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Dr. Tsukiboshi is a graduate of Osaka University School of Dentistry in 1977. He earned a PhD in dental materials from Kyoto University in 1981 and has been engaged in private practice since 1981. Dr. Tsukiboshi's interest in dental traumatology and autotransplantation has led to extensive clinical involvement, course presentations and publications. Dr. Tsukiboshi has lectured extensively on dental trauma and autotransplantation; he has authored many articles and two textbooks, one on dental trauma in 1998 and one on autotransplantation in 2000. The books have been published in several languages, including English. Dr. Tsukiboshi is is the President of the International Association of Dental Traumatology in 2009 and 2010. Dr. Tsukiboshi is certified as a clinical professor of the dental school of Tohoku University in 2015 to 2018.
2nd Revised Edition 2024 Book Softcover, 272 pages, 1595 illustrations Language: English Category: General Dentistry Stock No.: 16211 ISBN 978-4-7812-1008-7 QP Japan
10. Jan 2019 — 12. Jan 2019Estrel Convention Center, Berlin, Germany
Speakers: Jiro Abe, Michèle Aerden, Wael Att, Stavros Avgerinos, Avijit Banerjee, Vesna Barac Furtinger, Klaus-Dieter Bastendorf, Lars Bergmans, Ashwini Bhalerao, Jaroslav Bláha, Sebastian Bürklein, Daniel Buser, Josette Camilleri, Sevim Canlar, Sandra Chmieleck, Bun San Chong, Victor Clavijo, Carsten Czerny, Bettina Dannewitz, Alessandro Devigus, Didier Dietschi, Irina Dragan, Daniel H.-J. Edelhoff, Peter Eickholz, Karim Elhennawy, Peter Engel, Wolfgang Eßer, Marco Esposito, Susanne Fath, Vincent Fehmer, Federico Ferraris, Stefan Fickl, Mauro Fradeani, Roland Frankenberger, Eiji Funakoshi, Petra Gierthmühlen, Christiane Gleissner, Florian Göttfert, Dennis Grosse, Galip Gürel, Christian Haase, Horst-Wolfgang Haase, Manuela Hackenberg, Jörg Haist, Anke Handrock, Arndt Happe, Karsten Heegewaldt, Rüdiger Henrici, Michael Hülsmann, Hajime Igarashi, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Hideaki Katsuyama, Kathryn Kell, Matthias Kern, Fouad Khoury, Marko Knauf, Ralf J. Kohal, Stefen Koubi, Fabian Langenbach, Henriette Terezia Lerner, Thomas Malik, Siegfried Marquardt, Henrike März, Kathleen Menzel, Helen Möhrke, Kotaro Nakata, Marc L. Nevins, Masayuki Okawa, Rebecca Otto, Mark Stephen Pace, Shanon Patel, Karin Probst, Domenico Ricucci, Katrin Rinke, Irena Sailer, Edgar Schäfer, Ralf Schäfermeier, Jan Schellenberger, Tom Schloss, Gottfried Schmalz, Devorah Schwartz-Arad, Frank Schwarz, Thomas A. Schwenk, Anton Sculean, Bernd Stadlinger, Athanasios Stamos, Ana Stevanovic, Masana Suzuki, Senichi Suzuki, Hiroyuki Takino, Sameh Talaat, Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi, Hideaki Ueda, Istvan Urban, Luc W. M. van der Sluis, Eric Van Dooren, Bart Van Meerbeek, Paula Vassallo, Juliane von Hoyningen-Huene, Michael Walter, Siegbert Witkowski, Stefan Wolfart, Sylvia Wuttig, Masao Yamazaki, Maciej Zarow, Matthias Zehnder, Raquel Zita Gomes, Giovanni Zucchelli, Otto Zuhr, Bettina Zydatiß
The aim of this clinical case report is to discuss the efficacy of cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) in the diagnosis, treatment planning and follow-up of traumatised teeth. Ten clinical cases involved in dental trauma such as crown fracture, crown-root fracture, root fracture, subluxation, intrusion and avulsion were discussed. CBCT could reveal even slight changes of periodontal tissues, teeth structures and pulp tissues; and their involvement in dental trauma. In conclusion, CBCT could provide more precise images not only for diagnoses but also for the healing process after treatment, rather than when using periapical radiation alone.
Keywords: cone beam computer tomography, transient apical breakdown, traumatology
Traumatische Verletzungen an Milchzähnen sind mit speziellen Problemen verbunden und die Behandlung unterscheidet sich häufig von der bleibender Zähne. Erfahrene Wissenschaftler und spezialisierte Kollegen verschiedener Fachgebiete der "International Association of Dental Traumatology" (IADT) haben, basierend auf Literaturrecherche und Gruppendiskussionen, eine gemeinsame Leitlinie erarbeitet, die den aktuellen evidenzbasierten Wissenstand aus der Literatur und von Expertenmeinungen wiedergibt. Das Hauptziel dieser Leitlinie ist die Beschreibung der Behandlung traumatisch bedingter Verletzungen an Milchzähnen. Die IADT kann und wird keine Garantie für den Erfolg einer Behandlung unter strikter Einhaltung der Leitlinien geben, geht aber davon aus, dass die Anwendung der Leitlinien die Chancen für eine erfolgreiche Therapie und Heilung verbessert.
Keywords: Zahn, Trauma, Milchgebiss, Luxation, Fraktur, Übersicht