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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Hans Pancherz / Sabine Ruf

The Herbst Appliance

Research-based Clinical Management

1st Edition 2008
Hardcover, 266 páginas, 1089 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Ortodoncia

Nº de stock: BL020
ISBN 978-1-85097-169-6
QP United Kingdom

$198.00 $10.00

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This book is based on more than 30 years of scientific and clinical work with the Herbst appliance in the therapy of Class II malocclusions. Elaboration of the clinical use of this noncompliance fixed functional appliance include the following topics:

• Appliance design and construction
• Short- and long-term treatment effects in the management of Class II:1 and Class II:2 malocclusions
• Mandibular growth stimulation in patients treated at different stages of somatic and skeletal maturation
• Headgear effect of the Herbst appliance
• Therapy influence on the frequency of extractions
• Advantages and disadvantages of an early versus a late treatment approach
• Successful application of the Herbst appliance in young adults (20 to 30 years of age)
• Herbst therapy as an alternative to orthognathic surgery in nonsyndrome adult Class II malocclusions

Additionally, this book addresses the possible harmful effects of the Herbst appliance on the temporomandibular joint, the anchorage teeth, and the tooth-supporting hard and soft tissue structures.

Chapter 01. Historical Background
Chapter 02. Dentoskeletal Characterristics of Class II Malocclusions
Chapter 03. Design, Construction, and Clinical Management of the Herbst Appliance
Chapter 04. Derivates of the Herbst Appliance
Chapter 05. Experiemental Studies on Bite Jumping
Chapter 06. Herbst Research – Subjects and Methods
Chapter 07. Short-term Effects on the Dentoskeletal Structures
Chapter 08. Long-term Effects on the Dentoskeletal Structures
Chapter 09. The Headgear Effect of the Herbst Appliance
Chapter 10. Effects on TMJ Growth
Chapter 11. Effects on Mandibular Growth and Morphology
Chapter 12. "Effective TMJ Growth"
Chapter 13. Effects on the Skeletofacial Growth Pattern
Chapter 14. Effects on the Facial Profile
Chapter 15. Effects on Muscular Activity
Chapter 16. Effects on TMJ Function
Chapter 17. Treatment of the Retrognathic and Prognathic Facial Type
Chapter 18. Treatment of Hyper- and Hypodivergent Class II: 1 Malocclusions
Chapter 19. Anchorage Problems
Chapter 20. Effects on Anchorage Teeth and Tooth-Supporting Structures
Chapter 21. Treatment Indications
Chapter 22. Treatment Timing
Chapter 23. Treatment of Adults – An Alternative to Orthognathic Surgery
Chapter 24. Complications
Chapter 25. Relapse and Retention
Chapter 26. Concluding Remarks

Univ.-Prof. i. R. Hans Pancherz †

Alemania, Gießen

Hans Pancherz, DDS, Odont. Dr. (PhD), received his dental and orthodontic education at the School of Dentistry, University of Lund in Malmö, Sweden. He became a certied specialist in Orthodontics in 1974. In 1976 he finished his PhD thesis on “Long-term effects of activator (Andresen appliance) treatment”. From 1975 to 1985 he was Associate Professor at the Orthodontic Department, University of Lund. In 1985 he was appointed Chair Professor at the University of Giessen, Germany, where he served from 1985 until 2005. Professor Pancherz has published 140 scientic articles, 72 of which deal with the Herbst appliance. He has been invited as lecturer at more than 200 national and international conferences all over the world and has received numerous awards and honors. At the Dental Faculty in Hong Kong, Professor Pancherz served as Honorary Professor in 1996 and 1997 and as Visiting Professor in 2007. He was Keith Godfrey Visiting Professor in Sydney in 1997. Furthermore, he acted as External Examiner for the Masters in Orthodontics in Hong-Kong in 1996 and 1997 and in Sydney in 1997 and 2006. Moreover, he is Editorial Board Member of several orthodontic journals. Professor Pancherz is particularly interested in clinical research, focusing on functional appliances and their effects on growth, electromyography of the masticatory muscles and long-term evaluation of dentofacial orthopedic interventions.


Prof. Dr. Sabine Ruf

Alemania, Gießen

Sabine Ruf, DDS, Dr. med. dent. habil. (PhD) received her dental, orthodontic and scientic degrees from the School of Dentistry, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Germany. In 1994 she obtained her Dr. med. dent. with the thesis entitled: “Facial morphology, size and activity of the masseter muscle”. She became a certified specialist in Orthodontics in 1995. Thereafter, in 2001 she was granted the degree of Dr. med. dent. habil. (PhD) with the thesis entitled “Influence of the Herbst appliance on mandibular growth and TMJ function”. From 2002 to 2005 she served as Professor and Chair of Orthodontics at the School of Dentistry at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Since October 2005 she has been Professor and Chair of the Department of Orthodontics at the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen. Professor Ruf has published 50 articles, 20 of which deal with the Herbst appliance. She has been an invited lecturer at 50 national and international conferences and has received several awards and honors. Additionally, she was active as Visiting Professor at the Dental Faculty at Hong Kong University in 1997, were she also served as External Examiner for the Masters in Orthodontics in 2005. Furthermore, she is Editorial Board Member of several orthodontic journals and was Meeting President of the German Orthodontic Society in 2007. Professor Ruf is especially interested in clinical research, focusing on functional appliances and their effect on masticatory muscle and TMJ function.

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