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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Louie Al-Faraje

Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology

Etiology, Prevention, and Management

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 248 Seiten, 711 farbige Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorie: Implantologie

Artikelnr.: B5068
ISBN 978-0-86715-506-8

$89.00 $5.00

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This exceptional new book is designed as a self-instruction guide to the diagnosis, management, and prevention of surgery-related complications in implant dentistry. It functions in two ways: First, it is a valuable resource for the implant surgeon seeking practical and succinct information about how to manage a complication in an emergency setting; and second, it can be read from cover to cover as a primer on implant surgery, from the initial consultation and treatment planning through the restorative phase of treatment. Besides addressing pre-, intra-, and postoperative implant surgery complications, the book also includes a comprehensive treatment-planning protocol that allows for the early detection of potential surgical complications and how to avoid them. Early detection of complications that are amenable to rescue therapies may reverse the fate of a failing implant or a bone-grafting procedure. Invaluable for the novice and experienced implant surgeon alike.

Part I. Identifying Preoperative Conditions That Could Lead to Complications
• Inadequate or Excessive Vertical Restorative Space
• Inadequate Horizontal Restorative Space
• Limited Jaw Opening and Interarch Distance
• Inadequate Alveolar Width for Optimal Buccolingual Positioning
• Maxillary and Mandibular Tori

Part II. Intraoperative Complications in Implant Placement
• Incorrect Implant Angulation
• Malalignment
• Nerve Injury
• Irregular or Narrow Alveolar Crest
• Extensive Resorption of the Mandible
• Curved Extraction Socket
• Injury to Adjacent Teeth During Implant Placement
• Preoperative Acute and Chronic Infections at the Implant Site
• Retained Root Tips in the Implant Site
• Bleeding
• Overheating of the Bone During Drilling
• Stripping of the Implant Site
• Sinus Floor Perforation
• Nasal Floor Perforation
• Accidental Partial or Complete Displacement of Dental Implants into the Maxillary Sinus
• Accidental Displacement of Dental Implants into the Maxillary Incisive Canal
• Deep Implant Placement
• Shallow Implant Placement
• Complications in Flapless Implant Placement
• Aspiration or Ingestion of Foreign Objects
• Mandibular Bone Fracture
• Implant Fracture
• Excessive Torque During Insertion and Compression Necrosis
• Inadequate Initial Stability

Part III. Postoperative Complications
• Postoperative Pain
• Tissue Emphysema Induced by Dental Procedures
• Incision Line Reopening
• Cover Screw Exposure During the Healing Period
• Bone Growth over the Cover Screw
• Soft Tissue Growth Between Implant Platform and Cover Screw
• Bone Loss or Thread Exposure During the Healing Period
• Implant Mobility During Stage-Two Surgery
• Implant Periapical Lesion (IPL) and Retrograde Peri-implantitis
• Cement Left in the Pocket
• Radiotherapy, Osteoradionecrosis, and Dental Implants
• Shallow Vestibule Secondary to Ridge Augmentation
• Medicolegal Issues

Part IV. Complications Associated with Lateral Window Sinus Elevation
Preoperative Complications:
• Preoperative Acute Sinusitis
• Preoperative Chronic Sinusitis
• Preoperative Fungal Sinusitis
• Preoperative Cystic Structures and Mucoceles
• Other Preoperative Sinus Lesions

Intraoperative Complications:
• Hematoma During Anesthesia
• Bleeding During Incision and Flap Reflection
• Bleeding During Osteotomy
• Damage to Adjacent Dentition
• Perforation of the Sinus Membrane During Osteotomy
• Perforation of the Sinus Membrane During Elevation
• Incomplete Elevation
• Bleeding During Membrane Elevation
• Fracture of the Residual Alveolar Ridge
• Excessive Elevation of the Membrane
• Presence of a Mucus Retention Cyst
• Blockage of the Maxillary Ostium
• Unstable Implants

Early Postoperative Complications:
• Wound Dehiscence
• Acute Graft Infection/Sinusitis
• Exposure of the Bone Graft and/or Barrier Membrane
• Sinus Congestion
• Early Implant Migration into the Sinus Cavity

Late Postoperative Complications:
• Insufficient Quality and/or Quantity of Healed Graft
• Implant Failure in the Augmented Sinus
• Chronic Infection/Sinusitis
• Infection of All Paranasal Sinuses/Intracranial Cavity
• Delayed Implant Migration into the Sinus Cavity
• Sinus Aspergillosis

Part V. Pharmacology: Prevention and Management of Pain, Infection, and Drug-Related
• Intra- and Postoperative Infection
• Intra- and Postoperative Pain
• Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
• Bleeding Problems in Patients Taking Anticoagulants or Antiplatelet Agents

• Implant Treatment Protocol
• Consent Forms
• Postoperative Instructions

Dr. Louie Al-Faraje DDS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, San Diego, CA

Louie Al-Faraje, DDS, ist in eigener Praxis tätig und Gründer sowie Direktor des California Implant Institute, das ein einjähriges Fellowship-Programm anbietet. Seit 2001 wurden dort mehr als 1.000 Zahnmediziner aus 20 Ländern ausgebildet. Dr. Al-Faraje studierte am Kiev Medical Institute und an der Loma Linda University in Kalifornien Zahnmedizin. Er ist Fellow der American Academy of Implant Dentistry und Diplomat des International Congress of Oral Implantologists und des American Board of Oral Implantology. Dr. Al-Faraje hält auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene Vorträge.

Cover, Al-Faraje: Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology
"I like how much detail there is in this book; the breadth of information and topics discussed is impressive. Everything from removal of a torus to sinus floor perforation to fracture of an actual implant is covered. Even better, everything is covered with an effective combination of clarity and depth. Each time I open the book, I find another topic I hadn't considered before."
Todd Belfbecker, DMD; Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society (June 2012)

"This is an excellent book for the experienced practitioner and the novice of implant dentistry. It is a self-instructional guide to the diagnosis and management of surgery-related complications and the development of a protocol that allows for the early detection of potential surgical complications and how to avoid them."
Paul Chapnick, DDS, FRCD(C), FACD, FADSA, DipABOMS; Reference and Research Book News (October 2011)

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