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  • Quintessence Publishing Italy
Nitzan Bichacho

Aktive Implantatlösung mit einem neuen Implantatkonzept

31 Minutes

Category: Implantology
Language(s): English
Publication year: 2009
Video source: 60 Jahre Quintessenz

The Active Implant concept presents one of the most comprehensive dental implant systems to date. The system's main advantages are: bone and soft tissue preservation, highest immediate stabilization, total control over placement and unique innovative simplified prosthetic components. The unique design of the implant body, threads and core allow for simplification of the surgical procedures and hence to numerous advantages. The implant has a narrow coronal platform, which automatically favors biologic response of the surrounding hard and soft tissues, and extraordinary esthetic outcome results. The Active Implant concept will be introduced and explained in-depth, with a variety of clinical examples, as well as scientific data of multiple studies, conducted in the last three years.

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