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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland
Jan Stöhlmacher

Damit Vertrauen im Sprechzimmer gelingt

A personal guide for patients and their relatives

1st Edition 2022
Softcover; 14,8 x 21 cm, 204 pages
Language: German
Categories: Human Medicine, Guide Health & Medical Science, Patient Education

Stock No.: 30317
ISBN 978-3-86867-602-0
KVM Verlag

14,90 €
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A trusting patient–doctor relationship is crucial for coping with health-related life crises in the best possible way. In this book, the author gives practical suggestions on how patients and their relatives can contribute to having trusting conversations with their doctor.

Due to his experience as an oncologist, and also because he is a close relative of cancer patients, the author is sensitized to the special importance of the discussion between the doctor, the patient, and the relatives. He also knows the constraints of everyday hospital life, and is aware of the needs, wishes, and questions of all those involved. The author allows those affected to speak for themselves and faces up to their questions, which are often uncomfortable for a doctor to answer.

This balanced combination of useful specialist knowledge and firsthand experience from his practice and personal life have allowed Prof. Stöhlmacher to write a valuable non-fiction book that is a very beneficial read.



Prof. Dr. med. Jan Stöhlmacher


Prof Dr med Jan Stöhlmacher is a professor of internal medicine, specializing in hematology and internal oncology. His specialist areas of focus include cancers of the internal organs and tumor therapy supported by genetic analyses. He has written numerous publications and scientific articles for medical textbooks. His many years as head of the oncological outpatient clinic at Dresden University Hospital, as well as the fact that his brothers have cancer, have sensitized him to dealing with patients in a trusting manner. His particular concern, therefore, is to pass on his experience to future doctors as part of his teaching activities at the Dresden Hospital.

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