1st Edition 2017
Hardcover, 28 x 21 cm, 324 Seiten, 1423 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Endodontie, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde
Artikelnr.: BP001
ISBN 978-83-85700-90-6
QP Poland
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Kaufen bei QP Deutschland Kaufen bei QP United KingdomHe received his dental degree from the Faculty of Dentistry at Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary). Upon his graduation, Maciej pursued a Doctor of Medical Sciences title, obtained after pass with honors for his dissertation defense on composite inlays-onlays in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth. Maciej has been a long-time researcher and lecturer, working with dental students at the Department of Propedeutics of Conservative Dentistry of CMUJ, Krakow. During his International Association of Dental Research scholarship, he conducted research work on adhesive bridges (FDPs) as well as the restoration of endodontically treated teeth at the universities of Leeds and Manchester. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Chieti (Italy), and visiting lecturer the UIC University (Barcelona). In 2021 he became a mentor at the prestigious Kois Center in Seattle. In 1999 Maciej established his private practice “Dentist” in Krakow and maintains it with his energetic attitude and everlasting passion. Maciej takes pride in being Editor-in-Chief of the Quintessence for Dentists journal. His book, EndoProsthodontics: A Guide for Clinical Practice, has achieved success and is now published in English, Chinese, Croatian, French, and Russian. He has authored more than 80 scientific papers in both national and international journals. Maciej is also an active member in the Italian restorative dentistry research group “Style Italiano,” as well as the Polish Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. In 2019 he became a certified member of European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry.
Full Professor in Restorative Dentistry at the University of Chieti, Italy. Dean of the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Dean of the greatest Department of the University of Chieti. Dean of School of Specialization in Pediatric Dentistry of University of Chieti. His clinical and research qualities, together with his didactic skills, are internationally recognized. He is an invited speaker in the most prestigious International Congresses and he is the scientific, he is didactic coordinator of several activities involving different International Universities and invited Professor in several international universities. He has been honorary professor at the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Stomatology since 2006 and member of the most eminent international scientific associations in the field of Restorative Dentistry and Adhesive Prosthodontics. Over the years, he has been practicing very high-level clinical activities, together with his own clinical Staff, setting-up within the University of Chieti one of the worldwide most advanced center in the field of Restorative Dentistry, Adhesive Prosthodontics and Occlusal Problems. In parallel with the clinical activities, at the University of Chieti he coordinates a dynamic research group, that has become over the years a reference point in Europe for the biomechanical studies on dental materials employed in Restorative Dentistry and Adhesive Prosthodontics and is particularly interested in the materials to be used for the full mouth rehabilitation of patients with parafunctions or TMJ disorders. His clinical and scientific knowledge about the problems, the procedures and the materials related to the oral rehabilitation of parafunctional and dysfunctional patients led to the publication of a textbook titled E.F.P. (Esthetical-Functional-Postural) Clinical Approach (ACME edition), together with Dr. Lorenzo Vanini. He is also author of another very successful volume published together with Macij Zarow, Gaetano Paolone, Gianluca Paniz and Luis Felippe translated in English, Polish, Russian and Portuguese: Endoprotesica (Ed. Quintessence). He published more than 100 papers on the most prestigious national and international journals.
Gianluca Paniz erwarb im Jahr 2002 seinen Zahnarztdiplom (DDS) an der Universität Padua (Italien). Anschließend absolvierte er mehr als drei Jahre (2003-2007) an der TUFTS University (Boston, USA), wo er das Zertifikat für Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung in Prothetik, den Master of Science und das Zertifikat für Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung in Ästhetischer Zahnmedizin erlangte. Derzeit ist Gianluca Paniz als außerordentlicher Assistenzprofessor am Department für Prothetik und Operative Zahnmedizin an der TUFTS University tätig und als Gastprofessor am Department für Implantologie an der Universität Padua. Gianluca ist Diplomate des American Board of Prosthodontics und International Fellow des American College of Prosthodontics. Er ist Mitglied der Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP), aktives Mitglied der Italian Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (IAED) und Präsident des Wissenschaftlichen Ausschusses der Italian Society of Osseointegration (SIO). Gianluca Paniz beschränkt seine Praxis auf Prothetik in seiner Praxis in Padua, Italien.
Dozent für konservierende Zahnmedizin an der Universität "Vita-Salute San Raffaele", Mailand. Aktives Mitglied der italienischen Akademie für konservierende Zahnmedizin AIC (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa e Restaurativa), 2018–2019 Leiter des wissenschaftlichen Sekretariats der AIC, Mitglied des Kulturausschusses der AIC für die Jahre 2020–2021. Aktives Mitglied der IAED (Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry). Aktives Mitglied der italienischen Akademie für mikroskopische Zahnheilkunde AIOM (Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Microscopica). Dozent im Masterstudiengang Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry an der Universität Bologna. Visiting lecturer bei "Diplôme d'Odontologie Esthétique et Restauratrice", Universität Montpellier, Frankreich. Gründer des Projekts WeRestoreit (www.werestore.it). Niedergelassener Zahnarzt in Rom. Autor und Co-Autor von Publikationen in italienischen und internationalen Fachzeitschriften. Vortragstätigkeit bei italienischen und internationalen Kursen und Kongressen. Autor und Co-Autor von Kapiteln in den von Quintessence Publishing veröffentlichten Büchern EndoProsthodontics und Dentale Ästhetik: Workflow von A bis Z.