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  • Quintessence Publishing USA
Stuart H. Jacobs / Brian C. O'Connell

Dental Implant Restoration

Principles and Procedures

1st Edition 2011
Hardcover, 21 x 28 cm, 288 Seiten, 705 Abbildungen
Sprache: Englisch
Kategorien: Implantologie, Restaurative Zahnheilkunde

Artikelnr.: BL017
ISBN 978-1-85097-101-6
QP United Kingdom

$148.00 $5.00

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Treatment protocols involving placement of dental implants require a dental team with expertise in surgery, restoration, and laboratory procedures. However, the responsibility for coordinating the treatment plan falls to the restorative clinician who must develop the blueprint for restoration. This concise and easy-to-follow guide provides a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of implant dentistry and prepares a clinician to lead the treatment team through the stages of restoration to produce an esthetic and functional result. The first part provides an overview of implants and their components, an explanation of the theory of osseointegration, and a guide to patient diagnosis and treatment planning, including strategies on how to interact with surgical colleagues and laboratory technicians. The second part consists of effective clinical protocols for simple implant restoration using techniques that are currently available and commonly used. This book is an ideal starting point for students and practitioners new to implant dentistry.

Chapter 01. Introduction
Chapter 02. Patient Education
Chapter 03. Diagnosis
Chapter 04. Implant Treatment Planning
Chapter 05. Restorative Treatment Planning
Chapter 06. Instruments and Components
Chapter 07. Overdentures
Chapter 08. Immediate Loading of Implants
Chapter 09. Single-Tooth Restoration Using a Direct Technique With a Preparable Abutment
Chapter 10. Single-Tooth Restoration Using an Indirect Technique With a Preparable Abutment
Chapter 11. Cemented Single-Tooth Restoration Using a UCLA Abutment
Chapter 12. Screw-Retained Single Restoration Using a Conical Abutment
Chapter 13. Single-Unit Alternative Impression Technique Using Transfer Copings (Closed-Tray Technique)
Chapter 14. Multi-Unit Restoration Using a Direct Technique With Preparable Abutments (Metal or Ceramic)
Chapter 15. Multi-Unit Restoration Using an Indirect Technique With Preparable Abutments (Metal or Ceramic)
Chapter 16. Multi-Unit Restoration Using UCLA Abutments
Chapter 17. Multi-Unit Restoration Using Conical Abutments
Chapter 18. Multi-Unit Restoration Alternative Impression Technique Using Transfer Copings (Closed-Tray Technique)
Chapter 19. Troubleshooting
Cover, TIFF (CMYK)

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