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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Bernd Heinz / Søren Jepsen

Rezessionsdeckung im UK-Frontzahnbereich mit Bindegewebstransplantat bei vertikalem Defekt

21 Minutes

Category: Periodontics
Language(s): German, English
Publication year: 2005
Video source: APW DVD Journal
Series: APW DVD Journal


  • Entnahme des freien Bindegewebstransplantates am Gaumen
  • Nahtverschluss der Entnahmestelle
  • Schnittführung für koronalen Verschiebelappen
  • Maschinelle Reinigung und Glättung der Wurzeloberfläche
  • Entfernung des Granulationsgewebes
  • Positionierung des freien Bindegewebstransplantates
  • Fixation des Transplantates
  • Mobilisierung des koronalen Verschiebelappens
  • Fixation des Lappens

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Roland Frankenberger

Length: 28 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: 9. May 2008


Veneer Replacement on a Bridge with a Metal Substructure

Roland Frankenberger

Length: 28 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: 9. May 2008



Roland Frankenberger

Length: 7 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: 9. May 2008


Repair of a Margin Defect on a Gold Inlay

Roland Frankenberger

Length: 7 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Conservative Dentistry
available since: 9. May 2008


Weichgewebsmanagement bei Sofortimplantation Regio 21

Ueli Grunder

Length: 39 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German, English
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Implantology
available since: 9. May 2008


Soft Tissue Management in Immediate Implantation in Region 21

Ueli Grunder

Length: 39 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: English, German
Series: APW DVD Journal
Category: Implantology
available since: 9. May 2008

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Production year: 2012
Language: English, German
Series: Dental Video Journal
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Internal Sinus Lift with the Lift Control System

Roland Streckbein

Length: 8 minutes
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Language: English, German
Series: Dental Video Magazin
Category: Implantology
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