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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Fouad Khoury (Editor)

Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology

1st Edition 2022
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 768 páginas, 2837 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Implantología, Cirugía oral y maxilofacial, Cirugía oral

Nº de stock: BG139
ISBN 978-1-78698-104-2
QP Deutschland


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With contributions from:
R. Gruber, Th. Hanser, Ph. Keeve, Ch. Khoury, J. Neugebauer, J. E. Zöller

Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology addresses useful methods of bone grafting procedures in implant treatment based on current biologic principles and constitutes a unique reference in this field. The book describes, in over 760 pages and 2837 mostly color illustrations, the different possibilities available to augment the bone volume in width and height. The information presented includes not only the underlying scientific concepts of the different augmentation techniques with autogenous bone, but also the associated soft tissue management, from safe approaches to different possibilities for soft tissue augmentation and papilla reconstruction techniques.

The book provides surgeons with a basic understanding of the biologic response to bone grafting procedures. Experienced implantologists will benefit from the in-depth background information, details of high-level surgical techniques, and scientific results, which will enable them to optimize their surgical procedures. Each chapter offers a wealth of information on the specific topic covered, with much attention given to the scientific concepts behind each one. Extensive case reports with step-by-step documentation allow readers to gain an impression of what is possible today in the 3D reconstruction procedures of the alveolar crest. Important criteria for success are presented as well as possible complications and their treatment.

Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology is a must-read for every implantologist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and any dentist interested in surgery.

Chapter 1. Biology of bone regeneration in augmentative procedures
Chapter 2. Diagnosis and planning of the augmentation procedure
Chapter 3. Soft tissue management and bone augmentation in implantology
Chapter 4. Mandibular bone block grafts: diagnosis, instrumentation, harvesting techniques, and surgical procedures
Special Appendix:
A. Use of the maxillary tuberosity (MT) in the immediate dentoalveolar restoration (IDR) technique
B. The palatal bone block graft (PBBG)
C. Alumni case reports
Chapter 5. Bone grafts from extraoral sites
Chapter 6. Clinical and scientific background of tissue regeneration via alveolar callus distraction
Chapter 7. Complex implant-supported rehabilitation from the temporary to the definitive restoration
Chapter 8. Risk factors and complications in bone grafting procedures


Prof. Dr. Fouad Khoury DMD, PhD

Alemania, Olsberg

Prof. Dr. Fouad Khoury received his dental education at the Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon, and his specialization in Oral Surgery at the Universities of Freiburg and Münster, Germany. He was Assistant Professor at the University of Münster, where he completed his PhD and Scientific Habilitation degree. Since 1994, Prof. Khoury has been Full Professor in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Münster, and Director of the Privatzahnklinik Schloss Schellenstein, Olsberg, Germany. For many years, he has been a visiting professor at several universities, the Chairperson of the Examination Committee for Oral Surgery, and a member of the editorial board of many international journals. Prof. Khoury is currently Chairperson of the Oral and Jaw Surgery Society (AGOKI) of the German Association for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK), and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Oral Implantology. He has received several awards (eg, the Pioneers in Dentistry award 2016 AUB, and the William R. Laney Award of the American Academy of Osseointegration 2017) and holds many patents. Prof. Khoury is the author and editor of four bestseller textbooks that have been translated into more than 10 languages.

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Cover, Khoury: Bone and Soft Tissue Augmentation in Implantology

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Redactor jefe: Dr. Craig M. Misch DDS, MDS
Editor coordinador: Elizabeth Ducker
QP Deutschland