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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Ralf J. Radlanski

Oral Structure & Biology

1 Clasificaciones

1st Edition 2018
Softcover, 16,5 x 24 cm, 472 páginas, 245 ilustración
Idioma: Inglés
Categorías: Odontología en general, Literatura para los estudios

Nº de stock: B7468
ISBN 978-0-86715-746-8

$168.00 $5.00

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Knowledge of the structures of the orofacial region from the macroscopic scale to the molecular level and pathologic changes to those structures enables practitioners to successfully treat patients or seek treatment options. This book presents the structural biologic foundations underpinning dental and oral medicine. Beginning with an overview of the anatomy of the mouth and moving on to the evolution of the oral structures and pre- and postnatal development of the oral cavity, related facial structures, and the teeth, this book describes each part of the orofacial region in terms of its morphology, tissue structure, cellular properties, and development. Functioning as both a textbook for dental students and a reference manual for experienced clinicians, this compendium of the structural biologic foundations of clinical work in dental and oral medicine allows practitioners to integrate current research in molecular biology into a solid framework of knowledge.

Chapter 01. Definitions, Objectives, Clinical Relevance
Chapter 02. The Mouth and Its Parts
Chapter 03. Evolution
Chapter 04. Morphogenesis
Chapter 05. Development of the Oral Cavity in Relation to Facial Development
Chapter 06. Tooth Development
Chapter 07. Dental Enamel
Chapter 08. Dentin
Chapter 09. Pulp and Root
Chapter 10. Periodontium
Chapter 11. Cementum
Chapter 12. Periodontal Ligament
Chapter 13. Alveolar Bone and Jawbone
Chapter 14. Oral Mucosa
Chapter 15. Salivary Glands
Chapter 16. Immune System
Chapter 17. Development of the Dentition and Teeth Eruption
Chapter 18. Temporomandibular Joint

Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf J. Radlanski

Alemania, Berlin

Ralf J. Radlanski is Director of the Department of Craniofacial Developmental Biology at Charité, the Center for Dental and Craniofacial Sciences. As an anatomist, an internationally esteemed scientist, and as a practicing orthodontist, he works at the interface between biology-anatomy on the one hand and esthetic clinical requirements on the other, a crucial area of interaction in many clinical disciplines.


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Cover, Radlanski: Oral Structure & Biology


Ralf Radlanski, an orthodontic colleague with an excellent international reputation due to his outstanding research and teaching achievements over the last three decades, worked on this second edition for about ten years and created a fundamental masterpiece explaining perfectly and simple Oral Physiology, Structural and Developmental Biology of the maxillofacial region. A book highly recommended for anyone working with, in and around craniomandibular structures.

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