Pages 339-351, Language: German, EnglishSilli, Silvia M.After more than 30 years in private practice and countless hours of study, course attendance, and professional exchange across disciplines, the author is still faced with the odd surprise in everyday clinical practice. Experience and routine certainly help, but the technologic developments of the last 20 years particularly challenge our expertise and our complex technical work on a daily basis. In addition, there have been profound changes in human communication: Social media facilitates and accelerates the exchange of experiences between patients; influencers are the new experts; and half-knowledge and industrial simplification undermine our professional expertise. ”You never stop learning” is the author‘s mantra. She advocates healthy self-criticism, learning from your own mistakes, and remaining open to everything new, all while focusing on what works in your own hands in your daily work.
Keywords: CAD/CAM, lingual technology, virtual setup, finishing, bracket positioning, bracket individualization, customized multibracket appliance, robots, indirect bonding technology, 3D printing