Jeffrey S. Rouse, DDS, maintains a full-time private practice in San Antonio, Texas, and is a clinical adjunct associate professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School. He is a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and the American College of Prosthodontists and past president of the Southwest Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Dr Rouse has written numerous journal articles, including a portion of the "Annual Review of Selected Dental Literature" published each summer in the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. In addition, he has contributed chapters on porcelain veneers and anterior ceramic crowns to three editions of a dental textbook. Dr Rouse lectures nationally and internationally on a wide variety of topics ranging from dental esthetics to sleep prosthodontics.
Dr. Ricardo Mitrani erwarb seinen DDS-Abschluss an der Unitec University in Mexiko-Stadt; ein Zertifikat in Prothetik sowie einen Master of Science in Zahnmedizin an der University of Washington, wo er im Jahr 2001 als stellvertretender Direktor des Graduiertenprogramms für Prothetik tätig war. Derzeit hat er akademische Verbindungen zur University of Washington und ist Lehrkraft bei SPEAR Education in Scottsdale, Arizona. Er ist Mitglied mehrerer Organisationen, darunter die American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry und die American Academy of Restorative Dentistry. Er ist Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses des Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (JERD), des Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry (JCD) und des Compendiums sowie Exekutivdirektor von Spear Digest. Dr. Mitrani hat zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Publikationen und Kapitel in Fachbüchern auf den Gebieten der Implantatprothetik und ästhetischen Zahnmedizin verfasst und weltweit über 600 Vorträge gehalten. Er betreibt eine Privatpraxis, die sich auf Prothetik, Implantate und ästhetische Zahnmedizin in Mexiko-Stadt spezialisiert hat.
Douglas G. Benting, DDS, MS, war außerordentlicher Professor in der Fakultät für Restaurative Zahnmedizin an der Universität von Minnesota und außerordentlicher Professor in der prothetischen Abteilung an der Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health und ist derzeit Dozent bei Spear Education. Seine beiden Abschlüsse erwarb er an der University of Minnesota und hat mehrere Artikel für das Journal of Prosthodontics verfasst. Er ist ein Fellow des American College of Prosthodontists und Mitglied des American Board of Prosthodontics. Dr. Benting betreibt eine Privatpraxis in Phoenix, Arizona.
Dr. Winter graduierte 1981 an der Marquette University School of Dentistry und absolvierte 1983 seine Spezialisierung in Prothetik in Milwaukee, Wisconsin am VA Medical Center. Seit 1983 unterhält er eine auf Prothetik fokussierte Privatpraxis, ist Ausbilder bei Spear Education und Miteigentümer von Esthetics by Design, einem kommerziellen Labor, das sich auf schwierige Fälle und hochästhetische Restaurationen spezialisiert hat. Er ist ehemaliger Präsident der American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, der er weiterhin verbunden ist, und ist Mitglied der American Academy of Restorative Dentistry und der American Dental Association. Mit mehr als 900 didaktischen, klinischen und technischen Kursen in über 40 Ländern ist Dr. Winter weltweit als erstklassiger Kliniker, Zahntechniker und Keramikmeister anerkannt. Dr. Winter sitzt in den Gutachtergremien des Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, des International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry und des International Journal of Implant Dentistry. 1991 war er der zweite Empfänger des Gordon Christensen Lecturer Recognition Award for Excellence in der restaurativen Lehre, und 2005 wurde Dr. Winter zum Marquette University School of Dentistry Distinguished Alumni of the Year ernannt. Im Jahr 2018 erhielt Dr. Winter den ersten Distinguished Lecturer Award der renommierten American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Greggory Kinzer erhielt seinen Doctor of Dental Surgery an der Universität von Washington im Jahr 1995 und einen Master of Science in Dentistry sowie die Zertifizierung für Prothetik im Jahr 1998. Dr. Kinzer ist ein international anerkannter Referent, der als Fakultätsvorsitzender und Direktor für Curriculare sowie Campus-Ausbildung am Spear Education Zentrum in Scottsdale, Arizona, tätig ist. Er ist externer Professor für das postgraduierten Programm an der Prothetischen Abteilung der Universität von Washington. Darüber hinaus hat Dr. Kinzer zahlreiche Artikel und Buchbeiträge geschrieben und war Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses für verschiedene zahnmedizinische Publikationen. Dr. Kinzer ist ein begabter Akademiker und Kliniker, der sich der Förderung der Kunst und Wissenschaft der restaurativen Zahnheilkunde verschrieben hat. Sein interdisziplinärer Ansatz in der Zahnheilkunde basiert auf empirisch fundierter Forschung sowie klinischer Erfahrung. Dr. Kinzers einzigartige Fähigkeit, komplexe klinische Prozesse in einer logischen, systematischen und klaren Methodik zu vermitteln, unterscheidet ihn von anderen Lehrern der Zahnheilkunde. Er unterhält eine Privatpraxis in Seattle, spezialisiert auf umfassende restaurative und ästhetische Zahnheilkunde.
Als Mitbegründer und Direktor von Spear Education wird Dr. Spear weiterhin als einer der führenden Ausbilder in ästhetischer und restaurativer Zahnmedizin weltweit anerkannt. Er erwarb seinen zahnmedizinischen Abschluss an der University of Washington im Jahr 1979 und einen M.S.D. in Parodontalprothetik im Jahr 1982. Dr. Spear wurde von zahlreichen Vereinigungen für seine Beiträge zur Zahnmedizin ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 1993 erhielt er den Christensen Award for Excellence in Restorative Education von der Chicago Dental Society. Im Jahr 1995 verlieh ihm die American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry eine besondere Auszeichnung für seinen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Kunst und Wissenschaft der kosmetischen Zahnmedizin in den USA. 1996 erhielt er den Saul Schluger Memorial Award for Excellence in Diagnosis and Treatment Planning vom Seattle Study Club. Im Jahr 2003 wurden er und sein Kollege Vincent G. Kokich mit dem ersten President’s Award für hervorragende Leistungen in der Ausbildung von der American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry ausgezeichnet. Im Jahr 2004 erhielt Dr. Spear den Distinguished Alumnus Award von der Pacific Lutheran University, wo er seinen Bachelor-Abschluss erworben hatte. 2013 wurde er als Distinguished Alumnus der University of Washington School of Dentistry ausgezeichnet. 2018 erhielt er den ersten Charles Pincus-Ronald Goldstein Lifetime Achievement Award in ästhetischer Zahnmedizin von der American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Neben seiner Arbeit bei Spear ist Dr. Spear außerordentlicher Professor im Fachbereich für graduate Prothetikprogramme an der University of Washington. Er und sein Kollege Dr. Greggory Kinzer, ebenfalls Mitglied des Resident Faculty von Spear, betreiben eine Privatpraxis in Seattle, die sich ausschließlich auf Ästhetik und feste Prothetik spezialisiert hat. Neben seinen Aufgaben als Dozent und in der Praxis führt Dr. Spear einen vollen Vortragsplan und hält Fortbildungen in Nordamerika, Europa und Asien ab. Dr. Spear ist Mitglied mehrerer zahnmedizinischer Organisationen, darunter die American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, die American Academy of Restorative Dentistry und das American College of Prosthodontics. Er ist auch ein ehemaliger Präsident der American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.
Jim Janakievski erhielt seinen D.D.S. von der University of Toronto und absolvierte anschließend eine allgemeine Praxisresidenz. Nach mehreren Jahren in der Allgemeinpraxis absolvierte er seine postgraduale Ausbildung an der University of Washington, wo er ein Zertifikat in Parodontologie mit einem M.S.D.-Abschluss und ein Fellowship in Prothetik erwarb. Er begann seine akademische Laufbahn an der University of Washington als stellvertretender Direktor für postgraduale Parodontologie und ist derzeit außerordentlicher assoziierter Professor. Dr. Janakievski ist Diplomat des American Board of Periodontology und Fellow der American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. Er ist Gutachter für mehrere zahnmedizinische Fachzeitschriften und hat auf dem Gebiet der interdisziplinären Zahnmedizin, zahnärztlichen Implantaten und autotransplantierten Zähnen veröffentlicht. Dr. Janakievski unterrichtet an der Spear Education in Scottsdale, Arizona. Darüber hinaus beteiligt er sich an praxisbasierten klinischen Forschungen durch das McGuire Institute. Er führt eine Privatpraxis in Tacoma, Washington.
Dr. Berman, a Maryland-based endodontist of 35 years, serves as an instructor in Spear’s Mastering the Exceptional Specialist Practice – Endodontists workshop. He also develops Spear Study Club modules and other endodontist-focused content for the Spear learning ecosystem. Dr. Berman received his dental degree from the University of Maryland School of Dentistry and his certificate in endodontics from The Albert Einstein Medical Center, a hospital-based endodontic residency program in Philadelphia. He is a clinical associate professor of endodontics at the University of Maryland School and a clinical instructor and guest lecturer at the Einstein Medical Center. He has lectured internationally in the field of endodontics and has been published in several different peer-reviewed dental journals. Dr. Berman is past president of the Maryland State Association of Endodontics and a member of the Journal of Endodontics Scientific Advisory Board. He is senior author for the chapter on diagnosis in the ninth, 10th and current (11th) editions of the leading endodontic textbook, “Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp,” of which he is also the co-editor. He is also senior editor and contributing author of the comprehensive textbook, “Dental Traumatology.”
Dr. Bockow is a board-certified orthodontist and periodontist. She lectures internationally on topics ranging from interdisciplinary treatment planning to airway and sleep disorders, skeletal growth and development, and corticotomy-facilitated orthodontic therapy. Upon completion of her dental degree at the University of Washington School of Dentistry, Dr. Bockow practiced as a general practitioner in the Seattle area for two years. She ultimately decided to return to school and completed her dual training in orthodontics and periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, where she earned her master’s in oral biology during dual residency. Dr. Bockow serves as an instructor in Spear’s Interdisciplinary Treatment of Esthetic Dilemmas seminar and has also served as an affiliate assistant professor at the University of Washington in the Department of Orthodontics. She maintains a private practice in the Seattle area limited to orthodontics and periodontics.
With more than three decades of dental experience, Dr. Bonk is devoted to sharing his knowledge and skills of advanced restorative dentistry. He joined Spear in 2009 as a member of the Anterior Live Patient Faculty and now serves as an instructor in the Restorative Design workshop. In addition to his teaching role with Spear, he works with graduate dentists once a month in the General Practice Residency Program at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, Illinois. He also lectures nationally about advanced restorative dentistry and has mentored participants at The Pankey Institute. Early in his career, Dr. Bonk provided advanced training in the dental specialties of periodontics, oral surgery, and prosthetics, as well as training in hospital medicine and treatment of medically compromised patients during a one-year residency at the Loyola University Medical Center. Dr. Bonk received his D.D.S. from Loyola University School of Dentistry in 1981 and became a designated Pankey Scholar in 2005.
Dr. DeWood is Executive Vice President of Spear Education. As one of the founding members of Spear, he directed Curriculum and Clinical Education for nearly a decade prior to joining in the launch of Spear Practice Solutions. Today, he splits time between teaching and consulting. Dr. DeWood serves as an instructor in multiple Spear Workshops, including Facially Generated Treatment Planning, Occlusion in Clinical Practice, Advanced Occlusion, Sleep Medicine in the Dental Practice and a special focus workshop on temporomandibular disorder. He also maintains a limited private practice on the Spear Campus in Scottsdale, Arizona, and lectures nationally and internationally on practice management, treatment planning, case management, case acceptance, TMD diagnosis, appliance therapy, occlusion, and esthetics. Prior to his contributions at Spear, Dr. DeWood maintained a private restorative general practice with his wife and fellow Spear Resident Faculty member, Dr. Cheryl DeWood, in Pemberville, Ohio, before dedicating most of his time to teaching full time. With 40 years in general dentistry, he provides a unique perspective to the application of the dental principles taught at Spear. He has spent years focused on diagnosing and treating functional occlusal problems and TMD, and as part of that focus completed the craniofacial pain mini-residency at the University of Florida College of Dentistry in the early 1990s. Dr. DeWood served as clinical director at The Pankey Institute from 2003 to 2008. He has held appointments as associate professor at the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry and assistant professor at the University of Toledo College of Medicine. He earned his D.D.S. from Case Western Reserve University in 1980 and an M.S. degree in biomedical sciences from the University of Toledo College of Medicine in 2004.
Dr. DeWood brings more than 35 years of dental wisdom to Spear and the Facially Generated Treatment Planning workshop through her unique experience as both a general practitioner and practicing orthodontist. In addition to her teaching duties at Spear, Dr. DeWood practices orthodontics in Glendale, Arizona, and Bellevue, Washington. After 22 years as a general practitioner in private practice, she chose to pursue an education and career in orthodontics. She has been a practicing orthodontist since 2005 and served as the acting clinic director in the graduate orthodontic program at the University of Tennessee until 2009. Dr. DeWood graduated from Case Western Reserve University in 1980 and received her General Practice Residency certificate in 1981. She earned her master’s in 2002 and a certificate in orthodontics in 2005 from the University of Tennessee and has been board-certified since 2006. She earned her Ph.D. in health policy from the University of Tennessee in 2011.
Dr. Dichter brings nearly 20 years of clinical, research and teaching experience — as a general practitioner and prosthodontist — to his position with Spear. He serves as an instructor in the Treating the Terminal Dentition and Fully Edentulous Patient seminar, in addition to multiple Spear Workshops. Dr. Dichter has served as a guest lecturer and clinical instructor at Oregon Health and Science University School of Dentistry, teaching occlusion and esthetics. He has been a Spear faculty member since the company’s inception, as well as a contributing author for Spear Digest. He is passionate about education and is involved with multiple study groups in the U.S. and Canada. After earning his D.M.D. from OHSU in 1995, Dr. Dichter practiced general dentistry and eventually joined a startup practice in his hometown in coastal Oregon before moving to a practice in Portland. He brought 16 years of restorative dental experience into UCLA’s world-renowned, full-time advanced prosthodontics residency, which he completed in 2014.
After helping to develop Spear Masters Program at its inception, Ms. Fletcher innovated its expansion as product manager and now serves as faculty. She has also served as a Spear Study Club advisor and marketing manager, giving her a deep understanding of Spear’s educational principles. Through the growth of Masters Program, Ms. Fletcher has helped improve curricula for the “Mastering the Exceptional Specialist Practice” workshops for endodontists and surgical specialists, in addition to her numerous contributions to consistently update resources that help Masters Program members strengthen their referral networks and grow their practices. Ms. Fletcher is skilled at developing corporate trainings and has taught continuing education courses in customer service and finance. She earned a master’s degree in workforce education and e-learning prior to earning her Master of Education in adult education and training.
Dr. Gunson graduated from UCLA School of Dentistry, where he also earned his M.D. and specialty certificate in oral and maxillofacial surgery prior to partnering with Dr. G. William Arnett in Santa Barbara, California. Their world-renowned surgical practice is limited to facial esthetics and reconstruction. An instructor in Spear’s Interdisciplinary Treatment of Esthetic Dilemmas seminar, Dr. Gunson examines and treats thousands of patients with esthetic, functional and sleep conditions. His diagnostic process enhances his orthognathic and esthetic surgical treatments that help patients achieve optimal oral health. Dr. Gunson lectures internationally and publishes research on orthognathic surgery, facial esthetics, obstructive sleep apnea and the treatment of TMJ arthritis and condylar resorption.
Dr. McKee has maintained a private practice in Downers Grove, Illinois, since 1984 and has experience treating a wide variety of cases with a focus on predictable restorative dentistry. He is a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and former president of the American Equilibration Society. He has lectured both nationally and internationally for more than 25 years, directs several study clubs and serves as an instructor in Spear’s Demystifying Occlusion seminar. Dr. McKee graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1980 and earned his dental degree from the University of Illinois College of Dentistry in 1984.
Dr. Mendelson is a Spear Resident Faculty member and Spear’s Executive Vice President of Practice Growth. He is responsible for coaching Spear Study Club leaders and Masters Program Members, directs the Spear Faculty Club, and is also the host of the Spear Annual Summit. Prior to joining Spear, Dr. Mendelson spent several years as the director of education at Americus Dental Lab in Clearwater, Fla. This was followed by positions with VITA in North America as their director of professional development and clinical business director. Dr. Mendelson earned his D.D.S. from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, University of Maryland, and maintained a private restorative general practice for almost 10 years before ceasing practice due to chronic pain issues in his hand. Dr. Mendelson has contributed to leading industry publications and has lectured nationally and internationally on color science, dentist/technician communications, and his passion for personal growth through mindset and positive psychology. In 2017, he completed a 300+ hour program to earn his certification as a Certified Professional Coach to better serve our Study Club leaders and Masters Program Members. In 2019, Dr. Mendelson then earned a certification in Positive Psychology/Happiness Studies from Dr. Tal Ben Shahar who is one of the leading authorities in this area.
Ms. Morgan joined Spear in 2018 as Vice President of Consulting Strategy. For more than 25 years as a consultant and trainer, and as former CEO of Pride Institute — a nationally acclaimed, practice management consulting company — she and her teams have revitalized thousands of dental practices using management systems proven to help dentists become more secure, efficient and profitable. Ms. Morgan started working at Pride in 1993 and, through the mentorship of renowned practice management expert Dr. Jim Pride, advanced from serving as a consultant and trainer to leading the organization as chief executive. She led Pride as CEO and owner from 2004 to 2018. A prolific speaker, Ms. Morgan has presented throughout North America and Europe and has been featured at every major dental meeting, including the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry and numerous regional organizations. She has also presented customized programs for various study groups and dental companies. Ms. Morgan is also an active writer and contributes regular practice management articles to Spear Digest. She has published a wide variety of columns and whitepapers in major dental publications, in addition to self-guided training manuals. Her books — like “Leadership Lessons From the Road: Why Bother, We’re All Nuckin’ Futz!,” which is among the best-selling books on dental assisting and practice management — provide real solutions to help doctors and their teams address the daily issues that arise in the evolution of their practices.
Qualified at the Royal London Hospital in 1995; achieving a number of awards including The Constance Klein Memorial, The Stafford Millar, and The Malcolm Jenkins Scholarships, The American Association of Endodontics Prize and the Overall Award for Clinical Dentistry.