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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Klaas Stechmann

Funktionelles Ganzkörpertraining mit der Faszienrolle

1st Edition 2018
Softcover, 18,5 x 26 cm, 190 pages, 150 illus
Language: German
Categories: Physiotherapy, Guide Health & Medical Science

Stock No.: 30232
ISBN 978-3-86867-352-4
KVM Verlag

14,80 €
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The use of fascia rollers has become an integral part of today’s everyday training – whether in the gym, during competitive or recreational sport or in yoga practice – exercises with the fascia roller serve to loosen fascia and strengthen the body. The beginning part of the book introduces you to the theoretical basics of any whole-body workout with the fascia roller in easy-to-understand terms. This is followed by an extensive practical part, which details the different regions of the body such as the neck, legs, arms, and back. The variety involved in a whole-body workout is borne in mind in the design of these exercises. The simple adaptation of the intensity of the training to the needs of the individual is clearly demonstrated. Selftreatment with the roller as well as the whole range of modern functional training is clearly explained.

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