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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Todd R. Schoenbaum

Implant Prosthodontics

Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations

1. Auflage 2022
Hardcover, 21,6 x 28 cm, 264 Seiten, 682 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Prothetik

Artikelnr.: B0530
ISBN 978-1-64724-053-0

$160.00 $128.00

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This beautiful book was written as a guide for the clinical practice of restoring implants in partially edentulous patients with fixed restorations. It provides the essentials of implant prosthodontic workflows and protocols based on the best available current evidence—and in stunning fashion too. As an educator, the author has designed the book so that readers may search for the specific procedure they intend to perform and have a concise guide on how to properly execute it. Each chapter provides guidance on selecting an appropriate protocol or restoration, explains the rationale for the given procedure, and provides a detailed step-by-step protocol followed by special considerations and potential complications. Many of the techniques also feature a QR code linking to a video demonstration of the procedure. To make the book maximally applicable and remove any erroneous extrapolation from one system to another, the author has included directions and photographic demonstrations for three of the major implant manufacturers—Nobel Biocare, Straumann, and BioHorizons. In addition, a robust appendix at the back of the book includes checklists for nearly every procedure in the book; these can be photocopied or accessed electronically via QR codes for download to ensure that each step of each procedure is performed properly. All in all, this is the most attractive and useful book on implant restoration you’ll find.


Chapter 1. Principles of Dental Implant Prosthetics
Chapter 2. Patient Management Considerations for Dental Implant Treatment (by David Wagner)
Chapter 3. Instrumentation and Preoperative Procedures
Chapter 4. Impressions
Chapter 5. Restorations
Chapter 6. Provisional Restorations
Chapter 7. Complications
Appendix: Intraoperative Checklists



Todd R. Schoenbaum DDS, MS

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Todd Schoenbaum, DDS, MS, ist Professor am Dental College of Georgia, wo er als Koordinator für die Ausbildung im Bereich Implantate und der damit verbundenen Forschung tätig ist und Assistenzärzte und Studenten in den Bereichen Implantatversorgungen und klinische Forschung ausbildet. Zuvor war er ordentlicher klinischer Professor an der University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) und Direktor der UCLA Continuing Education. Dr. Schoenbaum hat über 50 Publikationen und zwei Lehrbücher veröffentlicht und wurde vom Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry mit dem Scientific Writing Award ausgezeichnet. Er hat einen Master-Abschluss in klinischer Forschung von der UCLA School of Medicine und wurde eingeladen, seine klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf Konferenzen weltweit vorzustellen.

Cover, Schoenbaum: Implant Prosthodontics

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