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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Dieter Schulz

Die naturgemäße Aufwachstechnik / Natural Waxing-Up Technique

1st Edition 2013
Slim Box; NTSC/PAL; Laufzeit/runtime: 49 min
Idioma: Alemán, Inglés
Categorías: Diagnóstico y terapia funcionales, Tecnología odontológica

Nº de stock: C2115
ISBN 978-3-86867-202-2
QP Deutschland


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This DVD combines the presentations of the "occlusal compass" and the natural waxing-up technique. The occlusal compass helps technicians to predict and define the natural directional movements of the mandible on the horizontal plane, including protrusion, laterotrusion, and mediotrusion. In addition, the natural waxing-up technique is considered to be one of the most appropriate methods of implementing the occlusal compass to facilitate the modeling of anatomically correct and functional occlusal surfaces of molar teeth. This DVD includes a presentation of the occlusal compass, the applicable anatomy, nomenclature, dental coordinate system, and the waxing-up of all segments of a maxillary molar and an entire quadrant following natural waxing-up technique. A step-by-step demonstration shows how to locate contact points and where spaces must be maintained.


Dieter Schulz

Alemania, Bensheim
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Cover, Schulz: Die naturgemäße Aufwachstechnik / Natural Waxing-Up Technique
Trailer | 49 Actas

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