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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Bernard C. Kolster / Uwe Paasch

Illustrated Guide to Collagen Induction with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Rejuvenation Face | Neck | Décolleté | Hands

1st Edition 2019
Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm, 204 páginas, 470 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categoría: Dermatología

Nº de stock: D0298
ISBN 978-1-78698-029-8
KVM Verlag


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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), already frequently used in orthopedic medicine, has become more and more popular for esthetic dermatology treatments. It is now an evidence-based practice used all over the world. This illustrated guide introduces all the relevant aspects of PRP application in esthetic dermatology. In addition to basic principles, possibilities and limitations, it also provides a practical presentation of current systems for harvesting PRP. One chapter is devoted to a series of striking photographic case histories extending over the course of several months, which demonstrate both the potential and the limitations of this method. Other tools include in-depth diagrams of various regions of the face, neck, and hands and how PRP should be applied in each area as well as patient information sheets and forms. Therefore, this book serves to equip potential practitioners with all the information they need to be able to perform PRP treatments in esthetic medicine.

Chapter 01. Skin repair and skin regeneration as a therapeutic principle
Chapter 02. PRP in aesthetic medicine
Chapter 03. PRP preparation systems
Chapter 04. Application methods
Chapter 05. Patient management
Chapter 06. Documentation and organization
Chapter 07. Treatment
Chapter 08. Regional applications
Chapter 09. Case histories
Chapter 10. Aids for the practitioner
Appendix: References, Manufacturer directory, Index

Dr. med. Bernard C. Kolster

Alemania, Marburg

Following his physiotherapy certification, Dr. Kolster studied human biology and human medicine in Marburg. He has undertaken further clinical studies in physical medicine and other disciplines, with a special focus on the presentation and application of reflex-therapeutic procedures. Dr. Kolster is the author and editor of scientific textbooks in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, naturopathic medicine, and physical medicine.


Prof. Dr. med. habil. Uwe Paasch

Alemania, Leipzig
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Cover, Kolster/Paasch: Illustrated Guide to Collagen Induction with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

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