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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Alina Fratila / Alina Zubcov-Iwantscheff / William P. Coleman

Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery

Applied Anatomy | Examination | Blepharoplasty

1st Edition 2015
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 408 páginas, 800 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés

Nº de stock: D2723
ISBN 978-1-85097-272-3
KVM Verlag


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Two well-known and dedicated practitioners pool their experience and appreciable skill into this illustrated step-by-step reference book on periorbital and eyelid surgery. Drawing from a wealth of surgical expertise and rigorous study, the authors' particular knowledge of the periorbital area shines through in their emphasis on exact anatomical comprehension of the patient's physiology. Through detailed descriptions of particular surgical cases and common errors or misconceptions, as well suggestions and advice for the improvement of operating techniques on a patient-to-patient basis, this book presents itself as a complete, comprehensive reference work for novice surgeons and experienced practitioners alike. Supported by extensive photography and illustrations, this book leaves no room for doubt, misconception, or inaccuracy in a successful operation.

Chapter 01. Structural and functional anatomy of the orbital region
Chapter 02. Patient management
Chapter 03. The preoperative examination
Chapter 04. Pre- and postoperative management
Chapter 05. Requirements for surgery and basic operative techniques
Chapter 06. Upper lid blepharoplasty
Chapter 07. Ptosis operation in combination with upper lid blepharoplasty
Chapter 08. Lower lid blepharoplasty
Chapter 09. Operating techniques of lateral canthopexy and canthoplasty
Chapter 10. Lateral tarsal strip procedure in combination with lower lid blepharoplasty
Chapter 11. Ablative CO2 laser skin resurfacing
Chapter 12. Basic principles of ablative fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing
Chapter 13. Brow lift
Chapter 14. Postoperative complications
Chapter 15. Aids for the physician


Prof. Dr. medic. (RO) Alina Fratila

Alemania, Bonn

Alina Fratila ist seit vielen Jahren als renommierte Ärztin in der ästhetischen Chirurgie und Dermatologie tätig.


Alina Zubcov-Iwantscheff

Alemania, Frankfurt

Fachärztin für Augenheilkunde

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Cover, Fratila/Zubcov-Iwantscheff/Coleman: Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery

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