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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Hans Pancherz

Die Herbst-Apparatur

Successful treatment of Class II dysgnathia

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 192 pages, 1148 illustrations
Language: German
Categories: Orthodontics, Student literature

Stock No.: 23920
ISBN 978-3-86867-584-9
QP Deutschland

88,00 € 48,00 €
48,00 € 18,00 €
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The Herbst appliance, named after Emil Herbst, has been successfully used to treat distal bites since the beginning of the 20th century. It is one of the most commonly used fixed appliances today and can be combined with other treatment concepts. The patient’s cooperation is not required for the appliance to function correctly.

Prof Hans Pancherz has dedicated himself to this fixed functional orthodontic appliance for decades and has proven its effectiveness for the treatment of distal bites through extensive scientific studies. The chapters in this book are an extract of this life’s work and describe not only clear indications and limitations but also the various design options of the Herbst appliance.

An additional chapter by a group of authors led by Dr Björn Ludwig shows the transfer of the described appliance variants to digital orthodontics, which, thanks to the advanced developments in the field of CAD/CAM manufacturing processes, now also makes possible a more diverse, economical, and accessible way of manufacturing the appliance.


Univ.-Prof. i. R. Hans Pancherz †

Germany, Gießen

Hans Pancherz, DDS, Odont. Dr. (PhD), received his dental and orthodontic education at the School of Dentistry, University of Lund in Malmö, Sweden. He became a certied specialist in Orthodontics in 1974. In 1976 he finished his PhD thesis on “Long-term effects of activator (Andresen appliance) treatment”. From 1975 to 1985 he was Associate Professor at the Orthodontic Department, University of Lund. In 1985 he was appointed Chair Professor at the University of Giessen, Germany, where he served from 1985 until 2005. Professor Pancherz has published 140 scientic articles, 72 of which deal with the Herbst appliance. He has been invited as lecturer at more than 200 national and international conferences all over the world and has received numerous awards and honors. At the Dental Faculty in Hong Kong, Professor Pancherz served as Honorary Professor in 1996 and 1997 and as Visiting Professor in 2007. He was Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor in Sydney in 1997. Furthermore, he acted as External Examiner for the Masters in Orthodontics in Hong-Kong in 1996 and 1997 and in Sydney in 1997 and 2006. Moreover, he is Editorial Board Member of several orthodontic journals. Professor Pancherz is particularly interested in clinical research, focusing on functional appliances and their effects on growth, electromyography of the masticatory muscles and long-term evaluation of dentofacial orthopedic interventions.

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Issue cycle: Quarterly
Language: German

Category: Orthodontics

Editor-in-chief: Dr. Björn Ludwig, Dr. Jens Johannes Bock
Coordinating editor: Anke Schiemann
QP Deutschland