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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Mahmoud Torabinejad / Richard Rubinstein (Editor)

The Art and Science of Contemporary Surgical Endodontics

1st Edition 2017
Book, DVD
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 2 Live Surgery DVDs included, 336 pages, 685 illustrations
Language: English
Category: Endodontics

Stock No.: 20841
ISBN 978-0-86715-731-4

128,00 €
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This book begins with a concise review of the basic science of tissues and then moves into diagnosis, treatment planning, and surgical procedures in endodontics, with an emphasis on the use of enhanced magnification, ultrasonic tips, microinstruments, newer root-end filling materials, and CBCT. Chapters on the maxillary sinus and its relation to surgical endodontics, soft and hard tissue healing, and adjunctive surgical procedures and considerations such as management of procedural accidents, resorption, root amputation, hemisection, replantation, transplantation, crown lengthening, grafting materials, and pharmacology are followed by an assessment of the outcomes of surgical endodontics based on current evidence. The accompanying DVDs present valuable videos demonstrating many of the procedures. These features provide the reader with a textbook that is concise, current, and easy to follow in an interactive manner. Written by a team of leading authorities and richly illustrated, this new compendium of state-of-the-art knowledge and protocols is essential reading for practicing endodontists and residents alike.

Chapter 01. Anatomical Zones in Endodontic Surgery
Chapter 02. Histology of Tissues Involved in Surgical Endodontics
Chapter 03. Bone Physiology and Metabolism in Endodontic Surgery
Chapter 04. Radiolucent Periapical Pathosis
Chapter 05. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Chapter 06. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Treatment Planning of Periapical Surgery
Chapter 07. Magnification and Illumination in Apical Surgery
Chapter 08. Local Anesthesia and Hemostasis
Chapter 09. Soft Tissue Management
Chapter 10. Apical Microsurgery: Application of Armamentaria, Materials, and Methods
Chapter 11. Root-End Filling Materials
Chapter 12. Surgical Endodontics and the Maxillary Sinus
Chapter 13. Suturing and Postoperative Instructions
Chapter 14. Wound Healing
Chapter 15. Adjunctive Procedures
Chapter 16. Pharmacology in Surgical Endodontics
Chapter 17. Outcomes of Endodontic Surgery

H. Abedi • B. Azevedo • M. Fayad • S. S. Huja • B. R. Johnson • K. Jurosky • K. Keiser • Z. Luo • T. Lundgren • M. Parirokh • O. A. Peters • B. Retamozo • D. Rice • W. E. Roberts • E. Sahl • N. Said-Al-Naief • S. Shabahang • D. N. Tatakis • R. W. Tataryn • P. Velvart • T. von Arx • S. N. White • K. Wright

Mahmoud Torabinejad DMD, MSD, PhD

United States of America

Mahmoud Torabinejad, DMD, MSD, PhD, is currently the President and CEO of the Torabinejad Institute of Surgical Education and Research Venues in Irvine, California. He has teaching positions in endodontics at multiple schools and is the former professor of endodontics at multiple schools and is the former professor of endodontics and Director of Advanced Program in endodontics at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. He lectures internationally and has authored six textbooks and more than 350 publications. He is the #1 cited author in classic literature and regenerative endodontics in the field of endodontics. He is a past president of both the California Association of Endodontics and the American Association of Endodontists and has received numerous awards and accolades in the field of endodontics.

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Cover, Torabinejad/Rubinstein: The Art and Science of Contemporary Surgical Endodontics

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