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  • Quintessence Publishing Deutschland

113 Authors/Speakers


Dr. Katrin Schwerdtfeger

Germany, Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Dr. Anton Sculean MSc

Switzerland, Bern

Anton Sculean is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology and currently the Head of the Dental Research Center (DRC) of the School of Dental Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Sculean has authored more than 470 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 35 chapters in periodontal textbooks and has delivered more than 600 lectures at national and international meetings. He is Past President of the Periodontal Research Group of the IADR, of the Swiss Society of Periodontology, of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP). Professor Sculean is currently listed as the top-rated expert in Periodontics in the world https://www.expertscape.com/ex/periodontics.His research interests focus on periodontal wound healing and regeneration, regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, use of antibiotics, antiseptics and novel approaches such as lasers and photodynamic therapy in the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant infections.


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Dr. Mark Thomas Sebastian

Germany, München

Dr. Mark Thomas Sebastian passed his state examination and doctorate at the Private University of Witten-Herdecke in 1993. His assistant time lasted until 1996 with study visits to Brazil, USA and South Africa. From 1996 he was a junior partner specializing in periodontology and implantology in the practice of Dr. Josef Schmidseder, Munich, one of the first German pioneers in esthetic dentistry. From 1996–2001 he was a scientific editor in the "European Journal of Aesthetic Dentistry". During this time he gave lectures on plastic periodontal surgery and published the book "Periodontology – State of Science, American Academy of Periodontology". In 1999 he founded his own practice in Munich with a focus on esthetic restorative dentistry, periodontology and implantology. Since 2000 he has been a scientific member of the editorial team of the journal “Quintessenz Zahnmedizin” published by Quintessence Publishing, Berlin. He is one of the founding members of the first European “Seattle study club SSC” in Tegernsee, 2008. The German Society for Esthetic Dentistry DGÄZ named him in 2014 as a “Specialist in Esthetic Dentistry and Function”. He completed the master's degree in the function of the chewing organ with Professor Slavicek, Vienna, in 2015. Since then, he has lectured for orthopedic surgeons on the connection between dentistry, orthopedics and bruxism. Since 2016 he has been a member of the "Invisalign Academic Aesthetic Advisory Board". Since then he has held international lectures and courses on splint orthodontics, esthetic dentistry and function.

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Dr. Anna-Theresa Seitz

Germany, Leipzig

Dr. Doris Seiz

Germany, Kelsterbach More information

Dr. Sinan Sen

Germany, Heidelberg

Dr. Behnam Shakibaie DDS, MS

Iran, Tehran

Dr. Behnam Shakibaie is a pioneer in Implant Microsurgery. He is a multi-specialist in Oral Surgery, Implantology, Periodontology and Microscopic Dentistry. He has been developing and publishing new microsurgical techniques and instruments for oral implantology and jaw bone reconstructions. Dr. Shakibaie is scientific instructor of Zeiss Dental Academy and research partner of University of Pennsylvania and University of Michigan. He graduated from Berlin University and specialized in Oral Surgery at Berlin and Bonn University. Dr. Shakibaie earned his Mastership in Implantology at DGI in Germany, Mastership in Periodontology at DGP in Germany and Specialization in Oral Microsurgery and Microscopic Dentistry at Zeiss Dental Academy in Switzerland. He is an international speaker and winner of numerous scientific awards.

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Cordula Siebers-Koch

Germany, Berlin

Seit 2008 freiberuflich tätig als Mediatorin, Fortbildnerin in mediativer Kommunikation und Konfliktmanagement, Trainerin für Teamentwicklung, Coach für verschiedenste Berufsgruppen.

Seit 2015 Mediationsbeauftragte der Evangelischen Schulstiftung in der EKBO mit den Arbeitsschwerpunkten: Fortbildungen für Pädagogen in Mediation und mediativer Kommunikation, Mediation und Moderation von Konfliktgesprächen mit Schüler- und Pädagogenteams, Beratung und Coaching, Betreuung/ Vernetzung und Ausbildung von Konfliktlotsen und Mediatoren.

Autorin für pädagogische Fachliteratur: z. B.: „Mit Mediation das Klassenklima verbessern“ und „Elterngespräche souverän gestalten“

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Dr. Dr. Silvia M. Silli

Austria, Wien
1982-1988: Study of Dentistry at the Free University Berlin. 1988-1993: Study of Medicine at the University of Vienna, Conferral of doctorate Dr.med.univ. 1989-1994: Orthodontist Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (Health Insurance Fund), Vienna. 1994: Self-employed orthodontist, orthodontic practice, Vienna. Since 1997: Executive board member of the Verband Österreichischer Kieferorthopäden. 1998: Member of the Austrian Board of Orthodontists. 1998: Development of the Orthorobot System for virtual setup, bracket positioning and bending of individualized archwires with robot technology. 2010: Member of the European Board of Orthodontists. Since 2012 Lecturer University of Erlangen. Since 2012 responsible for "Die zertifizierte Patienten-Präsentation" (Part of the Quintessenz-Journal KIEFERORTHOPÄDIE)
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Prof. Dr. Massimo Simion MS, DDS

Italy, Milan

Massimo Simion, MD, DDS, is a professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology at the University of Milan School of Dentistry. He is also a past president and member of the Council of the European Academy of Osseointegration. He serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Periodontology, The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, and Clinical Oral Implants Research. Dr Simion has published several scientific papers and lectures internationally on periodontology, osseointegration, and bone regeneration.

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Prof. Dr. David Sonntag

Germany, Frankfurt

David Sonntag is a specialist in endodontics and has headed the Endodontology Master's program at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf since 2010. He works in private practice as an endodontist and advises companies on the development of NiTi instruments. He has lectured in the field of endodontology in Germany and abroad and has published on the subject for over 20 years.

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Hansmartin Spatzier

Germany, Berlin

Dr. Sergio Spinato DDS, PhD

Italy, Modena

Sergio Spinato, DDS, PhD, is adjunct professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, and secretary of the International Piezosurgery Academy. He has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Dr Spinato maintains a private practice in Sassuolo, Italy.

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Prof. Dr. Christian H. Splieth

Germany, Greifswald

Specialist in pediatric dentistry, Head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Greifswald, Past-President of the German Society for Pediatric Dentistry and the European Organization for Caries Research (ORCA) as well as author and speaker in the field of pediatric dentistry.

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Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernd Stadlinger

Switzerland, Zürich

Bernd Stadlinger studied medicine and dentistry at the universities of Erlangen, Vienna, and Dresden from 1996 to 2006. He trained as a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University Hospital Dresden and habilitated in 2011 with the topic “Functional biomaterials to influence maxillofacial bone healing.” In July 2011, he became senior physician in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Clinic for Oral Surgery at the University of Zurich. After his rehabilitation at the University of Zurich, he became a specialist in oral surgery in 2013, and has been Head Physician and Head of Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology since December 2015. Bernd Stadlinger is a board member of the Swiss Society for Oral Surgery and Stomatology (SSOS) and the Swiss Association for Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Diseases (SAKM). The focus of his scientific work is the interaction between biomaterials and bone, in particular the coating of implants with different organic components to accelerate peri-implant bone healing. His other area of interest is imaging techniques and the implementation of digital treatment methods. In the field of teaching, he is the author of various computer-animated science films and is actively involved in the integration of modern media into university teaching, for which he has received numerous science and teaching awards.

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