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  • KVM Verlag
Frank Schwarz

Treatment concept for peri-implantitis or intervention in severe peri-implant infection

35 Minutes

Category: Periodontics, Surgery
Language(s): English, German
Publication year: 2020
Video source: Dental Video Journal
Series: Dental Video Journal

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Behandlungskonzept bei einer Periimplantitis oder Intervention einer schweren periimplantären Infektion

Frank Schwarz

Length: 35 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Categories: Periodontics, Surgery
available since: 15. Dec 2020


Sofortimplantation mit simultaner Knochenrekonstruktion und Bindegewebeaugmentation in Tunneltechnik

Robert Nölken

Length: 48 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Categories: Surgery, Implantology
available since: 15. Dec 2020


Immediate implant placement with simultaneous bone reconstruction and connective-tissue augmentation using the tunneling technique

Robert Nölken

Length: 48 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: English, German
Series: Dental Video Journal
Categories: Surgery, Implantology
available since: 15. Dec 2020


Wo liegen die Grenzen der vertikalen Knochenaugmentation?

Istvan Urban

Length: 33 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Category: Surgery
available since: 19. Oct 2020


Where are the Limits in Vertical Bone Augmentation?

Istvan Urban

Length: 33 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: English, German
Series: Dental Video Journal
Category: Surgery
available since: 19. Oct 2020


Sofortimplantation in Oberkiefer-Molarenextraktionsalveole

Robert Nölken

Length: 36 minutes
Production year: 2020
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Categories: Implantology, Surgery
available since: 19. Oct 2020

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Stiftstumpfaufbau mit dem Core&Post System

Robert Nölken

Length: 14 minutes
Production year: 2008
Language: German, English
Series: Dental Video Journal
Category: Prosthodontics
available since: 8. May 2009

Verblendkeramik: Indikation und Verarbeitung

Length: 5 minutes
Production year: 2007
Language: German
Source: Basiswissen Zahntechnik 2.0
Category: Dental Technology
available since: 16. Feb 2012


Posição do implante e estética

Wolfgang Bengel / Michael-Kurt Prüfert

Length: 2 minutes
Production year: 2011
Language: Portuguese, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian
Source: Dental Explorer Video Edition
Categories: Implants, Dental Explorer Video Edition
available since: 1. Jul 2011