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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Bernd Heinz

Regenerative Therapy for Multiple Recessions

39 Minuten

Rubrik(en): Parodontologie
Sprache(n): Englisch, Deutsch
Publikationsjahr: 2003
Video-Quelle: ZMK-Live


  • History
  • Emdogain Application
  • Incision
  • Periosteal Incision
  • Root Smoothing
  • Suture Technique
  • PrefGel Application

Regenerative periodontal surgery with Emdogain enamel matrix protein: The goal of regenerative periodontal surgery is to rebuild destroyed periodontal structures. Bone transplants, bone replacement materials, and nonresorbable and resorbable membranes have been and still are being used.
In a new therapeutic approach to periodontal regeneration, the root surface is conditioned using an enamel matrix protein derivative (Emdogain, Biora). The protein complex stimulates the regeneration of root cement, which in turn leads to the regeneration of bone and collagen fi bers. Since the early 1980's, Professor Lars Hammerström's Swedish research team has performed extensive research and studies on this method and its mode of action.
Emdogain is now used for treatment of vertical bone defects and furcation defects. The exposed root surface is fi rst carefully scaled using handheld instruments or a rotating, fi ne-grain diamond drill. PrefGel EDTA suspension (Biora) is then applied for 2 minutes, then thoroughly rinsed with physiological saline solution. The EDTA suspension serves to remove the smear layer and opens the dentinal tubules, leading to improved binding of Emdogain to the root surface. Emdogain is applied to the blood- and saliva-free root surface immediately after rinsing. Finally, the wound is sutured closed.

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