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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Klaus-Peter Valerius / Astrid Frank / Bernard C. Kolster / Christine Hamilton / Enrique Alejandre-Lafont / Roland Kreutzer

The Muscle Book

Anatomy | Testing | Movement

1st Edition 2011
Softcover, 19 x 24 cm, 432 páginas, 880 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Anatomía

Nº de stock: D2136
ISBN 978-1-85097-213-6
KVM Verlag

$46.00 $20.00

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The Muscle Book is an essential reference for anyone concerned with the locomotor apparatus, its training, its disorders, and its treatment. Written in collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of anatomists, medical professionals, physiotherapists, and athletes, this unique atlas provides a beautiful and comprehensive overview of the human muscular system. Each section is organized according to muscle region and explains the position and function of individualized muscles. Wherever possible, anatomical drawings are shown in conjunction with in vivo photographs to facilitate the identification and palpation of muscles. Descriptions include muscle origin, insertion, and nerve supply, and muscle functions are listed in relation to synergists and antagonists involved in any movement. The function assessment includes practical tips, clinical caveats, and relevant stretching techniques. An essential primer in the functional anatomy of the locomotor apparatus.

Chapter 1. Theory
Chapter 2. Upper extremity
Chapter 3. Lower extremity
Chapter 4. Trunk
Chapter 5. Neck
Chapter 6. Head


Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Klaus-Peter Valerius

Alemania, Gießen

Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Klaus-Peter Valerius studied biology with a focus on anthropology and vertebrate morphology in Berlin and Göttingen, studied human medicine in Gießen; since 1990 working as a scientist at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Gießen; assisting in the lectures in pre-clinical and clinical studies of human medicine in the subjects of anatomy and biology.


Astrid Frank


Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Alemania, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.


Christine Hamilton


Enrique Alejandre-Lafont


Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Gießen; Weiterbildung zum Facharzt für Radiologie (ein klinisches Jahr in der Chirurgie); 12 Jahre aktiver Leichtathlet, seit neun Jahren Kraftsportler.


Roland Kreutzer


Roland Kreutzer was born in Gummersbach in 1966 and has been a physiotherapist since 1991. He is an instructor for Brügger therapy (Zurich concept), a manual therapist, and an active course leader for Sensotape® courses. He has been working at the Philipps University of Marburg since 1992 as a physiotherapist, and since 2005 as a lecturer in the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs in physiotherapy. In addition, the author works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Marburg and is a freelancer for KVM-Verlag, Berlin. This collaboration has resulted in him co-authoring several specialist books in the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. In his free time, he is an enthusiastic cyclist, runner, and swimmer, and thus a regular and active user of "self-tapping"!

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Cover, Valerius/Frank/Kolster et al.: The Muscle Book

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