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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Verena Gesing / Klaas Stechmann / Anja Engler


Theory and Practice of Trigger Point Therapy

1st Edition 2020
Hardcover, 19 x 24 cm, 396 pages, 560 illustrations
Language: German
Category: Physiotherapy

Stock No.: 30139
ISBN 978-3-86867-205-3
KVM Verlag

39,80 € 14,80 €
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This book is aimed at physiotherapists and all those who wish to study in depth the topic of trigger points and their treatment. As a comprehensive workbook, it also conveys an understanding of the origin of trigger points. Once you know the causes of trigger points, you can treat them in a targeted and reliable manner. The book is divided into two sections, a basic and a practical one. In the first chapters, the reader is introduced to the important anatomical, physiologic, and pathophysiologic principles, which are of central importance for trigger point therapy, with many explanatory illustrations. In the practical section, the authors go into detail about the treatment of trigger points. Anatomical diagrams of the muscles affected in each case are presented, with illustrations of the corresponding areas of pain radiation from trigger points.


Verena Gesing

Germany, Unna

Verena Gesing, physiotherapist and manual therapist, has been intensively involved with the topic of "trigger points" for many years, both practically and theoretically. She is co-editor and co-author of the reference book "Handbuch Physiotherapie". Furthermore, she regularly publishes articles in professional journals. Verena Gesing works as an instructor in "Physiotherapy" and as a professional freelance physiotherapist.


Anja Engler


Anja Engler studierte von 1990 bis 1997 Biologie an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf und beendete das Studium mit dem Diplom-Abschluss. Seit 1997 ist sie in der Lehre tätig und bildet an einer privaten Berufsfachschule u. a. Physiotherapeuten, Masseure und Ergotherapeuten aus. Während ihrer Lehrtätigkeit studierte sie berufsbegleitend von 2008 bis 2012 Erwachsenenbildung an der Technischen Universität Kaiserslautern und beendete ihr Studium mit dem Master of Arts. Seit 2014 ist sie in leitender Position tätig und wirkt u.a. am Aufbau und an der Entwicklung weiterer Fachbereiche mit.

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