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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi

Treatment Planning for Traumatized Teeth

2nd Edition 2012
Softcover, 240 Seiten, 743 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Endodontie, Fachübergreifend, Kinderzahnheilkunde, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde, Zahnheilkunde allgemein

Artikelnr.: B5112
ISBN 978-0-86715-511-2

$82.00 $5.00

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Since the publication of the first edition of this book, increased knowledge of treatment outcomes combined with better techniques, new materials, and innovative technology have led to improved diagnosis and management of dental traumatic injuries. This new edition emphasizes a minimally invasive approach to treating dental traumas in which procedures are aimed at assisting the natural healing process of the dental hard tissues, pulp, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone; where possible, invasive restoration, pulpectomy, and extraction are avoided. As in the previous edition, key points related to examination and diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment procedures are described for specific types of dental trauma, and long-term follow-up is encouraged. New cases and updated protocols elucidate the most recent approaches to effective treatment of dental traumatic injuries, and the use of dental cone beam computed tomography, which has dramatically improved diagnosis for traumatized teeth, is emphasized throughout.

Chapter 01. Anatomical Considerations and Classification of Dental Trauma
Chapter 02. Examination and Diagnosis of Traumatic Dental Injuries
Chapter 03. Crown Fracture
Chapter 04. Crown-Root Fracture
Chapter 05. Root Fracture
Chapter 06. Subluxation
Chapter 07. Extrusive Luxation
Chapter 08. Lateral Luxation
Chapter 09. Intrusive Luxation
Chapter 10. Transient Apical Breakdown
Chapter 11. Avulsion
Chapter 12. Trauma to the Primary Dentition
Chapter 13. Trauma to the Supporting Structures

Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi DDS, PhD

Japan, Nagoya

Dr. Tsukiboshi ist Absolvent der Osaka University School of Dentistry (1977). Er promovierte 1981 an der Universität Kyoto im Bereich Dentalwerkstoffe und praktiziert seit 1981 in eigener Praxis. Dr. Tsukiboshis besonderes Engagement auf dem Gebiet der zahnärztlichen Traumatologie und der Autotransplantation führte zu umfangreichen klinischen Aktivitäten, Kursen und Publikationen. Dr. Tsukiboshi hat zahlreiche Vorträge über Zahntraumata und Autotransplantation gehalten; er hat zahlreiche Fachbeiträge und zwei Lehrbücher verfasst, eines über Zahntraumata im Jahr 1998 und eines über Autotransplantation im Jahr 2000. Die Bücher wurden in mehreren Sprachen, darunter auch Englisch, veröffentlicht. Dr. Tsukiboshi war in den Jahren 2009 und 2010 Präsident der International Association of Dental Traumatology. Dr. Tsukiboshi wurde als Professor für klinische Studien an der zahnmedizinischen Fakultät der Tohoku-Universität in den Jahren 2015 bis 2018 bestätigt.

Cover, Tsukiboshi: Autotransplantation of teeth
Daniel H. Flanders, DDS, MS
The New York State Dental Journal November 2012

"If there were to be the perfect chairside companion for handling traumatic injuries to teeth, this manual would earn the highest marks. It is comprehensive, well organized, beautifully illustrated and documented with high-quality clinical photographs. [...] This excellent volume takes you step by step through each of the classifications of traumatic injuries, and visually instructs with detailed illustrations, photos, X-rays and CBCT images of case studies. It could be considered to be an atlas of diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries, with detailed explanations and extensive references to the literature. It is a volume that should earn a place in the library of anyone who treats dental trauma, including the hospital emergency department. I recommend it highly."

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