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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
José Carlos Martins da Rosa

Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration

Immediately Loaded Implants in Compromised Sockets

1 Clasificaciones

2nd Edition 2024
Hardcover; 21.6 x 27.9 cm, 272 páginas, 1550 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Implantología, Periodoncia

Nº de stock: B1711
ISBN 978-1-64724-171-1


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Single-tooth replacement in the esthetic zone is one of the most common indications for dental implant placement. Immediate dentoalveolar restoration (IDR) is a technique established to broaden indications for immediate loading on individual teeth with compromised hard or soft tissue architecture. With this protocol, lost tissue is reconstructed in the same surgical session as implant placement and provisional crown delivery, reducing the number of interventions and promoting better esthetics with greater predictability. This book provides a step-by-step explanation of the protocols for IDR, featuring minimally invasive and flapless procedures, use of the maxillary tuberosity for graft harvesting, immediate loading, and correct crown contouring for an adequate emergence profile. A number of clinical cases of different complexity are demonstrated to highlight the versatility of this technique and the excellent possible outcomes.

Chapter 1. Esthetics in Implantology and the Postextraction Socket
Chapter 2. Immediate Provisionalization in Intact Sockets
Chapter 3. Emergence Profile Design for Implant-Supported Prostheses
Chapter 4. Compromised Sockets
Chapter 5. The Maxillary Tuberosity as a Donor Site
Chapter 6. The Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration Protocol
Chapter 7. Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration: Case Reports
Chapter 8. Digital Workflow for IDR

Ariádene Cristina Pértile de Oliveira Rosa • Carla Mônica Zardo • Darcymar Martins da Rosa • Dario Adolfi • Luigi Canullo • Luís Antônio Violin Dias Pereira • Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli


José Carlos Martins da Rosa DDS

Brasil, São Leopoldo

José Carlos Martins da Rosa, DDS, is the author of the book Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration: Immediately Loaded Implants in Compromised Sockets (Quintessence Publishing, 2014), published in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and Mandarin. He has published articles in many journals and lectured nationally and internationally on periodontal, prosthetic, and surgical implantology procedures, including overseas lectures on immediate dentoalveolar restoration technique. Dr Rosa maintains a private practice limited to prosthetics, periodontics, and surgical implantology in Caxias do Sul, Brazil.

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Cover, Martins da Rosa: Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration


Thank Dr Rosa and Quintessence for this edition. This book is very interesting and useful for my dental implant practice.

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