitioner is now expected to offer implants when discussing restorative treatment with patients. This book aims to explain current best practice in the principles of patient assessment and treatment planning, implant selection criteria, and surgical and restorative treatment protocols for achieving optimum functional and cosmetic results according to each individual patient's clinical needs and requirements.

Chapter 1. History and Development of Dental Implants
Chapter 2. Case Selection
Chapter 3. Patient Assessment and Treatment-Planning
Chapter 4. Surgery
Chapter 5. Prosthodontic Procedures
Chapter 6. Advanced Cases
Chapter 7. Complications and Maintenance
Chapter 8. The Future
Cover, Searson/Gough/Hemmings: Implantology in General Dental Practice

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Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success

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