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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Eiichiro Nakajima

Manual of Wire Bending Techniques

1st Edition 2010
Softcover; spiral bound, 96 páginas, 288 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Ortodoncia, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B4955
ISBN 978-0-86715-495-5

$85.00 $5.00

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Effective wire bending techniques that are customized to each individual patient make orthodontic treatment more efficient and can reduce treatment time. In lieu of overly complicated wire bending, the author of this manual promotes precise, intuitive bending and presents the proven methods that work with any biologically compatible wire. The essential components and techniques of customized wire bending are detailed step-by-step, including trimming of casts; selection and proper manipulation of pliers; the first-order bends (in or out), second-order bends (up or down), and third-order bends (torque); and optimal methods of adjustment to be used during orthodontic treatment. In addition, the author elucidates the "fourth-order bend," which is the understanding of how to use a wire effectively to apply orthodontic force to a patient over time. Technical images and case presentations illustrate each step of the process to ensure maximum comprehension. A must-have guide for orthodontic residents and practitioners alike.

Chapter 1. Mastering the Fourth-Order Bend
Chapter 2. Trimming Casts
Chapter 3. Basic Wire Bending
Chapter 4. Corrective Techniques: Clinical Cases
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Cover, TIFF (CMYK)
"This book is not a textbook for learning about the principles of orthodontics; it is designed for clinicians to learn how to enhance their treatments by developing their skills in the mechanics of wire bending. It is well illustrated—the pictures and diagrams far outweigh the text—and, as such, easy to read."
Richard Cure, BDS, FFGDP (UK), FDS, MGDS, MOrth; Primary Dental Care (January 2012)

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