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  • Quintessence Publishing USA

Dr. Andreas Bindl PhD

Schweiz, Zürich

Graduated 1994 from Freie University Berlin, started his Doctoral Thesis in that year while attending private practice in Berlin. He also became Research and Clinical Assistant, Division of Esthetic and Computer Restorations (Prof. Dr. W. H. Mörmann), University of Zurich. Between 1994–2005 he attended his Postdoctoral program became Clinical Instructor and Lecturer in Computerized Restorative Dentistry, and Senior Research Fellow, Director Clinic of the Division of Esthetic and Computer Restorations, University of Zurich. In 2006 he was awarded Postdoctoral Lecture Qualification ("Habilitation", Venia Legendi), University of Zurich. Since 2007, Head of the Division of Esthetic and Computer Restorations, Part-time Faculty Member, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Periodontology & Cariology, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, University of Zurich. His main interests are obviously CAD/CAM and all that entails, but also the application of this to Implants and 3D X-ray. He has lectured internationally and has authored many articles with regards to CAD/CAM.




Zeitschriftenbeiträge dieses Autors

News dieses Autors
Mai 19, 2023

Chairside Quadrantensanierung: Materialwahl bei eingeschränkten Platzverhältnissen

Durch die Fortschritte beim Scannen, beim CAD/CAM-Design und neue Materialien können substanzschonende, hochästhetische Restaurationen chairside gefertigt werden