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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Reinhold Roth

Taping – Der große Bildatlas Kinesiologisches Tapen

Basics | Application Techniques | Usage

1st Edition 2018
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 576 pages, 1500 illustrations
Language: German
Category: Physiotherapy

Stock No.: 30185
ISBN 978-3-86867-326-5
KVM Verlag

74,00 €
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The physiotherapist and manual therapist Reinhold Roth has developed his taping concept based on the kinesiological taping developed by Dr Kenzo Kase, tested it in practice, and optimized it. He has been using it for many years in the treatment of professional athletes, among others. He now presents the experience he has gained in this pictorial atlas, which provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of the Sensotape® method. In this book, individual techniques are explained and the possibilities of tape application are presented in picture sequences with precise step-by-step instructions in a way that is easy to follow – clearly structured and with a focus on treatment and clinical indications. The book forms a reliable and practical guide for sports physicians, orthopedists, neurologists, general practitioners, osteopaths, physiotherapists, masseurs, and alternative practitioners, but is also aimed at medically trained trainers and sports instructors.


Reinhold Roth


Reinhold Roth betreibt eine OMT-Praxis für ganzheitliche Physiotherapie in Gießen. Zudem ist er Physiotherapeut der deutschen Handballnationalmannschaft der Männer und betreute außerdem die Handball-Bundesligisten SG Wallau, SG Kleenheim, TV Hüttenberg und die HSG Wetzlar.

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Cover, Roth: Taping - Der große Bildatlas Kinesiologisches Tapen

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je 1 Rolle 5 cm x 5 m
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KVM Verlag