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1979-1985: Studium der Zahnmedizin an der Freien Universität Berlin. 1985-1994: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Zahnärztlichen Prothetik der Freien Universität Berlin. 1994-2004: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Zahnärztlichen Prothetik und Alterszahnmedizin der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Seit 2000: Oberärztin. 2000: Spezialistin für Prothetik. Seit 2004: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Zahnärztlichen Prothetik, Alterszahnmedizin und Funktionslehre der Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. 2004: Habilitation. 2004: Spezialistin für Funktionsdiagnostik und -therapie. 2010-2015: Kommissarische Leitung der Abteilung für Zahnärztliche Prothetik, Alterszahnmedizin und Funktionslehre. Seit 2013: Präsidentin der DGFDT. Seit 2017: APL Professur.
DGZMK/APW Jahrestagung 2024 – Deutscher Zahnärztetag
Zahnmedizin 2024: Welche Qualität müssen wir uns leisten?13. Sep 2024 — 14. Sep 2024online
Speakers: Stavros Avgerinos, Ingo Baresel, Till Dammaschke, Henrik Dommisch, Peter Eickholz, Roland Frankenberger, Christian Ralf Gernhardt, Knut A. Grötz, Joachim Jackowski , Horst Kares, Heike Maria Korbmacher-Steiner, Ingrid Peroz, Sven Reich, Bernd Reiss, Oliver Ristow, Karina Schick, Eik Schiegnitz, Matthias Schneider, Lukas Waltenberger, Matthias Widbiller
APW-Geschäftsstelle der Akademie Praxis und Wissenschaft, Düsseldorf
52. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dentale Technologie e.V.
Erfolgreicher restaurieren im Team – zwischen analog und digital.30. May 2024 — 1. Jun 2024K3N-Halle, Nürtingen, Germany
Speakers: Ghaith Alousi, Heike Assmann, Thomas Barandun, Ralf Barsties, Jan-Holger Bellmann, Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff, Carsten Fischer, Samuel Fuhrer, Naida Gadzo, Peter Gehrke, Werner Gotsch, Jan-Frederik Güth, Justus Hauschild, Uli Hauschild, Niels Hedtke, Max Horn, Cem Karakaya, Julia Krebs, Lukas Langer, Vera Leisentritt, Katja Nelson, Robert Nicic, Ina Nitschke, Ingrid Peroz, Otto Prandtner, Jens Richter, Christian Rohrbach, Daniel Sandmair, Arbnor Saraci, Joachim Schneider, Steffen Schumacher, Jan Schünemann, Kathrin Seidel, Daan van Oort, Annette von Hajmasy, Lukas Waltenberger, Wolfgang Weisser, Noah Ziga
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dentale Technologie e.V.
Deutscher Zahnärztetag 2018
MISSERFOLGE - erkennen, beherrschen, vermeiden9. Nov 2018 — 10. Nov 2018Congress Center Messe Frankfurt
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Sarah Al-Maawi, Bilal Al-Nawas, Kurt Werner Alt, Anna Greta Barbe, Tobias Bauer, Daniel Bäumer, Marco Baz Bartels, Grietje Beck, Katrin Bekes, Christoph Benz, Dirk Bleiel, Johannes Boesch, Martin Boost, Wolfgang Buchalla, Oskar Bunz, Fabian Cieplik, Monika Daubländer, Sybille David-Hebgen, Andreas Dehler, Renate Deinzer, Sonja H. M. Derman, Konstanze Diekmeyer, Ingmar Dobberstein, Heike Dyrna, Thomas Eger, Guido Elsäßer, Anne Sophie Engel, Peter Engel, Norbert Enkling, Susanne Fath, Stefan Fickl, Michael Frank, Roland Frankenberger, Rene Franzen, Kerstin Galler, Carolina Ganß, Roland Garve, Christian Ralf Gernhardt, Werner Geurtsen, Shahram Ghanaati, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christiane Gleissner, Steffani Görl, Werner Götz, Susanne Grässel, Dominik Groß, Stefan Grümer, Claus Grundmann, Martin Guffart, Heinz-Michael Günther, Norbert Gutknecht, Peter Hahner, Elmar Hellwig, Christian Henrici, Katrin Hertrampf, Fabian Huettig, Michael Hülsmann, Bruno Imhoff, Holger Jentsch, A. Rainer Jordan, Ana Elisa Kauling, Moritz Kebschull, Christian Kirschneck, Joachim Klimek, Andrea Klink, Thomas Klinke, Birte Koch, Thomas Kocher, Eva Köllensperger, Heike Maria Korbmacher-Steiner, Bernd Kordaß, Hannah Kottmann, Pablo Krämer-Fernandez, Gabriel Krastl, Birgit Krause, Till Kreutzer, Conrad Kühnöl, Stefanie Kurzschenkel, Thorsten Kuypers, Günter Lauer, Hans-Christoph Lauer, Elfi Laurisch, Tina Lawall, Karl Martin Lehmann, Silke Lehmann-Binder M.Sc., Dirk Leisenberg, Ulrike Lübbert, Michael Lüpke, Thomas Malik, Jutta Margraf-Stiksrud, Lorenz Meinel, Gudrun Mentel, Wibke Merten, Louisa Mewes, Johanna Isabel Moosmüller, Martin U. Müller, Wolfgang Müller, Nicole Nicklisch, Ina Nitschke, Michael J. Noack, Marina Nörr-Müller, Karina Obreja, Dietmar Oesterreich, Puria Parvini, Ingrid Peroz, Waldemar Petker, Oksana Petruchin, Andree Piwowarczyk, Peter Pospiech, Peter Proff, Sven Reich, Katharina Reichenmiller, Katharina Reinecke, Bernd Reiss, Svenja Rink, Christiane Rinnen, Jerome Rotgans, Didem Sahin, Sonja Sälzer, Petra Santander, Heidrun Schaaf, Jürgen Schäffer, Elisabeth Schiffner, Ulrich Schiffner, Markus Schlee, Maximiliane Amelie Schlenz, Peter Schmidt, Andrea-Maria Schmidt-Westhausen, Claas Ole Schmitt, Sigmar Schnutenhaus, Jörg Schröder, Gerd Schröter, Andreas Schulte, Philipp Schwaab, Frank Schwarz, Falk Schwendicke, Clemens Schwerin, Sinan Sen, Önder Solakoglu, Hansmartin Spatzier, Christian H. Splieth, Norbert Staab, Bernd Stadlinger, Sabine Steding, Marcus Stoetzer, Giorgio Tabanella, Gisela Tascher, Hendrik Terheyden, Valentina A. Tesky, Jan Tetsch, Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene, Maximilian Voß, Michael Walter, Alexander Welk, Dietmar Weng, Hans-Jürgen Wenz, Jens Westemeier, Lotta Westphal, Annette Wiegand, Karl Frederick Wilms, Michael M. Wolf, Diana Wolff, Anne Wolowski, Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Sylvia Wuttig, Mohamed Younis, Stefan Zimmer, Lisa Zumpe
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
47. Dt. Fortbildungskongress für zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte 2018
Reibungslose Funktion: Wichtig nicht nur im Mund!16. Feb 2018 — 17. Feb 2018Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Sybille David-Hebgen, Susanne Fath, Wolfgang B. Hannak, Daniel Hellmann, Insa Herklotz, Matthias Lange, Helen Möhrke, Sabine Nemec, Ingrid Peroz, Ute Rabing, Ralf J. Radlanski, Heike Rubehn, Annette Irmgard Schmidt, Silke Wieland, Johan Peter Wölber, Bettina Zydatiß
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
32. Berliner Zahnärztetag
Funktionstherapie16. Feb 2018 — 17. Feb 2018Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: M. Oliver Ahlers, Giuseppe Allais, Wael Att, Florian Beuer, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christian Haase, Karsten Heegewaldt, Johannes Heimann, Daniel Hellmann, Jörg-Peter Husemann, Holger A. Jakstat, Ingrid Peroz, Ralf J. Radlanski, Peter Rammelsberg, Diether Reusch, Hans Jürgen Schindler, Stefan Schunke, Önder Solakoglu, Peter Wetselaar
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
45. Dt. Fortbildungskongress für zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte 2016 & minilu Academy
Zahnersatz heute - ein Update26. Feb 2016 — 27. Feb 2016Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Karl-Ludwig Ackermann, Felix Blankenstein, Yvonne Devant, Susanne Fath, Maxi Findeiß, Susanne Graack, Wolfgang B. Hannak, Sönke Harder, Alexander Hassel, Holger Kämpe, Matthias Kern, Christa Maurer, Monika Maxerath, Helen Möhrke, Ingrid Peroz, Heike Rubehn, Bernd Wöstmann
Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH
This author's journal articles
Journal of Craniomandibular Function, 1/2025
Pages 9-30, Language: English, GermanPeroz, Ingrid / Imhoff, Bruno
Although bruxism, also known as teeth clenching or grinding, is no longer considered a disorder or disease entity per se, the excessive masticatory muscle activity and increased and prolonged tooth contact associated with it can lead to serious orofacial health problems. In addition, bruxism activity can indicate general illnesses such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In dentistry in the past, localized damage to teeth and dental restorations, abnormal tooth wear, and/or painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) have been the main reasons for retrospectively looking for evidence of bruxism in the patient’s history and dental examinations. According to the recommendations of the current version of the “S3 Guideline: Diagnosis and Treatment of Bruxism”, published by the German Society of Dentistry and Oral Medicine (DGZMK), the signs and symptoms of current bruxism should be recorded prospectively, e.g., during the initial dental examination or before restorative treatment, to allow appropriate preventive or curative treatment planning and the identification of possible comorbidities. Here, we describe a screening instrument for awake and sleep bruxism that was developed by a working group commissioned by the board of the German Society for Craniomandibular Function and Disorders (DGFDT) based on current recommendations in the literature.
Keywords: bruxism, diagnosis, screening, TMDs
Objectives: The centric relation (CR) before and after a single physiotherapy session in patients with myalgia and controls without craniomandibular disorders (CMD) was compared using a controlled clinical trial.
Materials and methods: Twenty-two patients diagnosed with myalgia according to the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders were included. Five controls showed no symptoms of CMD. All participants were seated on an Orthas chair. The CR was determined with an intraoral process registration (IPR) electronic central bearing device using three methods: a) The adduction point before deprogramming (AP); b) The adduction point after deprogramming by movements on the registration sensor (APD); and c) The manually (hand-)guided centric relation (CRM). Immediately after the first IPR, the participants underwent a physiotherapy session, followed by a second IPR. Cronbach’s α was used as a measurement for internal consistency to evaluate the repeatability of the IPR and the registration methods. The t test was used to analyze the measurable differences between the CR positions of the patients with myalgia and the controls without CMD before and after physiotherapy. Physiotherapy included manual techniques such as massage; stretching; and mobilization of the soft tissue, the temporomandibular joint, and the upper cervical joints.
Results: The internal consistency of all CR methods varied from acceptable for APD (0.65 ≤ α ≤ 0.99) to excellent for AD and CRM (0.79 ≤ α ≤ 0.99). The CR position did not differ significantly in patients before and after physiotherapy (P > 0.05). In controls without CMD, the APD after physiotherapy was significantly more anterior (P = 0.001).
Conclusion: A single physiotherapy session could not change the CR in patients with myalgia.
Keywords: maxillomandibular relation, relaxation, manual therapy, IPR, Gothic arch, deprogramming
Background: The number of occlusal contacts per tooth, reproducibility, and repeated usage of the digital T-Scan III System (TS) with Sensor foil (SF) are compared in vivo with Hanel foil (HF).
Materials and methods: The static occlusion of 20 volunteers (average age: 25 years) with complete natural dentition without reconstructions or temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) was tested using HF, and compared with those tested using TS (with SF). To test intraexaminer reliability, the contacts by the TS and HF were evaluated twice, with an interval of 6 months. Reproducibility was tested by using five different HFs or SFs in two volunteers. For the TS stress test, one foil was used twice in three volunteers.
Results: Intraexaminer reliability was excellent. Overall, HF showed significantly more contacts (P = 0.001), especially in posterior teeth (P = 0.002); SF revealed significantly more contacts in anterior teeth (P = 0.003). Repeated assignment of occlusal contacts was reliable for HF but not for SF. The number of contacts was significantly less in the second usage of the same SF (P = 0.001).
Conclusion: SF should not be used for occlusal analysis or occlusal adjustment.
Keywords: occlusion, T-Scan, Hanel foil (HF), Sensor foil (SF), occlusal analysis, occlusal equilibration, occlusal indicator
Bruxismus, vor allem die Formen, die mit Reiben und Knirschen auf den Zähnen verbunden sind, stellen sowohl ein hohes Risiko für den Verlust von Zahnhartsubstanz dar als auch ein höheres Risiko für das technische und biologische Versagen zahnärztlicher Rekonstruktionen. Trotz bekanntem Risiko bestehen einheitliche Gewährleistungsregelungen für alle Patienten.
Consensus on craniomandibular function and therapy-based learning objectives in the context of prosthetic dentistry
Craniomandibular function is an interdisciplinary area of study designed to provide students with a good knowledge of complex physiological, pathophysiological, and medical principles as well as knowledge and proficiency in the use of articulators and in the simulation of mandibular movements. Due to changes to Germany's Dental Licensure Act (AOZ), preclinical dental technology-related course contents will be cut back in the near future. The German Society of Craniomandibular Function and Disorders (DGFDT) therefore launched a consensus-building process in collaboration with representatives of the prosthodontic faculties of German universities with the aim of elaborating a list of essential Craniomandibular Function-Based Learning Objectives (CFLO) and competence levels for preclinical and clinical dental education. The National Competence-Based Learning Objectives for Dental Education (NCLO) should be revised to include the consensus-based CFLO.
Keywords: learning objectives, craniomandibular function and therapy, occlusion, dental education