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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Gerhard Sattler (Editor)
Britta Knoll

Illustrated Atlas of Esthetic Mesotherapy

Active Substances | Dosage | Administration

Series: Aesthetic Methods for Skin Rejuvenation
1st Edition 2012
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 138 pages, 215 illustrations
Language: English
Category: Facial Esthetics

Stock No.: 19161
ISBN 978-1-85097-232-7
KVM Verlag

149,00 €
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Mesotherapy is a simple and effective method of esthetic treatment involving targeted microinjections of medicinal substances into the skin and connective tissues. This atlas offers an essential introduction to the practice of esthetic mesotherapy and arms clinicians with what they need to know to get started, such as descriptions of the active substances, injection techniques, side effects, and effective methods for consultation and case documentation. Treatment sequencing is detailed for the most common therapeutic applications, including skin rejuvenation (mesolift), preventive skin toning (mesoglow), treatment combined with injections of botulinum toxin (mesobotox), hair loss treatment (mesohair), cellulite treatment, treatment of local fat pads (lypolysis), and other dermatological indications. The clinical illustrations provide detailed step-by-step instruction, and the inclusion of case histories confirms the benefits and efficacy of this esthetic therapy.

Chapter 01. Definition of Mesotherapy
Chapter 02. The Active Substances
Chapter 03. Documentation and Organization
Chapter 04. Side Effects
Chapter 05. Materials and Techniques
Chapter 06. The Consultation
Chapter 07. The Treatment
Chapter 08. Regional Treatments
Chapter 09. Case Histories
Chapter 10. Aids for Therapist


Dr. med. Britta Knoll

Dr Britta Knoll, President of the German Society of Mesotherapy and former student of Michel Pistor, the founder of mesotherapy.


Dr. med. Gerhard Sattler †

Germany, Darmstadt

Dr. Gerhard Sattler is considered one of the pioneers of esthetic medicine worldwide. Until his death, he was President of the German Society for Aesthetic Surgery (GÄCD) and Executive Director of the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery as well as a member of other specialist societies and Director of the Rosenpark Clinic in Darmstadt.

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Cover, Sattler/Knoll: Illustrated Atlas of Esthetic Mesotherapy

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