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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Ralf J. Radlanski / Karl H. Wesker

The Face

Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy

2nd revised Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 368 páginas, 380 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Anatomía

Nº de stock: D2907
ISBN 978-1-85097-290-7
KVM Verlag


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Expertise for the practice:
For the first time, the highly complex topographic-anatomical relationships of facial anatomy are depicted layer by layer using extremely detailed anatomical illustrations with a three-dimensional aspect. Important landmarks, anatomical details, and clinically relevant constellations of hard and soft tissues, as well as of nerves and blood vessels, have been detailed. Another important feature is that the point of view is maintained throughout while moving through the different layers of preparation. While the accompanying text and figure captions highlight specific issues, the images remain in the foreground. The elaborate illustrations are based mainly on live anatomy and corresponding images obtained from magnetic resonance imaging, with some support from anatomical preparations.


  • Outstanding graphics: the highly elaborate graphical illustrations present the topographic-anatomical relationships in facial anatomy.
  • Representation of the aging phenomenon: a series of images emphasize age-related structural changes.
  • Practical aid: presentation of clinically relevant details allows orientation for all procedures and surgical interventions in the facial region.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf J. Radlanski

Alemania, Berlin

Ralf J. Radlanski is Director of the Department of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at Charité, the Center for Dental and Craniofacial Sciences. As an anatomist, an internationally esteemed scientist, and as a practicing orthodontist, he works at the interface between biology-anatomy on the one hand and esthetic clinical requirements on the other, a crucial area of interaction in many clinical disciplines.



Karl H. Wesker


Karl H. Wesker is an artist and an illustrator. He has worked for many years on the visualization and didactic presentation of complex structures. He has developed new methods that produce highly detailed and yet esthetically fascinating images of human anatomy. These methods form the foundation of the three-volume atlas of anatomy Prometheus, which is being published by Thieme and for which he has created most of the illustrations.

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Cover, Radlanski/Wesker: The Face

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