Sybille David ist die Entwicklerin des Praxisknigge-Konzepts und die renommierteste Praxisknigge-Expertin der Dentalbranche. Das Buch "Der Praxisknigge" ist im Quintessenz-Verlag erschienen Zahlreiche Fachpublikationen zu den Themen Praxisknigge, Führungs- und Teamknigge, Kommunikation und Beratung, erscheinen regelmäßig in der Fachpresse. Die handlichen Booklets "Der Rezeptionsknigge" und der "Azubiknigge" sind nützliche Praxishilfen. Seminare und Vorträge für namhafte Veranstalter wie z.B. Zahnärztekammern, Qualitätszirkel, Verbände und Fortbildungseinrichtungen in Deutschland und der Schweiz zeugen von hohem Interesse für das Thema. Praxiscoaching und Praxistrainings für Team und Führungskräfte, Teamentwicklung und Strategien gegen Fachkräftemangel runden das Angebot der Referentin ab.
Catherine Davies, MBBCh, MBA, is a medical doctor practicing in Johannesburg, South Africa, with a special interest in esthetics, regenerative medicine, and hair restoration. She has over 14 years of experience in FUE hair transplant surgery. She is board certified in stem cell medicine from the A4M Academy in the United States. Dr Davies frequently lectures and trains on medical procedures and is passionate about medical education. She recently featured in and produced an international medical TV show called Outpatients, which is on its third successful season and airs in 180 countries. Her passion is to drive social change through the use of media. She is the proud mother of three children.
Glécio Vaz de Campos, DDS, received his DDS degree from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Araraquara, Brazil, in 1982. After he specialized in periodontics and prosthetics, several years of clinical practice led him to explore new techniques focusing on periodontal plastic surgery. In 1996, he was qualified on this subject at the Microsurgery Training Institute in Santa Barbara, California. He had a significant role in introducing periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery techniques to Brazil and expanding the use of the operative microscope there. From 2000 to 2004, Dr Campos served as Director of the Operative Microscopy Department at the São Paulo Dental Association (APCD), where he organized the largest training facility on operative microscopy in South America. Dr Campos has coauthored 16 books related to periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery, as well as scientific articles published in Brazil and abroad. Currently he maintains private practices in Jundiaí and São Paulo, Brazil, where he focuses on periodontal and peri-implant plastic microsurgery and offers regular training courses in his private microscopy laboratory in Jundiaí.
Massimo Del Fabbro graduated with a degree in biology from the University of Milan, where he also earned his PhD in human physiology and is currently an associate professor in dentistry. He was director of the Research Centre in Oral Health from 2011 to 2016 and has been Director of the PhD program in Oral Sciences at the University of Milan since 2015. In 2002 he became Head of the Section of Oral Pathophysiology at the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute in Milan. Dr Del Fabbro is also a founding member and active member of the ANTHEC (Academy of Non-Transfusional Hemo-Components). His current research fields are periodontology, implant dentistry, endodontics and endodontic surgery, biomaterials and tissue engineering and biology of platelet concentrates.
Professor Korkud Demirel, DDS, graduated from Tarsus American School in 1980, and from Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, in 1985. He worked as a visiting lecturer at New York University, Stony Brook School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology in 1989 and 1990. He attained his PhD in 1992 and became Professor in 2002. He was awarded the title of Honorary Professor by the Ukrainian Academy of Postgraduate Education in 2018. His professional areas of interest include esthetic periodontal treatment, dental implants, bone regeneration, and smoking and gingival diseases. He was Past President of the Turkish Society of Periodontology, and was Past President of the European Federation of Periodontology.
Dr Di Febo graduated from the University of Bologna, Italy, with a degree in Medicine and Surgery and completed postgraduate specialization in stomatology and prosthodontics. He is a founding member of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP) and its former president (1995–1996). He was Bologna Provincial Medical Board Dentistry Roll Council Chairman from 1994 to 1999 and a full member of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) board from 1994 to 1996. Dr Di Febo has held lectureships in fixed prosthodontics at the University of Bologna, Italy,Faculty of Dentistry from 1983 until the present. He has been a guest speaker at many conferences, lifelong learning courses, and Italian and international congresses. Dr Di Febo currently works in private practice limited to fixed prosthodontics at Porta Mascarella Medical Center in Bologna, Italy.
Originally from New Orleans LA, Jay completed the Masters of Physical Therapy degree at Louisiana State University Medical Center and is a Board- Certified Sports Clinical Specialist. Jay built his international reputation as an expert in biomechanical analysis as Director of the SPEED Clinic at the University of Virginia. Through this innovative venture, Jay was able to blend the fields of clinical practice and engineering to better understand and eliminate the cause of overuse injuries in endurance athletes. His unique approach goes outside the traditional model of therapy and aims to correct imbalances before they affect your performance.
Jay literally wrote the book on running gait assessments: he is author of “Anatomy for Runners”, writes columns for numerous magazines, and has published over a dozen professional journal articles and three book chapters. Jay has had an active research career, teaches nationally, and consults for numerous footwear companies, the US Air Force and USA Track and Field. His ongoing research focus on footwear and the causative factors driving overuse injury continues to provide him cutting edge knowledge to educate and provide patients with an unmatched level of innovation and success. Having taught in the Sports Medicine program at UVA, he brings a strong bias towards patient education, and continues to teach nationally to elevate the standard of care for Therapists, Physicians, and Coaches working with endurance athletes.
In addition to his clinical distinction, Jay is a certified coach through both the United States Track and Field Association and the United States Cycling Federation, and certified Golf Fitness Instructor through Titleist Performance Institute. He has a competitive history in swimming, triathlon, cycling, and running events on both the local and national level, and has coached athletes from local standouts to national medalists. He is excited to share this passion with the team at Rebound, and explore the Pacific Northwest with his family on knobbies, skis, boards, and soles.