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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Timothy S. Miles / Birgitte Nauntofte / Peter Svensson (Editor)

Clinical Oral Physiology

1st Edition 2004
Hardcover, 298 páginas, 76 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Diagnóstico y terapia funcionales, Odontología en general

Nº de stock: BL006
ISBN 978-1-85097-091-0
QP United Kingdom

$85.00 $5.00

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This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the part of dentistry that links basic physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms to frequently encountered problems in dental practice. It features the contributions of outstanding researchers and clinicians from across the spectrum of fields relevant to dentistry. The easy-to-read and systematic format of the book makes it appropriate for undergraduate and postgraduate dental students as well as for practicing clinicians who wish to remain abreast of emerging oral physiologic issues and their clinical implications.

Chapter 01. Saliva
Chapter 02. Taste and Smell
Chapter 03. Thermosensation
Chapter 04. Orofacial Pain
Chapter 05. Tooth Pulp
Chapter 06. Mechanosensation
Chapter 07. Masticatory Muscles
Chapter 08. Mastication
Chapter 09. Swallowing
Chapter 10. Speech
Chapter 11. Protective Mechanisms
Chapter 12. Bone and Calcium Metabolism

A. Bardow • T. Bressman • G. K. Essick • J. W. Hu • A. M. Lynge Peterson • T. S. Miles • B. Nauntofte • J. A. Ship • B. J. Sessle • A. I. Spielman • P. Svensson • M. Trulsson
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Cover, Miles/Nauntofte/Svensson: Clinical Oral Physiology

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