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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Markus Tröltzsch / Matthias Tröltzsch

30 Minutes to Augmentation – Set 1

Sinus Floor Elevation Part 1 | Sinus Floor Elevation Part 2 | Ridge Preservation | Guided Bone Regeneration

Voraussichtliches Erscheinen: September 2025
1. Auflage 2025
4 Volumes each in Softcover; 14.8 x 21 cm, 300 Seiten, 180 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Oralchirurgie, Implantologie

Artikelnr.: 24511
ISBN 978-1-78698-159-2
QP Deutschland

Produkt in Vorbereitung.

98,00 €
29,80 €
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29,80 €
29,80 €
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Achieve mastery in oral surgery with the “30 minutes to…” series. Designed for time-conscious dental professionals, these practical guides offer step-by-step protocols for procedures ranging from extractions to implants. Rooted in cutting-edge research, the books include troubleshooting strategies, clinical tips, and streamlined checklists to ensure confidence and efficiency in every surgery. Perfect for integrating surgical skills into your practice, this series simplifies complex techniques into actionable insights, empowering you to elevate patient care and broaden your expertise.

Sinus Floor Elevation
Part 1: Indications, Basics, and Standard Procedure
Part 1 of this two-part guide covers the basics, providing you with the necessary know-how and taking you through patient cases to demonstrate the practical applications. It is recommended that Chapters 1 and 2 are read first, as they provide all the structured information in the form of a textbook. Chapter 3 provides guidance on how to deal with patients. Chapter 4 provides a detailed, step-by-step examination of various cases, putting into practice the knowledge presented in the early part of the guide. Then progress to Part 2, which looks into advanced procedures and complications and provides checklists for implementing the knowledge gained from the book into daily practice.

Stock No. 24531; ISBN 978-1-78698-167-7; Softcover 14.8 x 21 cm
approx 75 pp and 45 illus.
EUR 29.80

Sinus Floor Elevation
Part 2: Complex Techniques, Overcoming Challenges, Patient Management, and Checklists
Having learned the basics, standard protocols, and step-by-step approaches in Part 1 of our comprehensive sinus floor elevation procedure guide, you are now ready to tackle the more complex aspects of this surgery. In this part, we delve into advanced sinus lift surgeries, including assessing case difficulty and managing both intraoperative and postoperative complications efficiently. You will find comprehensive postsurgery care guidelines and helpful checklists to enhance your practice. These advanced skills and methodologies will empower you to confidently approach complicated cases, elevating your status in oral surgery. As we move forward, we will continue to build on your strong foundation and enhance your proficiency. Best of luck as we help you to prepare for the challenges of advanced sinus lift procedures.

Stock No. 24541; ISBN 978-1-78698-168-4; Softcover 14.8 x 21 cm
approx 75 pp and 45 illus.
EUR 29.80

Ridge Preservation
Broaden your foundation of successful dental restorations with our comprehensive guide to ridge preservation. This book provides detailed insights into step-by-step procedures for maintaining alveolar ridge integrity, from minor to complex cases. Learn advanced techniques, explore the use of biomaterials such as PRF and collagen membranes, and gain practical tools such as checklists and complication management strategies. Backed by cutting-edge research, this resource empowers dental professionals to optimize patient outcomes with confidence and precision. Elevate your expertise and ensure long-lasting results in implant and restorative dentistry.

Stock No. 24551; ISBN 978-1-78698-169-1; Softcover 14.8 x 21 cm
approx 75 pp and 45 illus.
EUR 29.80

Guided Bone Regeneration
This comprehensive guide will help dental professionals to master the essentials of guided bone regeneration (GBR). Delve into step-by-step protocols, from fundamentals to advanced techniques such as GBR with reinforcements, ensuring predictable outcomes for alveolar ridge augmentation. Cutting-edge insights on materials, patient-centered procedures, and complication management are provided, all of which are backed by the latest scientific research. Detailed checklists and practical tips will help you to streamline your workflow, enhancing your precision and confidence. Whether you are dealing with minor bone deficits or complex cases, this resource will equip you to elevate your surgical skills and provide enhanced patient care.

Stock No. 24561; ISBN 978-1-78698-170-7; Softcover 14.8 x 21 cm
approx 75 pp and 45 illus.
EUR 29.80



Dr. Dr. Markus Tröltzsch

Deutschland, Ansbach

Markus Tröltzsch ist Facharzt für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie und Oralchirurg. Er war als Oberarzt an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen tätig und leitet jetzt zusammen mit seinem Bruder das Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde in Ansbach. Er ist in verschiedenen Fachgesellschaften aktiv, ist Vorsitzender der Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaften (APW) der DGZMK und referiert sowie publiziert vielfach, insbesondere im Bereich der Augmentationschirurgie und an der Schnittstelle von Medizin und Zahnmedizin.


PD Dr. Dr. Matthias Tröltzsch

Deutschland, Ansbach

Matthias Tröltzsch ist Facharzt für Mund-, Kiefer - und Gesichtschirurgie und Fellow of the European Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery (FEBOMFS). Zudem trägt er die Zusatzbezeichnung "Plastische Operationen". Zusammen mit seinem Bruder leitet er das Zentrum für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde in Ansbach. Er habilitierte an der Klinik und Poliklinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, wo er einen Lehrauftrag hält. Er referiert und publiziert vielfach, insbesondere im Bereich der Antiresorptiva und der Onkologie sowie an der Schnittstelle von Medizin und Zahnmedizin.

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