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Piacenza, Italien

Modern periodontology is about working step by step, moving consistently from infection control to regeneration and mucogingival surgery where is needed, being minimally invasive on each step, giving time for tissue to recover in order to achieve maximally esthetical and stable results.

It is not about a technique or regenerative material, not about making fast decisions on tooth prognosis and it is definitely not only about mucogingival procedures.

Modern periodontology is a personalized medical discipline that puts the patient in the center of treatment process.


Prof. Giulio Rasperini

Via XX Settembre 119
29121 Piacenza
+39 342 839 8701info@iperio.orghttps://www.iperio.org


Prof. Dr. Giulio Rasperini DDS

Italien, Piacenza

Giulio Rasperini, DDS, ist außerordentlicher Professor für Zahnmedizin und Parodontologie am Department für Biomedizinische, Chirurgische und Zahnmedizinische Wissenschaften an der Universität Mailand in Italien und außerordentlicher klinischer Dozent am Department für Parodontologie und Oralmedizin an der Zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der University of Michigan. Er ist Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses des International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, hat umfangreich zu den Themen Parodontologie und Implantologie publiziert und Vorträge gehalten und ist Empfänger mehrerer Forschungspreise. Im Jahr 2017 gründete Dr. Rasperini zusammen mit Dr. Giorgio Pagni und Dr. Raffaele Acunzo das iPerio Education Center in Piacenza, Italien.

Weitere Informationen

Dr. Giorgio Pagni

Italien, Firenze

Dr. Rodrigo Neiva, a highly accomplished Periodontist, holds a Master's degree in Periodontics and Oral Medicine from the University of Michigan. Currently serving as Chairman and Clinical Professor of Periodontics at Penn Dental Medicine, Dr. Neiva is widely recognized for his dedication to academic excellence.

As a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, Dr. Neiva maintains active membership in esteemed organizations such as the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), the Società Italiana di Parodontologia (SIDP), and the Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani (ANDI). He is also a valued member of the Florence Perio Group and has founded ANDI Firenze Giovani, demonstrating his commitment to fostering professional development and collaboration within the field.

Dr. Neiva's scholarly contributions extend beyond his academic roles. He has served as a reviewer for prominent journals including the Journal of Dental Research and the International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, and has contributed to the American Academy of Periodontology Journal Watch. Additionally, Dr. Neiva holds certifications from the Misch International Implant Institute and the Centro di Insegnamento in Micro-Endodonzia, where he specialized in Clinical and Surgical Micro-Endodontics under the mentorship of Dr. Castellucci in 2013.

Throughout his career, Dr. Neiva has been honored with numerous prestigious awards, including being named a finalist for the Balint Orban Memorial Award in 2011 and winning the HM Goldman Award in 2010. He has also received recognition for his research, including a second prize at the 10th International Symposium on Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry in 2010.

As a sought-after lecturer, Dr. Neiva has presented his research at numerous international meetings, including the American Academy of Periodontology's Annual Meeting, the XV Congresso Internazionale Società Italiana di Parodontologia, and the AADR Annual Meeting. His research has been showcased at esteemed conferences such as the EAO 2010 and EUROPERIO6.

Dr. Neiva's extensive contributions to the field of periodontology are evident in his authored papers in esteemed journals and contributions to influential textbooks. His dedication to advancing periodontology through education, research, and clinical practice is exemplary and continues to shape the future of the field.


Dr. Raffaele Acunzo

Italien, Mailand

Empfehlungen des Partners

Giulio Rasperini

The Oral Surgery Suture Trainer

compatible with iPhone, and iPad; requires iOS 4.3 or later
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, Oralchirurgie

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