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  • KVM Verlag
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  • KVM Verlag
Ben Baak

Du kannst dich mal… gesund bewegen!

You can... move yourself healthy! Impulses for simple and effective activities in everyday life

1st Edition 2023
Softcover, 14,8 x 21 cm, 190 pages
Language: German
Category: Guide Health & Medical Science

Stock No.: 30340
ISBN 978-3-86867-668-6
KVM Verlag

19,80 €

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Exercise is healthy. But does that sufficiently describe the positive effects of exercise on health? Certainly not. Nor is this bold statement enough to encourage more people to adopt a more active lifestyle. So, what ensures that people make this decisive contribution to their happiness and quality of life? In this book, Ben Baak shows the impressive effect of exercise on the various areas of the body and at the same time demonstrates how exercise can become a permanent companion in life with ease and great enthusiasm. Sports fans are given useful tips on how to use little tricks to boost their energy levels. This book is designed to promote exercise in a simple and clear way. It is intended to help improve the connection between body and mind and ensure that exercise is a daily form of self-esteem – and that people experience the positive effects of exercise with all their senses. The motto is: Power of movement, make more movement! Knowledge, awareness, and steps toward clear action are an invitation to shape the reader’s lifestyle in favor of the healthy all-rounder, the miracle pill, and the side effect-free medicine cabinet. Exercise – it is fun and brings about changes that are essential for a happier and more successful life. "If you want to make a difference in life, the best place to start is with yourself."


Dr. Ben Baak


“Anyone who wants to make a difference in life should start with themselves,” says Dr. Ben Baak. For more than 10 years, Dr. Baak worked as a scientific researcher at the German Sport University in Cologne, where his responsibilities also included microgravity research. The sudden passing of his father completely changed his way of life. He developed the wish for an increased and sustainable commitment to his community. Dr. Baak has coached many successful entrepreneurs and personalities such as Bodo Schäfer and Toni Schumacher. His goal is to harmonize health, well-being, and productivity on the three levels of body, mind, and soul. With inspiring lectures, the PhD sports scientist inspires his audience and supports the everyday life of many people with such systems as the 3x3=3®, which he developed with a team of experts based on the most recent scientific evidence.

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