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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Mauro Fradeani

Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics Volume 1

Esthetic Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment

1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 352 pages, 1136 illustrations
Language: English
Categories: Esthetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics

Stock No.: 11691
ISBN 978-1-85097-108-5
QP Italy

210,00 € 178,00 €
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Advances in technology and biomaterials have dramatically expanded the possibilities for esthetic optimization in restorative dentistry. Too often, however, such treatment focuses exclusively on the dental area and fails to consider the overall facial composition. This easy-to-read text provides the clinician with a systematic approach to facial evaluation during esthetic treatment planning. Separate chapters guide the reader to an understanding of the esthetic parameters involved in facial, dentolabial, phonetic, dental, and gingival analysis. Each chapter presents prosthetic considerations and applications that allow the clinician to formulate an optimal treatment plan based on the individual clinical situation of the patient. Also provided is an esthetic checklist that allows the clinician to apply the principles described in the text to everyday practice. Amply illustrated, this text is an invaluable tool for all clinicians practicing esthetic and restorative dentistry.

Chapter 1. Establishing Communication with Patients
Chapter 2. Facial Analysis
Chapter 3. Dentolabial Analysis
Chapter 4. Phonetic Analysis
Chapter 5. Tooth Analysis
Chapter 6. Gingival Analysis
Esthetic Checklist

Ästhetik-Protokoll (PDF, 0,5 MB, Deutsch)
Esthetic Checklist (PDF, 0,5 MB, English)
Lista de registro Estético (PDF, 0,5 MB, Español)
Cartella Estetica (PDF, 0,5 MB, Italiano)
Esthetic Checklist (PDF, 0,5 MB, Japanese)
Lista de Estético (PDF, 0,5 MB, Portuguese)
Esthetic Checklist (PDF, 0,5 MB, Russisch)


Dr. Mauro Fradeani MD, DDS

Italy, Pesaro

Mauro Fradeani, MD, DDS, is the founder and director of ACE Institute and Fradeani Education. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry and is an associate editor of The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry. He is the author of Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics, Volume 1: Esthetic Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment (Quintessence, 2004) and Volume 2: Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic Approach to Esthetic, Biologic, and Functional Integration (Quintessence, 2008). Dr Fradeani maintains a private practice limited to prosthetics on natural dentition and on implants in Pesaro, Italy.

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Cover, Fradeani: Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics Volume 1
"...The scope of this volume is the rationalization of the esthetic parameters, facilitated by the accompanying esthetic checklist.

This is an outstanding teaching tool for students and clinicians, and a helpful reference for all practitioners who see the value in diagnosis and treatment planning for any esthetic consideration. The information presented improves not only the skill of the dentist, but will, no doubt, also improve communication between the dentist and the patient, as well as the esthetic outcome of the treatment..."
Leonard B. Goldstein, DDS, PhD; NYSDJ (December 2004)

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