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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Roland Kreutzer / Klaas Stechmann / Hendrik Eggers / Bernard C. Kolster


Powerful Aid for Treating Pain and Injuries / Effective Muscle-Building Exercises

1st Edition 2016
Libro, DVD
Softcover, 18,5 x 26 cm; incl. Video-DVD (Runtime: approx. 30 min), 104 páginas, 240 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Fisioterapia

Nº de stock: D2969
ISBN 978-1-85097-296-9
KVM Verlag


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Flossing, sometimes referred to as "voodoo flossing," is a method of wrapping muscles and joints for short periods to achieve rapid pain relief. Many elite athletes combine flossing with active movements to produce low-resistance muscle building. This authoritative guide to flossing provides step-by-step descriptions and demonstrations of how it can be used to treat a variety of chronic pain symptoms, including tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, painful conditions of the spine and sacral region, problems in the hips, legs, and feet, and pain in the shoulder, arms, and hands. The history of flossing, the theoretical basis for how flossing works, and a thorough explanation of the possibilities and limitations of this method are also provided. With the aid of the treatments demonstrated in this book and on the accompanying DVD, flossing practice can be learned easily and safely, allowing the reader to experience its amazing potential in controlling pain and building muscle.

Flossing–The Basics

  • What is flossing?
  • Mechanisms of action
  • How to use flossing
  • Where to use flossing
  • General treatment tips
  • BFRT: Blood Flow Restriction Training
  • The BFR training procedure

Flossing–The Practice

  • Flossing Band Wraps for Upper Extremity Pain
  • Flossing Band Wraps for Abdominal and Back Pain
  • Flossing Band Wraps for Lower Extremity Pain
  • Flossing Band Wraps as Strength Training

Roland Kreutzer


Roland Kreutzer was born in Gummersbach in 1966 and has been a physiotherapist since 1991. He is an instructor for Brügger therapy (Zurich concept), a manual therapist, and an active course leader for Sensotape® courses. He has been working at the Philipps University of Marburg since 1992 as a physiotherapist, and since 2005 as a lecturer in the Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programs in physiotherapy. In addition, the author works as a physiotherapist in his own practice in Marburg and is a freelancer for KVM-Verlag, Berlin. This collaboration has resulted in him co-authoring several specialist books in the fields of medicine and physiotherapy. In his free time, he is an enthusiastic cyclist, runner, and swimmer, and thus a regular and active user of "self-tapping"!


Hendrik Eggers B. Sc.

Hendrik Eggers ist Physiotherapeut (B. Sc.) in Lüneburg. Seit Längerem widmet er sich intensiv dem Flossing und seinen praktischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.


Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Alemania, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.

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Cover, Flossing: Powerful Aid for Treating Pain and Injuries / Effective Muscle-Building Exercises

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